Xanth napisał(a):
Koniec respeca i duzy update. Prawdopodobnie juz pub17 (mam nadzieje, mogliby uaktualnic patch notes)
Niestety nie. Ale wystarczy wejsc na forum w Announcements i przeczytac, ze:
On Tuesday, May 24th, 2005 at 4:00 AM PDT all servers will be taken down for maintenance. During this maintenance we will be running a database conversion to fix the following issues:
* Fixed the following problems with converted armor crates and also with armor already pulled from these converted crates
o Armor pulled from converted crates did not have correct general protection values (they were too low)
o Assault and Recon armor pulled from converted crates did not have correct energy and kinetic bonuses and penalties
o Armor pulled from converted crates were not having the proper scripts attached.
* Corrected a problem with Nightsister Armor Layers, RIS Armor Layers and Dragonet Armor Segments not showing the proper health bonus
* Removed incorrect additional modifiers from converted weapon components
* Corrected the weapon speed on converted grenade crates and grenades pulled from those crates
* Fixed a problem where the attack cost on converted lightsabers were getting set to 0
We are expecting all servers to return to service by 8:00 AM PDT. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.
Wszystko staje sie jasne.