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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 00:03 
Jak w temacie:

Jak ktoś znajdzie tłumaczenie byłbym zobowiązany ^^

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »


Posty: 519
Dołączył(a): 22.07.2005
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 07:06 
Jest na guru.....

Tavael- Sword Muse- Lionna
Clan Insomnia
SM 77/59 lvl Necro


Posty: 909
Dołączył(a): 8.04.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 09:16 
Coś mi się dziwnie zdaje, że szykuje Nam się najlepsza kronika.

Niepokoi mnie tylko jedno. Sposób podziału klas według schematu Nożyce/Kamie/Papier.
Ale może w praktyce będzie wszystko OK.

Demon Blade Dance brzmi obiecująco - bardzo obiecująco. :wink:
Taki AoE PowerBreak. Biorąc to pod uwagę, mam nadzieję, że PowerBreak będzie teraz także zmiejszał m. attack celu. Byłoby zajebiście.

Interesujące jest to, że BD dostaje kolejny AoE skill.

No i jeszcze jedno. Co to są za armor sety??? :wtf:
Z tego co wywnioskowałem to będą to pewnie unikatowe sety i bronie także będą unikatowe.

Czyli End Game jeszcze bardziej się przesuwa w przyszłość. :D

No i najfajniejsze. :D

Dorfy (Warrior) > Rogue (HE, SR, PR) ????? :D
Jak dla mnie bomba. Wreszcie się Gruby do czegoś przyda. :D


Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 09:49 
Jak intro przeleci i klikne jeden z tych 4rech obrazkow to mam czarny prostokat i nic. Nie wiem czy to sie sciaga jeszcze czy w ogole mi nie dziala bo przy 20kb/s to moge sie przekonac o tym chyba po 10h oczekiwaniu :D



Posty: 909
Dołączył(a): 8.04.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 10:04 
Sou napisał(a):
Jak intro przeleci i klikne jeden z tych 4rech obrazkow to mam czarny prostokat i nic. Nie wiem czy to sie sciaga jeszcze czy w ogole mi nie dziala bo przy 20kb/s to moge sie przekonac o tym chyba po 10h oczekiwaniu :D

Miałem podobny problem przzeglądając tę stronkę wczoraj w domu.
Gdy dzisiaj odpaliłem tę stronkę w pracy moge podejrzeć wszystko bez problemów.
Ale dlaczego tak się dzieje nie mam pojęcia. :]

Ostatnio edytowano 25 kwi 2006, 10:11 przez Ethan, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 10:07 
Powiem ci ze jakos mnie to nie pociesza:D Probowalem w operze otworzyc i w IE;/ Sprawdze jeszcze moze u dziewczyny zadziala na kompie :wink:



Posty: 519
Dołączył(a): 22.07.2005
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 10:20 
Nie klikaj w 1-y od lewej. Ten na dole jak przeleci intro zawiesza potok video. Kliknij 2 od lewej, pojawi się prostokąt i potem dźwięk obraz, potem możesz korzystać z opcji na rogach prostokąta.

Tavael- Sword Muse- Lionna
Clan Insomnia
SM 77/59 lvl Necro


Posty: 909
Dołączył(a): 8.04.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 10:30 
Ethan napisał(a):
Dorfy (Warrior) > Rogue (HE, SR, PR) ????? :D
Jak dla mnie bomba. Wreszcie się Gruby do czegoś przyda. :D

EDIT. Jedna to pomyłka na SS.

Knight(BD) > Rogue(dagger,archers) > Warrior(dorfy) > Knight.

Jak dla mnie bomba. Wreszcie PvP będzie wyglądało rozsądnie. Drżyjcie archerzy. :wink:
Ale muszę się powoli oswajać z myślą, że Sylvian będzie mnie równał z ziemią w PvP. :wink:
Ciężko przełknąć tak gorzką pigułkę. :D


Posty: 793
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2001
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 10:53 
No to trzeba teraz sobie robic offensive mage bo bedą ownować wszystkich poza bufferami :)

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?


Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 11:06 
Ok dziala:) Fajnie wygladaja te lokacje w klimatach zimowych :D W szczegolnosci te w ktorych widac reke dwarfa =]

Nie znam sie na tym wiec moze mi ktos z was powiedziec kiedy C5 trafi na nasze servery (tak mniej wiecej :P ) ?=]



Posty: 2004
Dołączył(a): 29.03.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 11:09 
Sou napisał(a):
Nie znam sie na tym wiec moze mi ktos z was powiedziec kiedy C5 trafi na nasze servery (tak mniej wiecej :P ) ?=]

Na 99% w tym roku, dokladnje daty nikt nie zna.

