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Posty: 4474
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 lis 2005, 22:03 
Kolejny patch, wypuszczają jak z karabinu maszynowego.

Combined (CoH and CoV)

Powers - Players

* Modified Invulnerability/Invincibility and Ice Armor/Energy Absorption. For both powers, the max number of affected targets have been reduced to 10. The first target you affect grants you more Defense than before, while additional Defense gained for each affected target after the first is at a reduced rate. This change will ensure the powers grant a reasonable Defense bonus when facing few foes, while still giving a large bonus against many enemies.
* Modified Invulnerability/Invincibility so it goes off every second instead of every half second. This was for performance reasons. This does not change the effectiveness off the power, but it will cause the Endurance Cost to occur every second instead of every half second.
* Fixed Dark Miasma/Howling Twilight so it won’t resurrect enemies in PvP.
(Known Issue: Enemies will still be prompted to ask if they want to be resurrected. The power will not work on them, however.)
* Fixed Fearsome Stare - after enemies went into cower animation, they would continue to attack normally.
* There was an inconsistency in the Debuff duration for Devices/Smoke Grenade, Fire Control/Smoke and Trick Arrow/Flash Arrow. The ToHit and Perception Debuffs are now set so they last 60 seconds in PvE and 20 seconds in PvP.
* Smoke now has slightly different functionality. In PvE, the power is unchanged and automatically hits foes. In PvP, however, the power now requires a To Hit check.
* Added the ability to slot Accuracy Enhancements in all Smoke and Smoke Grenade powers.
* Powers that increase your Max HP, like Dull Pain and Earth’s Embrace, will now be affected by Heal Enhancements. That is, Heal Enhancements will boost the increase to MAX HP as well as the amount of damage healed.
* Force Field/Personal Force Field now protects the caster from enemy Teleportation.
* Kinetics/Increase Density now protects the target from enemy Teleportation.
* Changed the Long Help Description on the Shivan Shard to reflect that it can only be used while you are near the ground. (Shivans don’t fly!)
* IR Goggles brought more in line with other Sirens Call Temp powers.
* Increased the effectiveness of Warburg reward temp powers.

Powers - Critters

* Police Bots and Arbiter Drones will no longer apply XP Debt if they defeat a player.
* Police Bots and Arbiter Drones will now grant ally players a perception buff to help see stealthed targets.
* Circle of Thorns Spectres and Spectral Lords Smite and Midnight Grasp powers were doing the incorrect damage type. These power both have a Psionic component now.
* Mynx, Luminary, Aurora Borealis, Infernal, Silver Mantis, and Barracuda have been upgraded from Elite Bosses to Arch Villains/Heroes. This change will affect any missions that these signature heroes/villains may appear in.

Powers - Bases

* Added Damage Resistance to Control, Energy and Medical base objects that are destroyable.

City Zones

* Added new Warzone Liaison NPCs near the entrances to all PvP zones. Added new Mission Contacts to all PvP zones.
* Modified NPC dialog in PvP zones to make it clear whether a zone is Hero vs Villain or Freefire.
* Warburg: Players can no longer get inside the geometry of one of the buildings and shoot at players outside.


* You can no longer target enemies during cut scenes.


* Gladiator matches: Pets will no longer remain in a match after their owner leaves.
* Fixed bug that prevented the Arena from working on some servers.


* Fixed bug that made some older characters be charged for costume changes when no changes were made.

City of Heroes

Powers - Players

* Added the ability to slot Endurance Reduction Enhancements in the Blaster version of Charged Bolt. (Other versions already had this.)

Powers – Critters

* Nictus Dark Dwarf now has power FX that match the Nictus.

City Zones

* Croatoa is no longer restricted to characters level 25 and higher. The zone itself is unchanged, and remains quite dangerous to lower level characters who are not sidekicked.
* Founders Falls: the Trainer Infernal’s name does not appear as ‘InfernalLeader’ any more.

City of Villains

Powers - Players

* Fixed Mastermind/Robotics Drones and Protector Bots Laser and Heavy Laser Blasts - they now do damage in PvP.
* Reduced Knockback distance of MasterMind/Necromancy/Lich Torrent power. This is to prevent your Lich from uncontrollably knocking enemies into other spawns.
* Mastermind pets will no longer automatically target and move towards an enemy that resurrects in PvP.
* Improved the effectiveness of Traps/Triage Beacon and Plant Control/Spirit Tree.
* Improved the effectiveness of Cold Domination/Frostwork.
* Reduced damage taken from Stalker/Energy Melee/Energy Transfer when used outside of Hide. It now does only 2/3 of previous damage.
* Boosted Smashing and Lethal Defense for Stalker Energy Aura/Kinetic Shield.
* Boosted Energy Defense for Stalker Energy Aura/Kinetic Shield.
* Boosted Energy Damage Resistance for Stalker Energy Aura/Energy Protection.
* Energy Aura/Entropy Shield now protects the caster from enemy Teleportation and Repel.
* Corrected an issue with Brute/Energy Aura/Energy Cloak where it was not giving any Defense to Fire Attacks.
* Removed reference to Knockback in Brute/Fiery Melee/Cremate short help. The power is unchanged.
* Several Brute attack powers did not have their Inherent Taunt ability disabled in PvP. This gave them a substantial advantage in group PvP encounters. These powers should no longer apply Taunt to PvP targets:

Dark Melee
Shadow Punch
Shadow Maul
Siphon Life
Dark Consumption
Soul Drain
Midnight Grasp

Fiery Melee
Fire Sword
Breath of Fire
Fire Sword Circle
Greater Fire Sword

Super Strength
Knockout Blow
Foot Stomp

Powers – Critters

* Changed Long Description for Succubus Hellish Bolts power.

City Zones

* St. Martial: Fixed multiple geometry holes.
* Nerva: Fixed several graphical errors with boats in this zone.


* Fixed errors on many Longbow and Arachnos mission maps.
* Fixed several text errors in missions given by Arbiter Leery.
* Changed Broker missions: In a Heist, all characters in a group that have a full Broker contact bar will get credit for completing a Heist, and be able to get a new Contact from the Broker.

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¡ lɐʇod lɐʇod


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 lis 2005, 22:28 
Wydaje mi sie, ze info o patchach mozna bez problemu zebrac w jednym topicu...

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 17 lis 2005, 22:35 
Mi to wygląda na walkę pozycyjną, by zmusić admina do zrobienia forum CoV/CoH :p


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