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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 09:30 
Opiekun musimy bcnm zaczac wczesniej ... duzo wczesniej lub po kirinach, na 10 est umowieni jestesmy z blue na bombe.
Sorki wielkie wodzu za to :<

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 09:32 
Chcemy tylko bombe zabić i ludki są wolni - to zajmie 15 min. Taktyka jest znana. Mam nadzieję że się uda.

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 10:50 
Po chuj sie umawiacie z Blue w czasie gdy mamy zaplanowane co innego??

Bomba zajmuje malo czasu i spokojnie ja mozna zrobic po kirinie, niezaleznie od tego o ktorej sie skonczy.

BCNM x 4 to 2h.

To nie chdzi tylko o mnie. Xavery sie zaloguje pewnie specjalnie na ten BCNM (wcale nie jest latwo w niedziele wstawac tak wczesnie). Ancover sobie tez tak dzien ulozyla, ze ma byc w domu na 15...

Lekko to niepowazne.


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 14:25 
nie nie mozemy isc po Kirinie niezaleznie o ktorej sie skonczy - nie bede siedziec X godzin i czekac :/

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 14:26 
Problem sam sie rozwiazal:

miazdzyk Xav znow zapomnial, ze bylismy umowieni. :)

A juz sie nastawialem na ostry konflikt. :D

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 17:05 
Grats zwyciestwa!

Kiedy bombe dla mnie robimy?

Nie ma mnie jutro miedzy 15 a 22. Od srody do piatku mam z 30% szans na wyjazd sluzbowy.

Poza tym kazdy termin mi pasuje.

Ostatnio edytowano 14 sie 2005, 22:28 przez mrynar, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 18:16 
i dla mnie i dla mnie :D

grats grats

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 19:20 
Cały static 1 potrzebuje bombę Sai.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 22:29 
Pobilismy rekord w walce dla mnie! :) Bomba chyba nie wiedziala co sie dzieje. :D


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2005, 22:59 
fajna walka :D

zdazylam uzyc Mijin Gakure - dobilam Snoll Tzara 586 dmg ;)

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 11:24 
CHAPTER 6 - Echoes of Time

M6-1 (For Whom the Verse is Sung):
After you finished all 3 parts of Chapter 5, you can go to Ru'Lude Garden to start Chapter 6. Talk with Pherimorciel in the Guard room for a cutscene.

Now go to Upper Jeuno and click on the door of the Tavern for another cutscene.

M6-2 (A Place to Return):
Go to Ru'Lude Garden again for another Cutscene to start 6.2, proceed to the palace for the next cutscene.
Now head to Misareaux Coast and touch the gate at I-11 to spawn 3 NM Detectors, kill them and click the gate again for a cutscene.

Easy with a party, probably not soloable by anyone

M6-3 (More Questions than Answers):
Talk to Pherimociel (Guard Room) in Ru Lude Gardens. After this go upstairs and click on the Audience Chamber door.
Next step is to go to Selbina and talk with Mathilde (Weavers' Guild).

M6-4 (One to be Feared)
Head over to Bastok Metalworks and talk to Cid.

Omega & Ultima:
Now prepare for a long 3-Step BC fight (Level 60) in Sealions Den, with a total time limit of 45 Minutes. If you fail at any point, you will have to start over. If you manage to win one part, you will be fully healed (apart from dead people) and the amount of time left will be stated.

Part One: 5 Mammets
Yes, it's the old fellows from COP 2-5, just not 3 but 5 this time, on the other hand, you'll be Level 60 and they are still the same level. The Arena where you fight is quite small, so there isnt really any room for kiting. Try to make short work of 1-2 of them, and use Shadowbind / Bind to buy you some extra time (Yellow Liquid works the same way as in 2-5). Do NOT use 2 Hours during this part, if you have any deaths causing major downtimes, i advise leaving the arena and starting over. Once you win, you ll be fully healed, and send to the next airship, where you can recover.

Part Two: Omega
Now you ll face an old friend, that many people will probably know: Omega! And let me tell you, he can be quite nasty. Watch out for when he jumps in the air and lands, it will wipe all shadows on your Ninja tanks, apart from that he has some Attacks like Guided Missile, that seems to be Conical, but doesnt go through Shadows. Another one is a Status Absorb on all Attributes, which doesnt pierce Shadows either, he picks up speed at which he spamms TP attacks at around 50%, his HP isnt that high, but it should take you around around 10 minutes for this guy. He can cause a variety of Status effects, including Petrify. (Having one WHM is advised, you ll NEED Stona and Erase at some point) Try to have Reraise on all party members, to reduce downtime in case of multiple death. Once you win, you ll be teleported to the next Airship and fully healed.
Make sure you have about 10-15 Minutes left at the Minimum before you proceed, if you have less time left, you wont be able to win.

