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Posty: 2117
Dołączył(a): 15.11.2001
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 13:56 
As you may already know, Player-versus-Player combat is coming to EverQuest II! It is currently planned to launch simultaneously with Kingdom of Sky, the second EQII expansion. PvP will take place on new PvP-ruleset servers named after famous dragons in Norrath. Everyone will have the opportunity to start fresh on a PvP server and be a part of the escalated conflict between Freeport and Qeynos.

The launch of PvP will see dedicated Player-versus-Player ruleset servers for our US, UK, DE, and FR servers. There will be two US PvP servers, one of which will be Exchange-enabled. Now that we have the basic facts straight, let's explore how our PvP-ruleset worlds will work, shall we?


The general gameplay is as follows: You start off aligned with the city you choose at character creation--Freeport (Evil) or Qeynos (Good). You will hunt and battle with members of the opposing alignment to gain experience, status, faction and titles. Further rewards will become available at PvP merchants as you earn standing within your city--you will have the opportunity to purchase items and other rewards from these special merchants.

Nowhere in Norrath is safe, so be on your toes. While you are relatively safe within the protective walls of your home city, you'll have to watch your back nearly everywhere else (see "City PvP"). Let's get that adrenaline pumping!

Communication and Interaction

On EverQuest II PvP-ruleset servers, there is a distinct language barrier between citizens of Qeynos and citizens of Freeport. All players aligned with Qeynos will speak Antonican, and all players aligned with Freeport will speak Lucanic. This means that members of opposing cities cannot understand each other's language.

Regardless of the language you choose to speak in--be it draconic, oggish, or otherwise--members of the opposing city will be unable to understand what you communicate in /say. Similarly, anything said in /auction, /ooc, and /shout channels will only be seen by members of the same alignment (good, evil, betraying).

Things you CAN NOT do across alignments:
* Group with members outside of your alignment
* Join a guild that is not of your alignment
* Send /tells to characters not of your alignment
* View /auction, /ooc, /shout from characters of another alignment
* Join chat channels created by characters of another alignment
* View members of another alignment in the zone with /who
* Send mail via the Norrathian Express
* Trade items or coin
* /duelbet (/duel still functions)


Spells, combat arts, and combat in general may not function identically to PvE during PvP. We have the ability to define any level of differences in the combat system for PvP, from global changes like "all spells and arts do slightly less damage to players" to specific changes such as "this particular effect on this particular spell works slightly differently in PvP."

Here is a general outline of how combat-related effects are changing on a fairly broad scale. Note that the changes that are described below only have to do with PvP combat, as PvE combat on PvP servers functions the same as on Standard-ruleset servers.

Taunts and Hate Reduction

Taunts have the ability to change players’ targets in PvP. They can also keep targets focused on the taunter for short durations of time.

Spells that reduce hostile hate or lower your position on a creature’s hate list can force players to completely lose their target. Examples would include a Scout’s Evade or Templar’s Placate.

Melee Combat

The default maximum range for melee combat has been increased. Positional spells and arts that require the caster to be either behind or flanking the opponent will work if either requirement is met. *Note* This is only the case against other players.

Control Spells

Control spells (Snare, Root, Stun, Fear, Charm, Stifle, Mez, and Pacify) will carry an immunity placed on the target for 2x the duration of the spell. Essentially, if you are rooted for 10 seconds, you will be immune from any root effects for the duration of that root and for 10 seconds after the spell wears off. *Note* You'll only be immune to these effects from other players; these immunities will not protect you from NPC spells.


A character that would normally be invisible or stealthed to you will appear with a shadowy outline if within a specified range (currently 30m). Characters that would normally be visible to you (i.e. if they are significantly below your level or you can see-stealth or see-invis) will remain visible with the shadowy outline outside of this range.

Upon zoning, players will be immune from PvP combat until they initiate a hostile action or move. No need to worry about zoneline campers as long as you don't make yourself vulnerable.

A separate inspection option has been included on PvP servers that will allow players to view how Spells and Combat Arts perform in PvP combat (you will access this in the right-click context menu).

