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Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 13:02 

Future job adjustments were announced at the FINAL FANTASY XI Fan Festival 2006 held in North America, and also posted on the special blog found on the Fan Festival website. All of the changes mentioned will not be implemented during a single version update. Please be aware that depending on the results of various testing and balancing, several adjustments may take some time before making their way into the game, and we may even decide against implementing some of the changes.

One of the great things about warriors is their ability to use many different weapons. We are planning to add benefits to those who utilize this great variety of weapons. We see the current trend is for warriors to almost exclusively use ninja as their support job. In the future we want to create benefits for players that use support jobs besides ninja. Also, we are thinking about making it possible for warriors to throw their axes in battle.


A monk's role is fairly straightforward in a party: deal large amounts of damage. We would like to modify monks to allow them to be more flexible depending on party composition. Monks have large amounts of HP and we are thinking of different ways that this can benefit other party members. For example, we're considering adding an ability that would raise the entire party's maximum HP for a short period of time.


White Mage
We want to make it so the white mage remains totally dedicated to keeping their party alive, no matter what. No other job should fulfill this role as well as the white mage. We also want white mages to be able to contribute to the party in a way exclusive to their job, aside from just curing. This may be accomplished by adding an ability where white mages could share their HP and MP with party members. Also, we are considering adding the effect of removing status ailments from the Benediction ability.


Black Mage
We recognize that black mage is a very powerful job. We see that a lot of players are forming parties with just black mages, and we would like to change that. We do not plan to weaken the job, but we want to create benefits for partying with other jobs. We are also considering adding new magic to the black mages’ repertoire.


Red Mage
Red mage is a complex and powerful job once mastered. We are thinking about adding new magic, but the nature of the spells has yet to be decided.


Thief is one of the more technical jobs in the game, because they must always be aware of the enemy’s position and enmity. We are considering adding a special thief ability that aids not only the player, but all the members of the party. We will be adding a bonus to the Steal job ability and changing the 2-hour ability Perfect Dodge to be more beneficial in offensive situations. When thieves stands behind the enemy while Perfect Dodge is active, they will receive a damage bonus to their attacks.


We wish to bring paladins to a level that is equal to the ninja utsusemi method of tanking. We are considering adding the Auto-Refresh job trait to paladin, as well as traits that utilize shields, such as more frequent shield use during battle and bonus TP from blocking attacks.


Dark Knight
We notice a trend of many dark knights only using greatswords in higher levels because of the skillchain possibilities, and we would like to change that. We want to motivate dark knights to return to using their scythes once again. Also, the dark knight-exclusive spells do not seem to be used as often as we hoped, so we are discussing changing them to make them more effective.


When we changed how monsters would despawn when out of their natural spawn radius, it caused a lot of problems for the beastmaster job class. We know that many players are dissatisfied with this system, and we're working to relieve the problem. The beastmaster is a tougher job than some of the others to balance, so we may be unable to make radical adjustments, but rest assured that we have not forgotten you!


There is a tendency for bards to only sing particular songs in the party and nothing else. We want to make it so bards have many types of useful songs with which to aid their party. For example, we might add a low-level song that, when sung, would increase party movement speed--like a weaker version of the Chocobo Mazurka.


We recently made large changes to the ranger job class, which causes them to deal more damage depending on their distance from an enemy. From now on, we will only make small adjustments to the ranger class. We're sorry we don't have any final details for the future, but please stay tuned. However, the distance-based accuracy adjustments will not be a factor while the Sharpshot ability is active. Also, we'll be adding more stackable ammunition in the future.


Samurai is a job that revolves around TP. We would like to modify samurai in regards to the timing of their weapon skills or various other ways to utilize their TP ability. We are considering giving samurai a new ability that will lower an enemy's TP.


We know that ninja is a strong job, but we do not have any plans to weaken them. Compared to other jobs, ninja is a complicated job to balance, so we plan to spend a lot of time on testing adjustments.


We recently changed the dragoon's Call Wyvern ability and completely redesigned the 2-hour ability. We are currently collecting data and feedback.


Currently, the trend is for summoners to only call out their avatars to use a blood pact ability, but we want to create something that will encourage summoners to keep their avatars out for longer periods of time. Also, we will adjust the abilities that avatars use so that they are based on the summoner's summoning skill. We have no plans to add Bahamut as an avatar, because we would like to preserve his powerful image. We would have to make him weaker if he became a player's avatar, and we do not want to do that. We are thinking about new avatars for Treasures of Aht Urhgan, however, so stay tuned.


