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Posty: 201
Dołączył(a): 21.03.2002
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:39 
skopiowalem go z ubi forums niech trigg sie wypowie ja nigdy nie gralem thiefem

Grammaton Clerics guide to the Dex Thief



Starting Runes

Hearty +5 Con, +5 Max Con

Lighting Reflexes +10 Dex, +10 Max Dex

Lucky +5% to defense rating

Military Training +5 to Light Armor Skill.

At creation take out 5 points in Strength, Intelligence, and Spirit.


Wear Light Armor Take this skill to its cap. It should cap around 130%

Dagger Take this skill to its cap. It should cap around 150%

Dodge Take this skill to 90%. You have lower int so your passive defense will be less effective. This is a good skill for those “trains I don’t know how to spend.”

Running Take this skill to 80%~90%. After testing this multiple times this is a good medium for your run skill. After 85% the point to movement speed ration takes a dive and is often over trained.

Dagger Mastery Take this skill to 130%. You will have the points to spike this up and still have some for dodge. Going over your min amount needed for skills allows you to raise your defense up.


Bounty Hunter This will grant you the track ability which is invaluable to a thief. It comes at no cost. It will also grant you the ability to train a power called “trip.” It is a 0 range level 20 snare. For this build I wouldn’t suggest taking it.

Hunstman This is another Discipline that will allow you to have the track ability. It grants you a sub par pet and the ability to use a bow. This would be the preferred rune to take because you can wield a siege bow for those 4 a.m. parties.
Choose only one of those disciplines to gain the track ability.

Traveller Not so useful on the Dalgoth mapset but it is good on the Aerynth one and same with Vorringia.

Rat Catcher This is your signature as a thief. Put one point into plague. Plague is a great skill when soloing high health regen characters such as barbarian, crusaders, and warriors. This is often a calling card skill after a big steal you can celebrate your triumph by dropping the plague on someone.


Hide Grandmaster this skill. Will allow you to hide in less then one second.

Sneak Grandmaster this skill. Allows for a nice stealth ability with a very low movement speed penalty. It’s were you will spend the majority of your time.

Peek Grandmaster this skill. After all you are a thief and you are going to be stealing things. This skill will allow you to peek into another player or mobiles inventory. Pick your targets wisely.

Backstab Grandmaster this skill. This grants you the ability to deliver an often fatal blow to a sitting victim. It gives you a style like attack rating boost as well as a Direct Damage modifier.

Steal Grandmaster this skill. This will allow you to take something from another player or mobiles inventory while you have them peeked. Be careful this will break your stealth. It can be done unstealthed, in hide, or in sneak.

Plague Put 1 point into this. It will give you the ability to give someone -51% health regen for 3600 seconds. The only two things that can get rid of plague are couterspells and death.

Open (traveler) Gate Put 5 points into one elemental gate. Earth, water, fire, or air gate. Grants you the ability to travel around rune gates.


Rakish Jab This weapon style will expose your target to piercing for 20 seconds. Gives you a +50% attack bonus and a +25% damage bonus.

Grimtooth Weapon power and attack speed debuff. This will decrease your targets attack speed against you. Gives you a +100% attack bonus and a +25% damage bonus.

Murderer’s Kiss Weapon power and attack debuff. This will decrease your targets attack rating by -41%. It lasts 20 seconds. Gives you a +50% attack bonus and a +50% damage bonus.

Torturer’s Scalpel Weapon power and attack debuff. This will decrease your targets attack rating by -41%. It lasts 20 seconds. Gives you a +100% attack bonus and a +50% damage bonus.

Bloody Slice Weapon power and bleeding damage. Will make you target bleed. Gives you a +75% attack bonus.

Thousand Cuts Weapon power and bleeding damage. Will make you target bleed. Gives you a +100% attack bonus and a +50% damage bonus.

High end Runes and Stats

Take a 35 dex when a high enough level.

At level 59 or 60 since that is the typical place to slow leveling down at, your attribute point spread should look like this:

Strength: base no points added
Dexterity: 175 after rune application (capped out)
Constitution: 95 (capped out)
Intelligence: 77~(all left over points go here to raise your skill caps)
Spirit: base no points added.


It’s ever good thieves pride to have the best possible equipment there is available. This is another area that may differ from player to player depending on their play style. For this build it is pretty standard and can be easily obtained with a bit of motivation.

Amulet: Emerald Amulet of the Celerity. Gives you +10 Dex, +10 Dex, +30% stamina recovery.

Rings: Emerald of the Shaper. Gives you +10 Dex, +10 Con, +30% stamina recovery.