Bishop - Teon


Posty: 2945
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 11:26 
wolalbym pozniej, niech sie w koncu ceny matsow ustabilizuja ~~

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ rmk cat's dog on fire


Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 11:38 
No tak tylko jesli beda kolejne kroniki co roku puszczac to ostatnia wyjdzie za 7 lat :wink: Troche dziwnie bedzie ta gra wtedy wygladac jesli nie beda rozwijac jej od strony grafiki itp :wink:



Posty: 2004
Dołączył(a): 29.03.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 11:38 
Nowe tereny


Shrine of the Heretics : Rune Dungeon

Connects to the underground drainage system of Rune Castle town.
Built by the worshippers of the demon Triol, of which members of the secret society Vernon Dante, lead by Kalinas, leader of the Von Haken family, were the first to fall to temptation.
Spawns monsters levels 80-87 and harbors the Raid Boss Priest of Triol.


Monastery of Silence : Rune Dungeon

Residence of the Order of Solina, keepers of the Grail.
Holds in opposition to the Shrine of the Heretics.
The dungeon has two entrances, one in each of the contesting areas Godard and Rune.
Underground, the monastery is said to hold the Grail of Glory, an important enshrinement of the order of Einhasad. Those that enter the monastery in search of the grail meet grave ends in the hands of the Solina Monks.
Spawns monsters levels 80-87. Raid Boss Keeper of Glory is found here.


Stakato Nest : Rune Dungeon

The Stakato queen rests in this cave along with her workers. Almost nearing the end of her days, her nurses desperately try to protect her larva which hatch very rarely at a ratio of thousand to one. Stakatos are a persevering species. They will band together in the face of an intruder, and will feed on each other if necessary for regeneration.


Burial of Disgrace: Schuttgart

Members of the orc tribes Batur, Morek and Turka, ostracized by the Orc Kingdom, were rejected from the Plateau of Immortality and buried here instead. These betrayers holding great enmity become undead, forever roaming the cemetary grounds.
Kakai, in order to stop the spirits from crossing over to the plateau, let loose the honorary soldiers of Hastui in the area.
This is the first hunting area encountered upon leaving orc town and entering Schuttgart, and a good place for Orc players to hunt before their second class transfers.


Demon's Dwelling : Schuttgart
A dark wasteland infested with demons. Ragna orcs and dark spirits dwell here.
For soloing and small parties.


Winter's Labyrinth : Schuttgart
This maze-like valley was once ruled over by Elven magister Freya.
At one time, it was full of warmth and sunshine and was so called Summer's Labryinth, but it started freezing over and is now covered with ice and snow, and the once tame animals of the region have turned into savage beasts. The lord of Schuttgart sent a messenger to Freya to inquire, but instead of Freya the messenger found a self-named witch, Queen of Snow.
Winter's Labyrinth is a mid-level hunting area for soloers and small parties, and features an even hunting area called the Island of the Ice Queen. Monsters are Ice-type, meaning they are weak to blunts and fire magic.


Pabel Ruins : Schuttgart
Constructed by the giant Pabel, these ruins are what remain from his weather research lab due to a mysterious explosion. Although infested with malignant spirits for some time, the ruins were reclaimed by an exploration group made of Dwarves and Dark Elves after a few Bounty Hunters found traces of Starstone in the area. Both races are now hard at work trying to develop new sources of energy from these lands. However, a fanatical scientist Doctor Kaos invaded the grounds with an army of golems under the banner of world domination, and using it's deeps to train his army.
Various types of golems appear in Pabel Ruins. While the outer areas are soloable .. (note: screenshot cut off)


Wildlands of Pillage: Schuttgart
The train tracks between Dwarven Village and Schuttgart used to be an important transportation route. The trains no longer run, instead, bandits and outlaws lurk to attack Dwarven merchants traversing the area.
The wildlands feature a useful buff providing quest for soloers.

Nowe Skille
UWAGA, powinno byc Knight > Rogue > Warrior









Jest to niepelne tlumaczenie Hellrose z oparte na oficjalnej stronie C5

Bishop - Teon


Posty: 2945
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 11:42 
yay, mi sie najbardziej podobaja zmiany w klanie :>

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ rmk cat's dog on fire


Posty: 909
Dołączył(a): 8.04.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 13:07 
Kielas napisał(a):
No to trzeba teraz sobie robic offensive mage bo bedą ownować wszystkich poza bufferami :)

Tak, jakby teraz mieli godnych siebie przeciwników. :]
Summonerzy i nukerzy jadą wszystkich już od dawna.

