Mnie raczej razi ujowy dosyc stealth, pozatym niektore rozwiazania dotyczace walki i brak walki o terytoria ;/ Mogliby np dorzucic jakies straznice czy cus o ktore by byly walki, miasto ktore ma teren ma takze guardsow w okolicach. Pozatym pvp w miescie ssie dosyc ;/ mogliby np troche writo pvp dorzucic ktore by polegaly np na wytluczeniu bankiera czy ilus guardow w meiscie wroga, az po jakies inne pierdolki ktore by przeszkadzaly wrogiemu miastu ;/
Pozatym rozumiem ze qeynos jest carebearsowe i nie beda sie bili, czy tlukli polmartwego. No ale qwa fp to tam powinno byc full pvp, kazdy moglby kazdego zaatakowac, ale wtedy stawalby sie criminal. Jako + nie mieli by tych dishonor points, jedynie za zabicie polmartwego by nie dostawali za duzo frakcji ;/ no i brak komunikacji to porazka ;) ...
ciekawy topic o restrykcjach
It is part of the PvP environment experience. So what if a level 30 ganks someone in antonica, thats fine and it encourages a healthy pvp server community.
For example, there is no need for the high level paladin to patrol antonica to protect lower level players from these level 30s since they wont be there now.
It just puts restrictions on the experience that go deeper then are first apparent. Part of the motivation to level on a PvP server is so that you will be top dog, but with this +/- 8 level thing, all you need to do is be +8 levels above the current area your in and your relatively top dog at most stages in the game. Level 26s hunting 18s in antonica for example, and your level 40 paladins unable to defend you.
This system will cause more problems then its worth, there is no solution to the griefing low level player problem... bceause there is no problem to begin with.