The damage dealt by Demonic Rune and Dark Rune will no longer be affected by the user's increased spell damage items.
no nareszcie, jeszcze szkoda ze moga critnac moze usuna w przyszlosci.
# The Innkeeper in Everlook now sells Winter Kimchi.
co to ten winter kimchi ?
# The drop rate for Essence of Air has been increased.
znowu? przeciez oni zrujnuja alchemikow.
Players that unlearn Engineering or Leatherworking may now respecialize if they decide to relearn the professions.
jesli dobrze rozumiem to to oznacza ze jak ktos wybral Dragonscale LW to teraz moze zmienic na Tribal/elemental?
The Dreamscale Breastplate is now Bind on Equip.
to milo
The Hexxer's Head is no longer a requirement for the Collection of Heads quest in Zul'Gurub.
bleh easy mode
Realms that have Ahn'Qiraj open have access to a new questline at Cenarion Hold.
o to mile
wreszcie jakis quescik inny niz bierz to z tego bossa to z tamtego to dostaniesz item
Dire Maul library book quests are no longer repeatable
WTF? Znaczy co nici z kolejnych enchantow z zg? czy raczej chodzi im o classowe trinkety?
* Some monsters were removed to reduce the time it takes to run the dungeon.
ech next easy mode
SpellStopCasting() requires input to work, like spell casting does.
to szlag trafi mana conservate i instant heala.
Patch mi sie nie podoba za duzo easy mode, do tego zabrany mana conservate ech. IMHO jedna z gorszych latek, priesci ofc sie ciesza tyle ze Ci co z lenistwa uzywali mana conservate teraz sie beda uczyc leczyc od nowa z czasow przed zainstalowaniem ct_Raidu