Death and Rewards

Currently, deaths from PvP kills will result in moderate experience debt. You will not receive any armor damage. *Note* If you are on any creature’s hate list at the time of your PvP death, you will take normal PvE death penalties.

Rewards for engaging in and triumphantly winning a PvP conflict vary depending on how the kill took place. Rewards and definitions for kill types follow.

Honorable Kills: Any kill of the opposing alignment that was first engaged while the target had greater than 80% health. The first group or player that engaged will receive experience, status, and faction.

Neutral Kills: Any kill of the opposing alignment that was first engaged while the target had greater than 50% health. Neutral kills result in moderate faction gain, but do not reward experience or status.

Dishonorable Kills: Any kill of the opposing alignment that was first engaged while the target had less than 50% health. Dishonorable kills result in a loss of faction with both your alignment and the opposing alignment. Losing enough faction will cause you to fall out of favor with your alignment, and will restrict or remove any access to the rewards system.

The Kill List: Honorably killing another player will place them on a list tied to your character, designed to reduce friend farming and griefing. Any Honorable subsequent kill of the same player will result in a neutral kill until you have killed 10 other players. Neutral and Dishonorable kills have no effect on the list.

PvP Rules

While PvP servers are, for the most part, very dangerous and intense worlds to live in, there are a few rules that Norrathians must still abide by. These rules are outlined below:

Players under level 10 are protected from and cannot initiate PvP combat. While some players will be ready to have at it swords a-swingin' and spells a-flyin' from the get-go, others will need to familiarize themselves with their character a bit before joining the fight.

Players cannot openly engage in PvP within their city walls under the same rules. This currently refers to both Freeport and Qeynos main zones, districts and villages. PvP within the city walls is handled in the form of City PvP Flagging, which is outlined in the section below.

For the opposing alignment, players’ names will have a red outline indicating that they are a valid hostile target. Any players +/- up to 8 levels are valid targets, and their names will appear as a color based on the level difference:
* Green: 5-8 levels below you.
* Blue: 1-4 levels below you.
* White: Even level.
* Yellow: 1-4 levels above you.
* Orange: 5-8 levels above you.
* Player names more than 8 levels below will appear grey, and non-aggro.
* Player names more than 8 levels above you will appear red, and non-aggro.

You cannot attack any player that cons grey unless they attack you first.

As previously mentioned, when you zone you will be immune to PvP combat until you either move or initiate a hostile action. Conversely, you will be unable to attack someone who has just zoned until they either move or perform a hostile action.

City PvP

PvP within city walls works a little differently than it does in the outside world. The idea is that you are relatively well-protected within the walls of Freeport and Qeynos. Under normal circumstances, a player cannot attack another player within a city unless they are specifically flagged for this to occur. The rules for City PvP are as follows:
* Attacking any NPC in a safe zone (i.e. city) flags the attacker for "City PvP."
* Anyone flagged as "City PvP" can be attacked by anyone of the opposing alignment in any zone who meets the requirements to engage in PvP.
* Anyone that attacks a "City PvP" flagged player also becomes flagged for "City PvP."
* "City PvP" flagging lasts for 15 minutes from the last hostile action taken against a safe zone NPC or another "City PvP" flagged player.

..of Tarew Marr, ew, Nagafen!

Let fools do good, and fair men call for grace; Aaron will have his soul black like his face.


Posty: 2117
Dołączył(a): 15.11.2001
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 13:58 
Zainteresowanych i zdecydowanych zapraszam do dyskusji o tym jak to bedzie wygladac w praniu...


..of Tarew Marr, ew, Nagafen!

Let fools do good, and fair men call for grace; Aaron will have his soul black like his face.

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Posty: 12370
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 14:04 
na moje oko w 70% to copy and paste z pvp systemu z WoW , na twoim miejscu Tuxik wcale bym sie nie cieszyl ze cos takiego wprowadzaja w EQ2 , jako gracz z prawie rocznym stazem w Warcrafta zapewniam ze to najchujowszy pvp system jaki tylko wymyslono w mmogu . No ale rozumiem tez twoje podekscytowanie , pvp w Everquescie , ja osobicie liczylem na jakis fajny conquest ale takie pvp to mam w WoW :har:

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward."