Draconi Hume BRD75 COR75 MNK55 BLM42 WHM37 WAR25 THF15 BST15 NIN20 RNG45
77 Merit Points
Boneworking 100+2, Leather 60,Cloth 50, Goldsmithing 18, Alchemy 60

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 13:22 
Hm, to już było, prawda?
(Pytam dla pewności, bo nie chce mi się czytać ;P)



Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 13:28 
Stare, ale teraz przynajmniej oficjalnie. :)

Fajnie THFa zmieniają - mam nadzieję, że Steal się na coś teraz przyda! :) Wg mnie powinni zrobić tak jak w poprzednich Finalach, że niektóre przedmioty można zdobyć jedynie przez Steal. (nie tylko monety - ale itemy/bronie/armor)

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 1815
Dołączył(a): 7.01.2005
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 15:43 
Fok teh RNG.... jasneeeeeeeeeee...



Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 15:53 
ty zrób ten 75 lepiej! :)

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 16:02 
Jak mi osłabią miecz to ich pozabijam ^^;
Mam nadzieję że nie popsują DRK...

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired


Posty: 1815
Dołączył(a): 7.01.2005
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 16:10 
Huckster napisał(a):
ty zrób ten 75 lepiej! :)

No mialem expic dzis ale piwka wezwaly.... :DDDDD



Posty: 224
Dołączył(a): 15.08.2004
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 16:28 
Kang napisał(a):
Jak mi osłabią miecz to ich pozabijam ^^;
Mam nadzieję że nie popsują DRK...

GSa nie popsuja, co najwyzej zmienia wzory w WSach przy Spiral Hell i Cross Reaper, zeby robily wiekszy DMG.

Mi sie marza Absorby II, tylko zeby sie castowaly jak NI ^^

Dark Knight 75
BASTOK Rank 10
Merits 8


Posty: 1815
Dołączył(a): 7.01.2005
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 17:28 
karwacek napisał(a):
Kang napisał(a):
Jak mi osłabią miecz to ich pozabijam ^^;
Mam nadzieję że nie popsują DRK...

GSa nie popsuja, co najwyzej zmienia wzory w WSach przy Spiral Hell i Cross Reaper, zeby robily wiekszy DMG.

Mi sie marza Absorby II, tylko zeby sie castowaly jak NI ^^

I kody na niesmiertelnosc ;)



Posty: 224
Dołączył(a): 15.08.2004
PostNapisane: 30 mar 2006, 20:19 
Seph napisał(a):
I kody na niesmiertelnosc ;)

To wcale nie jest tak duzo. W dodatku calkiem prawdopodobne. Niczego innego z kosa zrobic nie moga(chyba ze jakies JT, w co bardzo watpie).

Absorby o krotszym cast time to tez nic wielkiego. Nikt tego nie uzywa bo rzucenie takiego badziewia to strata 2ch kolejek hitow.

Mam cicha nadzieje na kilka innych rzeczy, ale zdaje sobie sprawe ze sa nierealne. A nawet jak by to wprowadzili to zaraz odezwal by sie jakis sfrustrowaby RNG i zaczal krzyczec ze dostalismy za duzo :wink:

Dark Knight 75
BASTOK Rank 10
Merits 8

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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 31 mar 2006, 08:18 
O ! Widze, ze zdjecia mojego BSTa pokazali haha :D Chyba wroce do niego, w ogole jakos teskna mi do gry, cos trzeba bedzie zrobic z tym :)

"Why is it people who can't take advice
always insist on giving it ?" - J. B.

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 31 mar 2006, 12:23 
To jest ciekawe (nie czytalem o tym wczesniej):

"For example, we might add a low-level song that, when sung, would increase party movement speed--like a weaker version of the Chocobo Mazurka. "


Posty: 1763
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2004
PostNapisane: 2 kwi 2006, 16:24 
Z jednej storny, to mały rotfl - po prostu dodadzą kilka songów. A mogli by podnieść cap sword skilla, bubki jedne. Głupim RDMom to pośladki wylizują ;] Ale mini mazurek byłby dla małych bardziów bardzo przydatny.

Choć w sumie wątpię jakie oni piosenki mogą dodać by bard grał co innego w party. A zrobili by do każdego typu songów inna melodię i bardzi by ich po nogach całowali >.>

Comodo, Hjumen, BRD 75, PLD 52, BLU 43, WHM 37, WAR 33, DRK 32, DRG 25, NIN 20, SAM 20, BLM 19, MNK 14, BST 12

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 2 kwi 2006, 16:38 
Głupim RDMom to pośladki wylizują ;] Ale mini mazurek byłby dla małych bardziów bardzo przydatny.

Dobrze, ze mam cos takiego jak wlasne zdanie :D Bo czytajac na zmiane Stokrotke i np. takiego Comodo to czlowiek moglby zgupiec :lol:


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 2 kwi 2006, 18:48 
Gokulo napisał(a):
Dobrze, ze mam cos takiego jak wlasne zdanie :D Bo czytajac na zmiane Stokrotke i np. takiego Comodo to czlowiek moglby zgupiec :lol:

kiedy wracasz Little Red Taru? :D

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 3 kwi 2006, 05:35 
Wtorek, najpozniej sroda - bo teraz jeszcze nie mam kompa swojego to i tak nie mam na czym grac ^^;

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