Tak naprawdę, nic się nie zmieni w rozkładzie sił. Może trochę wzmocnią healers vs. nukerzy.
I klasy Knigtów (BD) vs. Roque (archerów). Dobrze, że przynajmniej ja na tym skorzystam.


Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 15:31 






Podoba mi sie skladanie party :) Kojarzy mi sie z D&DO =]



Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 15:45 
On April 25th 2006, NCSoft had a press conference concerning Chronicle 5.
Following is the Q&A session with the dev team.

Q: Soloing's been strengthened, but wouldn't it be hard for players that have soloed upto lvl 70s to readjust to party hunting?
A: The Instant Item will have a different effect depending on level. Generally, we have more players under level 60 than high-level players. This item is for the lower level players.

Q: Despite the new hunting areas, players are continuing to hunt in the usual spots.
A: We're slowly working on balancing out the hunting areas.

Q: When will see capes and underwear?
A: It's been delayed. We're still thinking of it but it didn't fit with the plans for this chronicle.

Q: Soul Crystals for top tier weapons are far too expensive. When will we see more of them?
A: We want to maintain the rarity of high level crystals but we acknowledge that it's a little too rare at the moment. We plan to continue to add to the list of monsters that are able to level it. We added another one this chronicle. Mobs that give level 13,14 crystals will increase, but not enough for everyone to have it.

Q: When did you start planning for C5?
A: RIght after the Chronicle 4 update. Territories were being worked on starting towards the end of Chronicle 4.

Q: Ever since some of the employees that worked on Chronicle 4 moved to other companies, we're seeing similarities in other games.
A: Some were moved to other departments but none have gone to otehr companies. Any similarities are coincidences.

Q: If C5 is the end of the chaotic age, what comes next?
A: I can't really talk about that yet.

Q: When will we see national wars?
A: C5 is already starting to shape it. We'll see it appearing soon.

Q: Is the unique item a PvP sword? Or is it for hunting?
A: The magic sword's stats are initially about S grade, but it gets stronger the more you PvP. There are no penalties in PvP for the owner of the sword or for the one being attacked with it. Only one person can have it. We plan to add such cursed weapons with every update. The stronger the weapon gets, the shorter the time you can hold it, until eventually it disappears. Its position will be announced globally periodically. To give the owner an advantage in PvP, the one holding it will have about 10 times normal CP. Also, heros that hunt down the owner of the sword will get special benefits.

Q: Wouldn't making soloing easier have a negative impact on healers?
A: We're paying just as much attention to party hunting. The system is for those who like to solo. It's not in any way a nerf on party hunting.

Q: Of A Grade items, only armor recipes are difficult to get so they're way overpriced. Will there be other ways than quests to get A Grade armor recipes?
A: We've opened up other ways to get them.

Q: Tell us about armor enchant effects
A: For example, if you get an armor set to +6 you get a new set bonus.

Q: Will there be another conference before the Chronicle 5 update?
A: The one in Pusan was our first regional one. There will be another sometime in May. Please wait for details.

Q: We heard that the original illustrator left and HyungTae Kim is now working on Lineage2.
A: HyungTae Kim has nothing to do with Lineage 2

Q: Level cap's been moved to 80. Are there new skills to go with it?
A: 80 level skills will be added next update

Q: Can you tell us anything about clan skills?
A: There's a buff skill that increases the clan's attack power. Of course, the amount it effects is different depending on your rank. There are a number of other skills such as one that decreases the death penalty.


Other Points of Interest
Source: L2Day
The 'Instant Item' is an item that drops from mobs in all solo hunting areas. Its effects are applied automatically and immediately when you pick it up.
Only the clan leader can learn clan skills.
Hero skills are being added this chronicle.
New weapons, new armors, new accessories.
Fishing competitions, night fishing to be added.
The unique item:
- Auto-equips when acquired
- When you die you drop it or it disappears
- You can't party when you're holding it, and your ID turns red, so people don't flag when they attack you
- However, you don't drop any items other than the sword when you die
- There are no penalties for people PKing you if you're holding it
Weather effects are definitely in. Rain/Sand etc.



Posty: 285
Dołączył(a): 24.09.2004
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 15:55 
Q: Of A Grade items, only armor recipes are difficult to get so they're way overpriced. Will there be other ways than quests to get A Grade armor recipes?
A: We've opened up other ways to get them.

W końcu :D

Gustin | 7x SM / 4x WC


Posty: 280
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2005
PostNapisane: 25 kwi 2006, 16:11 
no to brac sie ludziki za lvlowanie bo tylko 60+ na tym skorzystaja ;]


Lionna - main: Storm Screamer (bored/quit) - 1st: Tresure Hunter(bored/quit) - 2nd: Destroyer (annihliated class in ct1/quit) - overall status/quit

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