Posty: 2117
Dołączył(a): 15.11.2001
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 14:44 
Eee to jest podstawa tylko, zobaczymy jak wyjdzie w praniu...

...jedyne co mnie naprawde drazni to brak battlegrounds/frontiers na modle DAoC tylko troszke bogatszych ;/ pewnei wprowadza tylko bog raczy wiedziec kiedy :(

..of Tarew Marr, ew, Nagafen!

Let fools do good, and fair men call for grace; Aaron will have his soul black like his face.


Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 15:06 
Z tego co zrozumieałem to serverki PvP wejdą wraz dodatkiem - right?
OK wiecie może czy została podana (chocby przybliżona) data wydania?

Nie jestem na bieżąco z EQ (tekst przejżalem tylko pobieżnie więc też możliwe że coś preoczyłem:P) - także nie bijcie wrazie co ^^

@Gandalf - to dopiero jest prędkość - stary na jakich dopalaczach ty chodzisz ^_^

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »

Ostatnio edytowano 26 sty 2006, 15:22 przez Sylvian, łącznie edytowano 3 razy

Posty: 100
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 15:06 
Sylvian napisał(a):
Z tego co zrozumieałem to serverki PvP wejdą wraz dodatkiem - right?
OK wiecie może czy została podana (chocby przybliżona) data wydania?

Nie jestem na bieżąco z EQ (teksty przejrzalem tylko więc też możliwe że coś preoczyłem:P) - także nie bijcie wrazie co ^^

February 21st.


Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.


Posty: 2117
Dołączył(a): 15.11.2001
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 15:14 
Sylvian napisał(a):
Nie jestem na bieżąco z EQ (tekst przejrzalem tylko pobieżnie więc też możliwe że coś preoczyłem:P) - także nie bijcie wrazie co ^^

Nie to community Sylv, my z EQ od razu polykamy w calosci :D

..of Tarew Marr, ew, Nagafen!

Let fools do good, and fair men call for grace; Aaron will have his soul black like his face.


Posty: 6460
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 15:51 
Czytam wlasnie, mi sie podoba, kompletnie inny rulesety, cos jak sp w uo :D

Z racji swojej niestabilności emocjonalnej oraz rujnowania rozrywki innym na zawsze opuściłem to zacne forum z resztkami nasienia Oyci3C'a na okrężnicy po głębokim bansticku. :'(


Posty: 24059
Dołączył(a): 6.04.2003
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 15:55 
ta mimo, że jeszcze bardziej to ograniczone niż w WoWie to zapewne będzie genialne w końcu to SOE, w końcu to EQ2 8)


Posty: 172
Dołączył(a): 23.12.2005
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:00 
WoW rządzi, WoW radzi, WoW nigdy cię nie zdradzi! Ignoruj trola.

Mark24 napisał(a):
(...)ja nie lubię komuś lizać tyłka, nie lubię też jak ktoś mi próbuje pomachać w tej okolicy jęzorkiem - zdaje sobie sprawę, że zaraz będzie chciał bym ja ze swojej strony się zrewanżował 8)

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Posty: 12370
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:03 
ja bym nie porownywal tego do sp w UO gdzie ruleset nie ograniczal sie tylko do pvp ale np o wiele trudniej bylo sie dorobic gold . Inna sprawa ze gra z takimi wymaganiami chyba bedzie wymuszac caly czas low detail jak ktos nie ma sprzetu klasy Alienware . Ciezko dywagowac nad tym systemem , ale widac ordynarnie te ograniczenia sztuczne co sa w wow np
brak mozliwosci komunikacji miedzy frakcyjnej , honorable kills , pvp rewards ( najwiekszy szit imo kompletnie wypaczajace sens i esencje wspolzawodnictwa miedzy graczami) . Tu trzeba chlodnej oceny non-eq playera ktory lubi pvp ...Aenima np :wink:

Mark tbh jedyna roznica (na plus imo) zauwazylem ze w WoW mozna ganknac grey chara a tu nie , nie sadze by to bylo bardziej ograniczone raczej bazuje na podobnym szkielecie (bez bg co tez jest na plus)

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward."

