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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 8 cze 2006, 20:00 

Umknelo mi ze Zeta nie ma.

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 8 cze 2006, 22:51 
Poniedzialek (Monday) 12.06 --- Temenos C2

Czwartek (Thursday) 15.06 --- Ultima!!!

Poniedzialek (Monday) 19.06 --- Apollyon SE (dla Stoka)

Czwartek (Thursday) 22.06 --- Omega!!!

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Posty: 2291
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 8 cze 2006, 22:59 
Hmmm... nie chcialbym sie wtracac, ale czy nie moglibyscie robic bossow w poniedzialki? Problem jest taki, ze my mozemy robic bossow tylko w czwartki (bo takich ludzi mamy), a skoro mozecie potrzebowac ludzi z naszej grupy, tak jak my potrzebowac z waszej, dobrze by bylo zeby nam terminy nie kolidowaly^^;

Hana wa Sakuragi,
Hito wa Watashi...



Posty: 1059
Dołączył(a): 14.08.2004
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2006, 16:13 
mrynar napisał(a):
Poniedzialek (Monday) 12.06 --- Temenos C2
Czwartek (Thursday) 15.06 --- Ultima!!!
Poniedzialek (Monday) 19.06 --- Apollyon SE (dla Stoka)
Czwartek (Thursday) 22.06 --- Omega!!!

Wszystko fajnie ale chyba wczesniej pisaliscie ze w poniedzialek idziecie chyba ze mnie teraz pamiec szwankuje:P. W sumie planowalem na ten czwartek ultime ale moge przelozyc bo niedawno bylismy na omedze ale serio o 2 tygodnie nie bede przekladal z pewnych wzgleduw mozemy robic tylko w czwartki.


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2006, 16:18 
Prośba o przesunięcie następujące (nie wiem czy będę w czwartek 22.06):

Poniedzialek (Monday) 12.06 --- Temenos C2

Czwartek (Thursday) 15.06 --- Ultima!!!

Poniedzialek (Monday) 19.06 --- Omega!!!

Czwartek (Thursday) 22.06 --- Apollyon SE (dla Stoka)

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2006, 17:37 
dalam Panoramiiixowi namiary na ten temat bo nie wiem czy ktos juz to zrobil :)

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 12 cze 2006, 22:03 
Czwartek (Thursday) 15.06 --- Ultima!!!

Poniedzialek (Monday) 19.06 --- Omega!!!

Czwartek (Thursday) 22.06 --- Apollyon SE (dla Stoka)

Poniedzialek (Monday) 26.06 --- Central Temenos - Basement 1

Czwartek (Thursday) 29.06 --- CS Apollyon

Taki jest wstepny plan. Te 5 limbusow mamy w najblizszym czasie do zrobienia. Ostatnie 2 dla funu, bo ich nigdy nie robilismy.

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 06:38 
CS Apyllon to metal chip za 75 monet wiec ... :roll:

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 08:32 
Scorpio napisał(a):
CS Apyllon to metal chip za 75 monet wiec ... :roll:

Podobnie jak central basement 1. Stac nas. :D


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 09:18 
ja jestem za - sprobujmy, tam podobno wypada masa coinow :)

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 09:38 
jestem za - w czwartek mnie nie ma ;(

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 2668
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 11:14 
przecztalem pierszy post. wiec ja bym chcial upgradnac czapke rdma. jak narazie. na to zbieram :]

Jast v2.0


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 11:23 
Drodzy Limbusowcy

Nie ukrywam, że bardzo mi zależy na rozwaleniu Ultimy i wejściu w posiadanie moich wymarzonych rękawiczek. Dlatego chcę wygrać tę walkę. Ponieważ najbliższy czwartek to część tzw. długiego weekendu to obawiam się, że możemy nie mieć składu. Chodzi mi oczywiście o optymalny skład, który daje nam realne szanse zwycięstwa, a nie "just 18 ppl".

Pytanie jest takie czy nie lepiej jest zrobić Apollyon SE, który miał być w czwartek, a Ultimę w poniedziałek?


