Mark24 napisał(a):
huragan nie dawaj tylko sprzedawaj i zysk na pół na ze mną, bo ja też mam wszystkie:
1. teleport
2. speedhack
3. mapkę w rogu z zaznaczonymi ludzikami, vainami, chestami itd - to jest dobre
4. fishbota

ok, ja mam wiecej:
Acidic Bot - This bot can crrently wander, loot, level, refill life/mana and wait till it is safe to attack.
BWH v1.4b2 - First of all, this will only work if you run WoW in Direct3D mode. I am notgoing to add OpenGL support, so if you find yourself in a situation where you have to run in OpenGL mode that means your video card is a pos and needs to be upgraded. OpenGL is yesterday's news so get away from it. I haven't written a readme for this yet, but the steps are pretty much the same. Read the readme on howto install.
CHack v1.1a - Fly Like Superman, Excorist Run, Walk Underwater, Remove Trees, Disable Fog, Remove All Terrain, Red Enviroment, Green EnviroMent, Add Fog, Mountain Climb, Teleport To Plane, Super Jump, No Dazed.
Mobius v1.3 - This is a mutli hack. Teleport undeground, climb steep hills. Jump from high places and more.
Realm bot - A Full AFK Bot, Realm Bot controls your character while you are AFK. Realm Bot has several cool features you wont find in any other bot such as whisper detection, sounding an alarm when a whisper is received, manipulating multiple fight sequences, configurable for all classes and no script writing
Rogue Trainer - Use this to level up your bot. Config it first.
Sydrome v0.6c (Works with v1.6.0) - UPDATED to work with v1.60 | Not much to say other then it is about the same as BWH. Speedhack, TP to plane, MiniHack, Location teleport
TinyToon 1.5 (Full Package) - This bot was made for a warrior but works well with rogues too. It will just run around spamming Sinister Strike, Charge, or Execute killing all NPCs in your set area. It will pick up loot and everything, if you happen to die it will go get your body for you and continue killing NPCs. ForceShock needed |
WoW Bot v2 (Works With v1.6.0) *UPDATED* - A nice bot that supports mages, rogues, waypoints. corpse runs and skinning.
WoW D3D - With this you can see other people through walls
WoW GPS v1.03 - It basically is a minimap program that tracks your location by reading your position from offsets in the WoW client. On this map you can add your own labels and do a whole bunch of other stuff.
WoW Helper - WoW Helper has a built in feature to enhance its invisibility. Added the ability to specify wait times down to 1/1000th of a second. Now able to hide the console window. WoW Helper now allows you to set timed buffs and/or sequences. The console window has been reduced in size. Fixed a problem in 1.2 where aborting the helper caused an error.
WoW Multi-Bot - This features auto login, anti-idle, auto advertise and auto bid.
WoW Teleport v1.9 - Teleport underground. Jump off anything. Climb steep hills. And much more. Take a look.
WoW Tracking (overseer) v1.5 - Tranks down all creatures selected. A really neat tool for leveling
WoWRadar - This is much better then WoWTracker. This tracks many more things and looks alot better. Give it a try.
Zibbs Follow Bot - This bot is used to follow you, buff you and heal you. Read the Readme.
p.s. nie sprzedaje tych botow.. nio.. chyba ze ktos zaproponuje dobra cene, hehe