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:06 
You cannot attack any player that cons grey unless they attack you first.


Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me


Posty: 6460
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:07 
doczytalem ;/ no troche ujowo, ale nic zobaczym co bedzie :P jak niewypali to se kupie wow ;)

Z racji swojej niestabilności emocjonalnej oraz rujnowania rozrywki innym na zawsze opuściłem to zacne forum z resztkami nasienia Oyci3C'a na okrężnicy po głębokim bansticku. :'(


Posty: 2872
Dołączył(a): 18.05.2004
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:24 
Aldatha napisał(a):
na moje oko w 70% to copy and paste z pvp systemu z WoW ,

Nie jestem fanem EQ2 ale ja tu copy paste z wow'a nie widze. Jedyna naprawde wspólna cecha to barak komunikacji z przeciwną stroną, oraz pvp rewards za faction jak mniemam. Fakt, pozostałe rozwiązania czasami są prawie jak w wow'ie... No właśnie, prawie.... XD

Podobają mi się np:
Rozsądne użycie taunt/detaunt
Kara za DK
Exp debt za śmierć w pvp.

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Posty: 12370
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:34 
gadanie , w wow nie ma penala za dk?

Jedyna naprawde wspólna cecha to barak komunikacji z przeciwną stroną, oraz pvp rewards za faction jak mniemam. Fakt, pozostałe rozwiązania czasami są prawie jak w wow'ie

co w nich innego niz w wow wytlumacz mi? , ze itamz za pvp rank/faction nie beda koloru fioletowego? . Exp debt watpie czy sie utrzyma zbyt dlugo
mam takie uczucie ze na boardach bardzo beda optowac by to zniesli

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward."


Posty: 6460
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:38 
Mnie dziwi tylko porownywanie eq2 do wow, eq2 bazuje sporo na eq1 a na jego podstawie bazuje w uj gier takze wow, wiec czemu tworcy eq2 nie mieli by porzyczyc troche pomyslow od tych wow ? :P

Z racji swojej niestabilności emocjonalnej oraz rujnowania rozrywki innym na zawsze opuściłem to zacne forum z resztkami nasienia Oyci3C'a na okrężnicy po głębokim bansticku. :'(

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Posty: 12370
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:43 
tylko ze wow jest ostatnia gra z jakiej nalezaloby kopiowac pvp system tbfh . Niech ludzie pograja i ocenia ja narazie sceptycznie sie odnosze po przeczytaniu tego ruleset

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward."


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 16:44 
Troche weak :\ Mialem nadzieje, ze bedzie chociaz looting plecaczka. Jakies honor points mnie nie grzeja.


Posty: 6460
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2002
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 17:05 
looting ? heheh watpie by sie to sprzedalo ;)
wow ma najwieksza ilosc graczy wiec z niego kopiuja ;/

Z racji swojej niestabilności emocjonalnej oraz rujnowania rozrywki innym na zawsze opuściłem to zacne forum z resztkami nasienia Oyci3C'a na okrężnicy po głębokim bansticku. :'(


Posty: 2872
Dołączył(a): 18.05.2004
PostNapisane: 26 sty 2006, 17:32 
Aldatha napisał(a):
gadanie , w wow nie ma penala za dk?


A jest? W wowie w ogóle nie ma czegoś takiego jak DK na graczu, tylko na cywilach jest :wink:

Aldatha napisał(a):
co w nich innego niz w wow wytlumacz mi? , ze itamz za pvp rank/faction nie beda koloru fioletowego?

Erm. Ale ja przecież się zgodziłem że pvp rewards to takie samo rozwiązanie jak to w wow'ie (Owszem troche dziwną konstrukcje zdania zastosowałem ale...)

W sumie to nie chce się spierać Aldatha, bo nie ma o co. Moim zdaniem ten system tylko powierzchownie jest podobny do tego z WoW'a. Różni się za to sporą ilością szczególików które IMO mają spore znaczenie. Ale ok. Myślę, że ktoś jak by się _naprawde uparł_, to mógł by to nazwać: "tweaked WoW PvP system" od biedy....

Anyways obaj zgadzamy się że system w wow jest potężnie spierd$%ny.

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