Armor: Helm, Chest, Legs, and Arms +8 defense, +40 health

Gloves: +10 Dex, +8 Defense

Boots: +15% movement speed, +8 defense

Daggers: Warlords Fanged Daggers of the Slaughter. +150 Attack, +9 damage, +6 Max Damage


Stealing There is three types of stealing. They are xp farming, city camping, and scamming. To each their own with picking what you want or all three. Going with the most lucrative would be the best.

Xp Farming is the easiest to learn and be very effective at. Simply find a group xping and apply some tips from here. When you first approach the group check your track for scouts if not done so before hand. Stam up. Con everyone on track to get an idea of who might be holding what. Most often your large tanks will be holding the most loot. Peek every member of the group right off the bat starting with the looters. Take note of un-id magics. If you come across a rune or contract steal at once. Once you have gotten a feel of the items go back and start stealing. Typically rings are better then amys. Magic boots and gloves have priority over jewelry. Steal gold last. If you are having problems peeking someone and worried about being noticed wait for some good combat spam to happen and peek, most likely they will not notice the detect. Develop your own style.

City Camping This can be both lucrative and a hassle. Before entering the city check track for scouts. Once you have entered peek everyone standing around. Watch for people making patterned movements from shop to shop. If someone is just running to the front of a shop, stopping for about two minutes, running to the next shop, stopping for two minutes they are paying maintenance or rolling items. Stock them for a while and see what you come up with. If you are a regular try and find information as to what days maintenance has to be put on the buildings and such. If you don’t have much to do there is always just brusar camping. Wait for people to come bank then peek them. A lot of times people are dueling inside cities. This can be both benefit and a sure fire way to get caught. Watch for people to proc/hone their weapons. Only steal if it’s a good weapon. Don’t steal it just to do it. They are going to notice and probably get a scout on.

Scamming This is a controversial topic. I would suggest sticking to the business end of things, but you are a thief. It’s in your nature to desire other people’s belongings. Use wit to get what you want.


In player vs. player combat you have many style chains you can develop to give you a supreme advantage over the next player. You have GM dagger powers learn them very well and how they stack up with the weapons you are using. Typically, when fighting you should be in defensive stance until you have assessed your enemy. When in a standard 1 vs. 1 situation start off with your first attack debuff. Next open them up with Rakish Jab this will drop their resistance a good amount. Next you have your choice to either go with Thousand Cuts or Grimtooth. Always use a style with a +100% attack modifier when you have just used Rakish Jab. It increases your chance to hit them while they are exposed. Basically you want to keep them attack debuffed the entire time. So chain those. A rule of thumb is when the recast timer is up on one style the next one. Cycle between those two. Refresh your rakish jab every 20 seconds. If you watch you can see the combat message letting you know it was warn off. Develop a style you feel good with and improve from there.

Next great type is the buddy team. This is when you and another thief happen to be teamed up either working over some groups for loot or just out pking. Always locate the scout when working with a buddy. If one man gets popped he runs, not away but fast enough to draw the scout out. 9 times out of 10 the scout will follow by himself since his detect has worn off. The other should be stealthed following. Once a bit away from the main group let him have it. Have the open man drop a Rakish Jab on him then hit him with backstab. Develop teamwork and weapon styling techniques between each other.

The last thing to add about Player versus Player combat is that you have GM evasion. Learn to love it. It really is your 60 second invuln from melee. Don’t just pop it right away save it for the right moment.


Thieves are the most versatile class in Shadowbane. You can be melee, a stealer, or just a chump. Make a name for yourself. What’s being a thief with out a reputation? Get the best gear for yourself. Develop a unique style. Get to know other thieves. Any thief out there will more then likely strike up a conversation with you. Pay attention to everything when you are on the prowl you never know when that pot of gold is about to fall into your lap. On your way out of a rough situation that you were successful in don’t be afraid to give up the /shout BLNT!

"Cały ten festiwal jest dziwny. Filmy są dziwne - podczas oglądania trzeba o nich myśleć" - B.Spears o Festiwalu Filmowym Sundance


Posty: 24059
Dołączył(a): 6.04.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 11:02 

Intelligence: 77~(all left over points go here to raise your skill caps)

co to znaczy? Podbijając inteligencję zwiększam cap na moje skille. Skille w znaczeniu dex/con czy skille w znaczeniu dodge/daggery, czy skille w znaczeniu backstab/Rakish Jab? cholerka mając 20int mam GM w niektórych skillach już teraz (hide, sneak, steal itd.)...


