To ja wkleje pewna wypowiedz z która pomogła mi przejżeć na oczy co do niektórych talentów shammiego. Moze wam sie też przyda

Just my 2 cents.
Restoration tree
People are generally against the Improved Healing Wave talent which reduces the casting time of
your healing wave spell by up to .5 seconds. when maxed, this talent reduces the casting time
of your big heal to 2.5 seconds from 3 seconds.
It's often suggested to pick Tidal Focus instead. Tidal Focus reduces the mana cost of your
healing spells by a total of 5%.
Well, at level 60, your best Lesser Healing Wave costs 380 mana. If you have Tidal Focus maxed
you save 5% or 19 mana. If you use the best Healing wave spell we get, at level 56, that costs 615 mana to cast. A 5% savings on that spell equals 30 mana.
I then did a search on Allakhazam for Shaman who are level 60. I sorted it by hit points from highest to lowest. I then calculated an average based on the top 20. The average mana pool for that sample is 4624. So, if you pick Tidal Focus and spend 5 points in it, at level 60, you will save 19 mana when you cast Lesser Healing Wave. This equates to one half of one percent of your total mana. For your big heal, it will save about 7/10th's of a percent of your total mana. Weeeeee
Therefore, Tidal Focus is worthless.
Is Improved Healing Wave good? No. Is it better than Tidal Focus? I think so. That half a second you save is not great, but it may make a difference once in a blue moon in the middle of some fight.
Ancestral healing. People often recommend this Talent. When maxed it increases your target's armor value by 25%. On my 45 Shaman, when this spell took effect, my armor went up from approximately 2700 (with shield) to 3470. I then held the mouse cursor over my new armor value, and it said "Damage reduction against a level 45 attacker is reduced by 44%. Without the spell, my armor normally reduce damage by 39%. So, by spending 5 points in this Talent, when it goes off, it will reduce damage taken by 5% for a total of 15 seconds. Woo wee. Much powa.
Totemic Focus. If maxed, saves you 10 percent on your totems. Again, at level 60, you drop a Searing Totem in a 1v1 pve encounter. Spell normally costs 265 to cast, you save 26 points out of a mana pool that on average is 4.6k..... worthless. Or you drop a Stoneclaw Totem Rank 6, normally costs 170 mana, you save'd have to drop this totem 10 times in a fight to save enough mana to be able to drop an 11th totem for free. Totemic Focus is Worthless.
Enhancement Tree
Ancestral Knowledge, increases your maximum mana by 5%. Let's say you have 4500 mana at level 60, and respec to put points into this Talent. Voila, you theoretically now have 4725 mana. The extra
225 mana would allow you to cast an extra crappy spell such as Healing Stream Totem or a Natures Resistance Totem. It would not allow you to cast an extra useful spell such as your rank 7 Earth shock spell which costs 450 mana to cast. It also wouldn't allow you to cast an extra Windfury Weapon spell because that costs 530 to cast.
Ancestral Knowledge worth much? Nope. I know this is fairly obvious but some people seem to insist that an extra 5% is an extra 5%. Sure, that's true, but it doesn't mean it's worthwhile, and it's not.
Improved Lightning Shield. 3 points in it and it gives your shield an extra 15% damage when struck. The highest level LS we can cast is Rank 7, Obtained at level 56. It's base damage is 198. Adding 15% to that gives us approximately 30 more damage per hit. 3 hits on the shield and the person has taken an additional 90 damage.
I calculated the average hitpoints for level 60 Warriors based on info at Allakhazam. They average 4800 points. If a warrior hits you 3 times, and you've spent 3 points in Improved LS, he'll take an addtional 90 points of damage, or about 1.8% of his total hitpoints. Let's say the fight goes for a while, and you cast LS 3 times and he hits your LS 9 times in total. He will have taken an extra 5.4% in damage. In terms of mana, it will have cost you 1110 to cast those 3 Lightning Shields.
That doesn't address the issue of your likehood of being alive after 9 hits from a 60 warrior. 43ish Warrior friend of mine says he normally hits for 300. Not sure what a 60 warrior hits for on average but I'm not sure I want to be standing around hoping my lightning shield is going to wear him down.
So I'm not convinced that ILS is a worthwhile talent.
Seems to me that we have lots of crappy talents. Talents that are marginal at best. Talents such as Tidal Focus, Totemic Focus, Eventide, Purification, Ancestral Knowledge, Shield Spec, Etc.
We seem to have a few Key Talents that we design builds around, these are Natures Swiftness, Thundering Strikes/Flurry/Parry etc.
After looking at my Talent options for the last few hours, I may respec at some point and grab Improved Healing Wave instead of Tidal Focus. Unfortunately, for some Talent choices, the other options are just as worthless so I might as well flip a coin.