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Posty: 4474
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 9 lis 2005, 16:50 
Combined CoH/CoV

Enhancement changes

* Recovery enhancements and Endurance Drain enhancements have been consolidated into one type of enhancement, Endurance Modification. In powers that previously accepted both enhancements (such as Transference, Energy Drain, Power Sink, and Heat Loss), Endurance Modification enhancements will boost both the Recovery and Endurance Drain of the power. In powers that previously accepted only one of these enhancements, Endurance Modification enhancements will boost the appropriate aspect of the power (in Stamina, for example, they will boost the endurance recovery of the power).
* Existing Endurance Drain and Endurance Recovery enhancements will be converted to the new Endurance Modification enhancements.
* Siphon Speed will no longer accept Run Speed enhancements. Putting a Slow enhancement in this power will boost both the run speed increase and the slow debuff of the power.


* Several destructible objects that erroneously exploded when destroyed will no longer do so. Desks and statues are much safer now!


* Fixed numerous typos and minor errors in Power descriptions for various Critters.


* Fixed bug where Prestige gained by converting Influence would not appear on the Supergroup Status screen until after the player had earned some more Prestige from defeating enemies. (The Prestige was not lost, but the display would not update.) The Prestige total display should now change immediately when Influence is converted.
* Fixed bug that caused Prestige awards given in Mission maps to not register in Supergroup stats after players left the mission.


* Fixed bug in Key Mapping Options tab where Cancel Changes would actually save changes.

City of Heroes

City Zones

* Croatoa: Sally will now stay in the water where she belongs.


* The Sister Psyche TF will no longer send TF groups with members of level 20 to missions in Dark Astoria, which has a minimum level of 21.

City of Villains


* Fixed a text bug with Overload and Elude. Changed the recharge description from Slow to Very Long. (Powers were not changed, just the description text.)
* Hurricane for Player AT’s and Critters was debuffing the range of Stalkers and Brutes. Essentially, the exception for Tankers and Scrappers was not updated to include these two ATs. This has been corrected.
* Enhancements will now properly boost the additional powers granted to Mastermind Henchmen through their ‘upgrade henchmen’ powers.


* A Flunky who is the only remaining member of a Supergroup will now be properly promoted to Overlord.


* In Broker missions, all characters in a group that completes the mission will get credit towards their next Heist mission from that Broker, not just the mission owner.
* The Temple of the Waters Strike Force should now grant a Badge upon completion.

ǝuʍɐqɐz ʇsǝظ ıɯɐbou ʎɹob op ǝıuɐsıd
¡ lɐʇod lɐʇod

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Posty: 4849
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2004
PostNapisane: 9 lis 2005, 18:13 
Yay, nie nerfneli mnie jeszcze ;)

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Posty: 1588
Dołączył(a): 17.11.2004
PostNapisane: 9 lis 2005, 21:51 
Pieszczoch napisał(a):
Yay, nie nerfneli mnie jeszcze ;)

To nie Blizzard :lol:



Posty: 967
Dołączył(a): 9.05.2003
PostNapisane: 10 lis 2005, 07:07 
zderzaq napisał(a):
Pieszczoch napisał(a):
Yay, nie nerfneli mnie jeszcze ;)

To nie Blizzard :lol:

oj oni tez potrafia uzywac nerf-bat'a . Przypomina mi sie sytuacja jak pograzyli blasterow w CoH :)

"Something worked as intended?? 0_0"

"This means we will have to get someone to create a bug and another guy to nerf it, I will deal with this immediately !"

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 4474
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 10 lis 2005, 08:14 
Pieszczoch napisał(a):
Yay, nie nerfneli mnie jeszcze ;)

a powinni, ile ty dajesz dmg na raz 200 ? 300 ? :D

ǝuʍɐqɐz ʇsǝظ ıɯɐbou ʎɹob op ǝıuɐsıd
¡ lɐʇod lɐʇod

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