Posty: 137
Dołączył(a): 18.04.2002
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 11:31 
jak masz wiecej int podbijasz cap takich skillz jak:
daggers/LA/MA/HA/dodge itp ...

tylko powyzej zdaje sie 125 nie ma sensu czasami podbijac niektorych skilli bo zlicza 2x availible points w zamian za 1 punkt skilla

oczywiscie jak idziesz w max def czy max attack rating to musowo bijesz na maxa te skille

dobry template to podstawa ;)


Posty: 858
Dołączył(a): 29.04.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 12:19 
no dobry klasyczny template na stealing thiefa.
marek ty mowisz o powers, a int podbija skills (weapon, mastery, armor, dodge,parry,running etc etc)
w obecnym dodatku rozwazylbym wziecie saboteur runa ktory daje untrackability na 5 minut - nieocenione dla thiefa.



Posty: 24059
Dołączył(a): 6.04.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 12:29 
jak działa ten tracking? Widzisz blue doty w większym promieniu?
Może ktoś opisać, na co mam konkretnie uważać i jakich miejsc unikać jak jestem w stealth (GM).

Ja dzisiaj twardo farmuję Bounty Huntera. Jak nie będzie scouta to nawet jak będzie sporo camperów powinienem zninjalootować/ukraść i spłynąć.. Tylko muszę wiedzieć co mi PRAKTYCZNIE daje sneak/hide.


Posty: 201
Dołączył(a): 21.03.2002
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 12:45 
hide sneak daje ci to ze cie nikt nie widzi oporcz scouta

a track musisz zobaczyc :) ciezko opisac
znaczy nie widzisz gosci na minimapie ale pojawia ci sie lista ludkow ktorzy sa w poblizu mozesz jednego wybrac i go "trackowac"
jak go "wtrackujesz" to widzisz strzalke nad glowa ktora ci pokazuje w jakim kierunku od ciebie jest "wytrackowany" gosc, wiec to nie jest tak ze "wytrackowanego" masz na widelcu IMO super rozwiazanie tracka

"Cały ten festiwal jest dziwny. Filmy są dziwne - podczas oglądania trzeba o nich myśleć" - B.Spears o Festiwalu Filmowym Sundance


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 16:56 
[ot] Sa jeszcze jakies msg boardy z fajnymi templatami oprocz oficjalnych (boardow)? Moje bookmarki sie lekko zdeaktualizowaly...


Posty: 858
Dołączył(a): 29.04.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 17:29 
Byl fajny owange build na wererat xbow thief ale to tylko dla human/shade.
Ja sie zastanawiam na SD thiefem - 2 pb 3 stuny attack speed buff, ale nie chce mi sie respecowac ;]

Jesli chodzi o track.
Jak wlaczysz track to ci sie pojawia okienko z przesuwalna lista graczy w zasiegu tracka.
Zasieg tracka jest dosc spory znacznie wiekszy od minimapy. widzisz imie i cresta postaci. Mozesz wybrac jednego z nich i zaczac aktywnie trackowac kolo glowy pojawi ci sie strzalka wskazujaca kierunek w ktorym sie znajduje, nie pokaze ci jednak odleglosci jesli to nie stlather to ci sie poakze w koncu na minimapie jako blue dot - jesli to stelather jedyny sposob to "trinagluacja" halsowac troche na jedna i druga strone jesli strzalka odchyla sie coraz mocniej oznacza to ze jest coraz blizej - oczywiscie on tez moze stosowac sztuczki w poruszaniu sie i zaczyna sie zabawa w berka.
Jak jestes kolo kogos i widzisz ze sie pochyla do przodu i robi reka taki daszek nad oczyma - tzn ze widzi cie na tracku i zaczyna aktywnie trackowac. Generalnie najwiekeszy wrog thiefa to scout - nie dosc ze ma precyzyjny gm track to moze zobaczyc i revealowac stealtherow.
inni jesli beda w stanie potracku ocenic ze jestes bardzo blisko moga probowac AOE dmg - nie widza cie, nie moga cie stargetowac ale jak trafisz na jakikolwiek dmg aoe to wychodzisz ze stleath - nastepna rzecz ktora sproboja to jakis dot zebys sie nie restealthowal. Kazde inne aoe ktore nie robi dmg debuffy, stuny dzialaja na rogue ale niewyciagaja go ze stealth'a.

Jesli chodzi o hide/stealth
hide na gm pozwala sie stealthnac blyskawicznie w ciagu 1-2 sekund,
ale nie pozwala sie ruszyc z miejsca, natomiast gmowanie sneak'a nie pozwala castowac go szybciej tylko zmniejsza speed penalty za stealth do -10 %. Wiec generalnie taktyka zawszewyglada tak castujemy hide zebny znikac i od razu castujemy sneak ktory castuje sie 10 sekund ale pozwala sie sie poruszac w stealth - to jest taki minus dla rogue inni maja szanse na swoje aoe zanim im uciekniesz.


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Posty: 12370
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2002
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 20:58 
kon tu masz fajne template , nie wszystkie dzialaja ale warto zerknac

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