2H Weapon damage calculations of instant attacks minus the bonuses from Overpower/MS. Semi-random choice of weapons. No guarantees on correctness of math

Assuming 980AP/70DPS bonus.
1. Rank14: 294 + (70 * 3.8 ) = 560
2. Sulfuras: 298 + (70 * 3.7) = 557
3. Unstoppable Force: 234 + (70 * 3.8 ) = 500
4. Spinal Reaper: 254 + (70 * 3.4) = 492
5. Untamed Blade: 241 + (70 * 3.4) = 479
6. Arcanite Reaper: 205 + (70 * 3.8 ) = 471
7. Obsidian Edged Blade: 220 + (70 * 3.4) = 458
8. Draconic Avenger: 218 + (70 * 3.2) = 442
9. Blackfury: 132 + (70 * 2.1) = 279
10. Blade of Hanna: 127 + (70 * 2.1) = 274
1. Sulfuras: 298 + (70 * 3.3) = 529 -5%
2. Rank14: 294 + (70 * 3.3) = 525 -6.2%
3. Spinal Reaper: 254 + (70 * 3.3) = 485 -1.4%
4. Untamed Blade: 241 + (70 * 3.3) = 472 -1.4%
5. Unstoppable Force: 234 + (70 * 3.3) = 465 -7%
6. Obsidian Edged Blade: 220 + (70 * 3.3) = 451 -1.5%
7. Draconic Avenger: 218 + (70 * 3.3) = 449 +1.5%
8. Arcanite Reaper: 205 + (70 * 3.3) = 436 -7.4%
9. Blackfury: 132 + (70 * 3.3) = 363 +30.1%
10. Blade of Hanna: 127 + (70 * 3.3) = 358 +30.6%
As you see, this is hardly a "balance" change, it's a simple nerf of all weapons that are slower than 3.3 (meaning almost all). The weapons most affected are the Rank14 ones, Sulfuras, the Unstoppable Force, and the Arcanite Reaper.
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