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 14:12 
zet napisał(a):
Drodzy Limbusowcy

Nie ukrywam, że bardzo mi zależy na rozwaleniu Ultimy i wejściu w posiadanie moich wymarzonych rękawiczek. Dlatego chcę wygrać tę walkę. Ponieważ najbliższy czwartek to część tzw. długiego weekendu to obawiam się, że możemy nie mieć składu. Chodzi mi oczywiście o optymalny skład, który daje nam realne szanse zwycięstwa, a nie "just 18 ppl".

Pytanie jest takie czy nie lepiej jest zrobić Apollyon SE, który miał być w czwartek, a Ultimę w poniedziałek?

Tak zapewne zrobimy. Napewno nie porwiemy sie na Ultime bez full skladu.


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 14:19 
Ekhm... mialem jakies zaćmienie - w czwartek teściowie mają 30 rocznice... więc i tak nie mógłbym być... :oops:


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2006, 17:54 
Czwartek (Thursday) 15.06 --- Apollyon SE (dla Stoka)

Poniedzialek (Monday) 19.06 --- Ultima!!!

Czwartek (Thursday) 22.06 --- Central Temenos - Basement 1

Poniedzialek (Monday) 26.06 --- Omega!!!!

Czwartek (Thursday) 29.06 --- CS Apollyon

Wszystkim pasuje?


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 14 cze 2006, 15:07 
Jedna ze strategii na Ultime

Aerial Armor Strategy:

Party Setups

Tank PT

Melee PT
Healer #1
Healer #2
DD #1
DD #2
DD #3
DD #4

Magic PT
Refresher #1
Magic DD #1
Magic DD #2
Magic DD #3
Magic DD #4
Magic DD #5

Refresher: RDM, BRD
Magic DD : BLM, SMN, RDM

Alliance setup is subject to change depending on what is available, but this is ideally what we're looking for.

Items needed
Everyone, regardless of job, should bring the following items:
12x Echo Drops
12x Antidote
1x Reraise Gorget/Pin
12x Your favorite food, to redo after it gets dispelled.

In addition if you have MP, you should bring the following items:
12x Yagudo Drink, or 12x Melon Juice.
Yagudo Drink is preferable, but Melon Juice is okay if you can't afford/find it.

Try to stock up before Limbus itself so the AH isn't drained dry due to us buying Juice from it.

The Chest Mobs

As noted above, in the arena there are 3 differant sets of chests, which allow us to pop up to 3 mobs, one from each of the other areas of Temenos. As we believe that killing these weakens Ultima, we'll be popping and kililng these mobs first before we engage Ultima. We'll be following the tank strategy below, so this is a good time to practise the tank strategy, skillchains and stun order before we engage Ultima properly.

There are a couple of special notes. If we get an Enhanced Jelly, then melee should stay out of range and BLM and SMN only should handle it. BLM should continue to stick to the Stun Order however. When we pop the Mystic Avatar, The WHM, Healers and BLMs should make sure you have the appropriate Barspell cast.

The PLD/WARs will provoke Ultima and take him to the top-left corner on the map. We'll tank him there to minimize his AoE range, keeping him facing the wall and his back to the other members of the alliance. They should keep provoking, flashing, and shield bashing him as often as possible. Other abilities should be used as neccesary. They should call out any status effects that land on them so the status curers know what to cure.

The RDM will be responsible for keeping Refresh on the members of the tank party. Every minute he should also run to the tanks and cast Aerial Armor on them. The RDM will also have to keep debuffs on Ultima, if there is a NIN or 2nd RDM in the alliance debuff duty can be split with them. It is important to keep him as debuffed as possible, keeping Bio II, Paralyze, Slow, Blind and Poison II on him at all times. The RDM can also spot cure should the tanks be running low on HP.

The SMN will be responsible for running in and casting Aerial Armor as often as possible. They will also be responsible for status cures on one PLD, which will be assigned to them. They should also spot cure should the tanks be running low on HP.

The BRD will be responsible for double ballading everyone in the tank party. We will all be seperate so there will be a significant amount of running around. The BRD should also keep Carnage Elegy on Ultima, it should be applied at all times. BRD will also help with status cures.

