Poszukuje w miare kompletnej listy komend dostepnych w WoW. Jesli ktos gdzies nasmarowal juz taka lub zna jakas stronke z w miare kompletna lista to niech da znac.
Puki co udalo mi sie znalezc tylko to, ale napewno nie ma tu wszystkiego co mozna wklepac
. Z gory dzieki.
/assist [name] - Assist your target or the named unit if specified
/cast name - Cast the named spell, which may include the rank in parenthesis
/afk [message] - Toggle yourself as "away from keyboard"
/dnd [message] - Toggle yourself as "do not disturb"
/duel [name] - Request a duel with your target, or the named unit if specified
/yield - Surrender to your opponent in a duel
/emote message - Emote the message (e.g. /emote picks his nose -> [slouken] picks his nose)
/follow - Automatically move to follow your current target
/guild message - Send the message to your guild chat
/ignore name - Toggle ignoring the named unit
/inspect - Inspect your target
/invite [name] - Invite your target or the named unit to your group
/join name - Join (or create) the named chat channel
/leave name - Leave the named chat channel
/logout - Sit down and logout
/ffa - Set "free for all" loot policy
/master name - Set the named unit to be the master looter
/roundrobin - Set "round robin" loot policy
/party message - Send the message to your party chat
/played - Show how much time your character has been online
/pvp - Enable PvP for the next 5 minutes
/raid message - Send the message to your raid chat
/random [num] - Roll a random number between 1 and 100, or between 1 and num if num is specified
/reply message - Send the message to the last player to whisper to you
/say message - Send the message to people around you
/target name - Target the named unit
/time - Show the current game time
/trade - Initiate a trade with your target
/uninvite name - Remove the named unit from your group
/whisper name message - Whisper the message to the named unit
/who - List the players around your level in the current zone