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Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 paź 2005, 14:58 
Zakładam ten temat ponieważ Titan to jeden z najbardziej popularnych addonów UI do WoWa.
Umieszcze linki, do samego Titana jaki i Addonów do niego, tak żeby łatwiej było je sobie pościągać.

Ten temat będzie podpięty pod FAQ więc jak ktoś, kiedykowiek będzie potrzebował sobie ściągnąć lub zaktualizować, to będzie to w miarę łatwe do znalezienia.

Każdy addon opisze w osobnym poście. Dzięki temu bedzie łatwiej zachować porządek jak również nabiję sobie więcej postów ;)

Nie ma szans, żebym wpisał wszystkie addony warte uwagi, dlatego też proszę dopisywać swoje propozycje, najlepiej zgodnie z formatem, który przyjąłem w moich postach.
Jak wklejacie screeny, to nie za szerokie, żeby się tabela nie rozjechała.

Ostatnio edytowano 31 paź 2005, 15:24 przez Dwutlenek, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 paź 2005, 15:00 
Titan Panel (Główny Add On)
Download Link - Obrazek thx Redlum za najnowszą wersję.

Obrazek Obrazek

Description :
The ability to have 1 or 2 Bars at the top and/or the bottom of your screen
Many built in Addons that give great a great core set of features
Easy to use Options to change features on the fly
Added Categories for Mod Authors to make finding there Mod easier inside Titan and help with Menu overload

Included Addons
Titan Ammo
Titan AutoHide
Titan AuxAutoHide
Titan Bag
Titan Clock
Titan Coords
Titan LootType
Titan Money
Titan Performance
Titan Trans
Titan UIScale
Titan Volume
Titan XP
Titan Regen
Titan ItemBonuses
Titan Repair
Titan HonorPlus

jeszcze wiecej informacji o tym modzie:

Ostatnio edytowano 6 lis 2005, 12:00 przez Dwutlenek, łącznie edytowano 7 razy

Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 paź 2005, 15:05 
Titan Panel - Titan DPS (Wymaga Titan Panel)
Download Link - Obrazek


Description :
Basically it adds a DPS Tracker to the Titan Panel Mod.

The DPS Tracker code is based on that of Combat Stats, though much, much more minimal. I've added session DPS tracking, Overall DPS Tracking.

For those classes that have pets, the tooltip should track pet dps as well. It currently separates out the Pet DPS. And only shows your own DPS.
An option to combine this is coming in the config panel.


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 paź 2005, 15:10 
Titan Panel - Titan CritLine (Wymaga Titan Panel)
Download Link - Obrazek

Obrazek Obrazek

Titan [Critline] is a Titan Panel plugin that displays your highest hit damage, and shows you a summary of all your attack types highest damage hit. Titan [Critline] is a port of Sordits Critline. If you like the critline idea, but dont want to install Titan, see Sordits version.


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 paź 2005, 15:14 
Titan Panel - Titan Combat Info (Wymaga Titan Panel)
Download Link - Obrazek


Description :
Centralized Block/Crit/Dodge/Parry/Armor information as well as Mainhand, Offhand, and Ranged Attack numbers.

No more opening multiple items to find information you need access to quickly.


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 paź 2005, 15:16 
Titan Panel - Titan Guild (Wymaga Titan Panel)
Download Link - Obrazek



Description :
Titan Panel [Guild]: A simple guild list for the Titan Panel AddOn.

- Lists online guild members in a tooltip, green rank text indicating an officer
- Menu shows names of online members, with click to /whisper functionality. Green text = officer
- Menu has options to /guild chat and /officer chat
- Menu has option to toggle Show offline members, which changes this setting in your Social frame, Guild tab
- Advanced menus to /w, /invite, /friend or /who guild members
- Shows default messages if the player is not a member of a guild
- Updates the guild listing every 15 seconds to accomodate the GuildRoster() delay. The update only takes place if
the player is 'idle' and not accessing conflicting UI frames or Titan elements
- Tooltip and right-click menu content is sortable using the Sort menu option, works like the guild frame
- Colors rank names (Advanced) or player names (Simple) based on rank index
- To save space, player can turn off menu options
- Filtering on a level range and zone, as it relates to the player
- Filtering on a single class in the player's faction
- Paging of simple and advanced right-click menu contents to deal with large-guild issues
- In the right-click menu, click on a guild member name to send them a whisper
- Enable 'Show Advanced Menus' to create submenus for each online guild member based on rank
- Left-click on button to toggle the Friends Frame > Guild Tab

Ostatnio edytowano 31 paź 2005, 15:20 przez Dwutlenek, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 paź 2005, 15:19 
Titan Panel - Titan Panel [Quests] (Wymaga Titan Panel)
Download Link - Obrazek



Description :
Displays number of quests in Titan Panel. When hovered over it displays the following info:
- total number of quests
- number of Elite quests
- number of Dungeon quests
- number of Raid quests
- number of PvP quests
- number of regular quests (non elite/dungeon/raid/pvp)
- number of quests in log currently completed

Right-click to see a color coded list of current quests. When hovered over a dropdown menu will appear with a list of quest objectives, add to Blizzard's Quest Tracker, share quest, abandon quest, open quest details and link quest to chat. Clicking on the quest will open a window with full quest details.

The Options menu allows you to sort and group the quests by level, zone, or by title. You can also apply a filter to view only dungeon, elite, complete, incomplete, or regular quests.

Can toggle MonkeyQuest, QuestHistory, PartyQuests, QuestIon and QuestBank if these AddOns are installed.


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 paź 2005, 15:23 
Titan Panel - Titan Panel [Quests] (Wymaga Titan Panel)
Download Link - Obrazek



Description :
Adds a module to Titan Panel to display a status summary of currentXP/totalXP (%) or xptoLevel (%) plus restedXP (amount or %), AverageXP and XP to level 60.

I've also made some requested changes and additons, like options to show currentXP or XPto Level, along with restedXP as either an amount or percenage.

Now tracks basic averageXP gained per kill, total kills this session and kills needed to level up, in tooltip.

Also displays XP needed to level 60 in tooltip.

Shift-Click the button to output a brief summary of your XPStatus info to the chat window.

The tooltip still shows you all the XP information that is in the original TitanXP tooltip.

Kudos to Rowne for the code to calculate restedXP and jINx for the Average Exp calculations.

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