The WHM will be responsible for main healing the tanks. It's important to keep the tanks HP as high as possible as Ultima has some very vicious attacks that almost one-shot a PLD even with high HP. Also, they will be responsible for keep Barspells on the tanks. This will be Barstone and Barpetrify, as Ultima can do Petrify and thats the worst status effect for us to deal with (aside from Terror which we can do nothing about). Ultima's Dissapation move will remove all buffs from whoever it hits, so if the tanks get hit with this move, Protectra, Shellra, and Barspells must be reapplied immediatly. If anyone does get Petrified, the WHM will have to Stona them.

Healer #1 will be responsible for main healing the PLDs along with the WHM, and also will be assigned one specific PLD to status cure along with the SMN. Status cures are the priority.

Healer #2 will be responsible for main healing and status curing the melee PT. Protectra, Shellra, and Barspells should be kept up at all times. They should try and rest as much as possible aside from this to keep their MP high.

DDs #1 to #4 will be responsible for melee damage. They should try to sub /NIN to avoid taking damage from any AoE that does hit them. DD#1 and DD#2 will have a skillchain, as will DD#3 and DD#4. You will need to keep each other informed of you TP progress, as well as have a macro announcing you are ready to start your skillchain, make sure there is a <call> in this so nobody misses it. When someone uses this macro, no other weaponskills should be performed until the skillchain goes off, and the black mages should be ready to magic burst. Macro's should be made annoucing in party chat when you are using your weapon skill. Aside from this, Utsusemi should be kept up at all times, and if your running low on health (600HP or so), you should back off to the retreat area and rest, one of the mages will get around to healing you. If you have a status effect on you, you need to say so in party chat (repeatedly) so we know who needs to be status cured. If Ultima puts Particle Shield up, and your hitting for 0, retreat out of range and rest to recover your HP until it's down.

Refresher #1 will be responsible for keeping Refresh on everyone in the magic party.

Magical DDs #1 to #5 will be responsible for damaging Ultima. If you are a SMN you should use Leviathan's Spinning Dive, or Garuda's Predator Claws whichever is best when it has Mana Shield, and use Nether Blast when it has Particle Shield up. SMNs will also be given other duties in between their blood pacts, most likely status cures and spot cures.
We will have one of the BLMs keeping Elemental Debuffs on Ultima, Drown, Rasp, and Frost should always be kept on Ultima. BLMs should nuke him when they can, but do not spam nuke on him. If you see that the melee are about to start skillchain, hold off on nuking and wait to do the magic burst. Also, keep your MP high, if your getting down to around 50% MP, rest. It's important to keep MP high incase we run into trouble. Above all of that, buffs should be kept on at all times. Protectra, Shellra, Barspells (Barblizzard and Baraparalyze), Stoneskin and Blink should always be kept up, this is more important than nuking. The most important thing of all the BLMs will do is the Stun Order. We'll have our BLMs use Stun in an order to slow down the fight a bit and give us a breather, and hopefully stop some TP moves. The interval between stuns will be no. of BLMs divided by 45, so if we have 3 BLMs, the interval will be 15 seconds. When it is your turn in the Stun order, you should do nothing else except wait to stun. Watch Ultima, and watch for the "power-up" mobs do before using a TP move, the red lines being drawn into them. Look at the mob itself, don't look at the chat log. If you see those red lines, use your Stun. If he hasn't used a TP move by the time the interval is up, use your Stun anyway. Each BLM should have a macro with the Stun command, and a party message saying who is next in the Stun order, and a <call> so nobody misses the message. In short, the BLM priority goes Stun Order -> Self Buff -> Elemental Debuff (1 BLM only) -> Magic Burst nuking -> free nuking -> everything else. The last thing is when he puts Mana Shield up, if your nukes are doing zero then just focus on your stun order, buffs and resting MP.

