Affliction Talents (0 points)
Demonology Talents (30 points)
Demonic Embrace - 5/5 points
Increases your total Stamina by 15%, but reduces your total Spirit by 5%.
Improved Imp - 3/3 points
Increases the effect of your Imp's Firebolt, Fire Shield, and Blood Pact spells by 30%.
Improved Healthstone - 2/2 points
Increases the amount of Health restored by your Healthstone by 20%.
Improved Voidwalker - 3/3 points
Increases the effectiveness of your Voidwalker's Torment, Consume Shadows, Sacrifice, and Suffering spells by 30%.
Improved Succubus - 3/3 points
Increases the effect of your Succubus' Lash of Pain and Soothing Kiss spells by 30%, and increases the duration of your Succubus' Seduction and Lesser Invisibility spells by 30%.
Fel Domination - 1/1 point
Your next Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, or Felhunter Summon spell has its casting time reduced by 5.5 seconds and its Mana cost reduced by 50%.
Unholy Power - 5/5 points
Increases the damage done by your Voidwalker, Succubus, and Felhunter's melee attacks by 20%.
Master Summoner - 2/2 points
Reduces the casting time of your Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, and Felhunter Summoning spells by 4 seconds and the Mana cost by 40%.
Demonic Sacrifice - 1/1 point
When activated, sacrifices your summoned demon to grant you an effect that lasts 30 minutes. The effect is cancelled if any Demon is summoned.
Imp: Increases your Fire damage by 15%.
Voidwalker: Restores 3% of your total Health every 4 seconds.
Succubus: Increases your Shadow damage by 15%.
Felhunter: Restores 2% of your total Mana every 4 seconds.
Master Demonologist - 5/5 points
Grants both the Warlock and the summoned demon an effect as long as that demon is active.
Imp - Reduces threat caused by 20%.
Voidwalker - Reduces physical damage taken by 10%.
Succubus - Increases all damage caused by 10%.
Felhunter - Increases all resistances by 1.0 per level.
Destruction Talents (21 points)
Improved Shadow Bolt - 5/5 points
Your Shadow Bolt critical strikes increase the next 4 sources of Shadow damage dealt to the target by 20%. Effect lasts a maximum of 12 seconds.
Bane - 5/5 points
Reduces the casting time of your Shadow Bolt and Immolate spells by 0.5 seconds.
Aftermath - 3/5 points
Gives your Destruction spells a 6% chance to daze the target for 5 seconds.
Devastation - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Destruction spells by 5%.
Destructive Reach - 2/2 points
Increases the range of your Destruction spells by 20%.
Ruin - 1/1 point
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Destruction spells by 100%.
To moj build oparty na destruction i demonology.Narazie czysto teoretyczny gdyz warlocka mam na 30 lv.Teraz gdy mam na to czas (koniec abonamentu

)zastanawiam sie czy jest sens grac warlockiem na pvp servach.Co prawda na 60 lv warlockow jest malo i o intemy raczej latwiej niz naprzyklad roguowi albo shamanowi.Tyle ze w pvp warlock stal sie malo sensowny od czasu jakis smiesznych trinketow przeciw fear.Narazie mam mentlik w glowie i nie mam pojecia czy oplaca sie dalej robic warlocka.