Part Three: Ultima
He is big, he is bad, he is ugly. Ultima. Apart from that, he takes it a little slower than Omega, he likes to use his TP for buffing his Defense, which is good, his HP is very High, and so is his Defense. (Sidewinder hitting for around 330). Among his TP attacks are Damage Attacks like Flamethrower, Antimatter (600 dam thru shadows, only used it at the end), Toxical Waste (Random Status effect + Damage i think) and also can inflict Slow+Elegy with one TP attack, both need to be erased, as they cant be countered by Haste, he can also inflict a strong poison. The critical point seems to be at 50% and shortly before he dies, he absolutely went insane with TP Attacks then. In between we was rather harmless, and it should be just a matter of time to take down his huge HP.

In case you win, you will be send back to Sealions Den where you will start Chapter 7.

We went with NIN,NIN,RNG,RNG,WHM,BLM which worked quite well

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 11:35 
Steps :

1. Make ASAP talks before Detectors NM Fight.

2. We need garher to Beat NM Detectors - Today 21 CET / 5 PM EST ?

3. Farming Time - We need CCB Polymer :) To Get CCB Polymer we need Farm chip from Pso'Xja

4 Chip Quest :

Cid (Cid's Lab, Metalworks) You've learned from the Tenshodo that Chief Cid is collecting rare color chips found in the ruins of Pso'Xja. Bring him a set of three (one carmine chip, one gray chip, and one cyan chip) to receive your reward.

* Go to Neptune's Spire Inn in Lower Jeuno and speak with Ghebi Damomohe behind the counter @ (I-7).

You must now go to Pso'Xja to obtain a Gray, Cyan, and Carmine chip.

Uncapped: Tower Entrance @ (F-7) in Beaucedine Glacier

* From Beaucedine Glacier enter Pso'Xja @ (F-7).
* On the first level only Diremites drop chips, but they are the weakest monsters here so if you are soloing (60+) or have a small group it is recommended that you do not drop down any holes to the lower floors. Only 2 Diremites spawn here, so hunting a chip may take a while.
* All diremites and lizards on the second floor and below can drop chips, but these are much tougher monsters.

Uncapped: Tower Entrance @ (G-9) in Beaucedine Glacier

* From Beaucedine Glacier enter Pso'Xja @ (G-9).
* Fake Treasure Chests are located on all levels inside this tower and can drop cyan chips.

Chips Confirmed Droppers
Carmine Chip Snow Lizard
Cyan Chip Treasure Chest
Gray Chip Diremite, Diremite Assaulter, Diremite Dominator

* Once you have all three chips take them to Cid @ (H-8) inside Cid's Lab in Bastok Metalworks.

5. BCNM ...

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 12:04 
I think we can farm chips solo or in small groups - it won't be so hard.
Detectors are easy too but if you wish we can try today :)

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 12:11 
I think I have a cyan chip still. And btw. Lets not overdone and spend weak in Pso'Xja farming chips, Polymer is useful but not needed for victory, so we can go with 2, max 3 of them.

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 13:20 
Gokulo napisał(a):
I think I have a cyan chip still. And btw. Lets not overdone and spend weak in Pso'Xja farming chips, Polymer is useful but not needed for victory, so we can go with 2, max 3 of them.

Polymer block TP regen nad specjal atack from biomechanical robots.
Omgea and ultima start spaming spcjal at 50% like other ENM enemy from CoP. This can help survive and buy time - time is key for this fight, we have 45 min for this task, if our tank die - remeber we have only one tank in party, we prob fail with time, evry time tank die we lost 5 min for weakned, and one more thing, last wepon is not aggro, so if we wipe and we have time for this team can be reraised, unweakned and finish battle, weapon do not regenerate self.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 13:24 
It blocks his special attack for some time but thats all.. He still attacks normally, its not like those polymer give us a super long break. And Ultima spams attack at 50% and at @5% and not for the whole time from 50%. I just don't want to spend weeks farming chips... They are pretty rare and we would need alot of them. Really I think 2-3 is enough, so we can use them at those critical moment when they spam.

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 13:29 
Rare ?? What are you talking :D You can get one in 30mins even from mobs on the top of uncapped tower... I think we should get them all.
Someone told us we dont need salt, siredons, they were usefull!!!
So i think polymer is usefull too. And pls someone check if we can use yellow liquid for mammets.

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 13:42 
Yes we can use liquids. And yes, 1 in 30 min is rare when you see how much we actually need. And yes it is useful, but it doesn't mean its a "must have". I dont say we shouldnt get them at all. Just that we should over do with them.
And no one said that we dont need salt, only Stok did at some point after the first fight ;)

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 13:54 
Blah Blah Blah :P
I need only 2 chips, and i don't think it is so time consuming :)

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2005, 15:07 
With time and progress in CoP Task / Fight i can say only one :
There is no chance be to much prepared, have to good equipment and have to much care tactics :)

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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