When it all goes to hell
Bad things can and do happen, and this is a hard fight so we need to be prepared for the case when things do go wrong. If people are dying, close to dying or we're running low on MP then we need some time to recover. We'll have the tanks and a few support people kite Ultima clockwise around the room, while everyone else stops attacking Ultima, leaves the room and rests to recover HP and MP. If we have dead people, hopefully they will have Reraise up. If not, then hopefully we'll be able to have the WHM Raise II/III them, but if we're low on support people or the WHM has no MP, then we may have to Raise I some people. If the tanks are down, we'll have the NINs and WAR/NINs kite it while the tanks recover. If all of the above are down, whoever has hate will have to do their best to kite while we try to get the PLDs, NINs and WAR/NINs up. Ultima does do Draw-in, so we won't be able to kite him away the best we can do is kite him around the room. Ideally to support the PLDs we'd have the RDM, BRD and a WHM or PLD/WHM around, but depending on who is alive/has MP this could change.

Citadel Buster

Ultima's Deathga move, Citadel Buster. When he gets to around 20%, he will randomly start a coutndown from 30 to 0, with hate locked on one person. When he hits 0 he will perform Citadel Buster on that person, an AoE attack that will do 2000+ damage to whoever it hits. Although the countdown is from 30 to 0, it's actually less in seconds, around 20-25 seconds. While he's counting down, he will do no other attacks so there is a brief chance here for the BLMs to hit him with a very high nuke for free. When he starts counting down, we'll use the following macro to determine who Citadel Buster is targetted on:
<target on Proto-Ultima>
/assist <t>
/wait 1
/party Citadel Buster is focused on <t>! <t> stay in the middle with Proto-Ultima! <call>

The person Citadel Buster is focused on should stay in the middle with Proto-Ultima. Everyone else should leave the room. BLMs should try to get a high nuke in quickly, but getting out of range is the priority. Ultima will still draw people in randomly, so you will have to make sure you get out of range if you get drawn in. We don't know if Citadel Buster counts as physical or magical damage, so if it's focused on a PLD then they should try to Invincible at the 5 count and hopefully block the damage from Citadel Buster.
After Citadel Buster has gone off, Ultima will change whatever shield he was using, so if he was using Particle Shield, for Physical resistance, he will change to Mana Shield, for magic resistance. We need to keep an eye on that and <call> out what he is resistant too, so the BLMs don't waste their MP nuking when he is immune and the melee get a chance to retreat and rest, as well as stay away from any AoE. Aside from this, fighting should resume as normal. As we're getting close to the end of the fight we will prepare to use 2hours at this point. Depending on it's resistance, either the magical DD or the melee DD will use their 2hours. Hopefully we'll be able to take him down quickly before he can use Citadel Buster again, if not we'll deal with Citadel Buster as before and continue to fight, and have the other set of 2hours trigger afterwards. If he still isn't dead, we'll fight on as usual until he is.



Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 14 cze 2006, 15:42 
BRD and SMN buffs were amazing when tanking him. I'm glad that Pitlith helped me out and basically said in chat what I was saying over Ventrilo. The Fenrir ACC+EVA BP and Mambos are freaking awesome. They were so strong that you could realistically do Ni --> Ni tanking on regular attacks until you finally get ripped apart by one of his moves. Take a NIN (or a few) and go hard into evading everything.

As far as Armor Break, it has a range of 20.0. The max casting range for most spells is 20.5-21.5, so that's a VERY small radius you can stand in safely. Mages need to be careful and tanks need to be considerate of their positioning so as not to force their healers into dangerous positions.



Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2006, 20:22 
Propozycja skladu

NIN / WAR (Rhaegal)
NIN / WAR (Zjawcia)
PLD / NIN (Xavery)
RDM / WHM (Stokrotka)
WHM / SMN (Ancover)
WHM / SMN (Zetoriush)

RDM / DRK (Lesiu)
BLM / WHM (Canto/Nim)
BLM / WHM (Simiurg)
BLM / WHM (Fozhar)
RDM / DRK (Panoramiiix)
WHM / SMN (Deshter)

MNK / NIN (Opiekun)
DRK / NIN (Galenros)
THF / NIN (Hucksterthief)
SAM / NIN (Oraichu)
BRD / WHM (Valyana)
WHM / SMN (Pitia/Drac)

» Rhaegal i Simiurg - czy możecie nam w poniedziałek pomóc ubić Ultime?
» Czy Fozhar będzie szedł z nami?
» Co z subami dla DD - zaleca sie dla wszystkich NIN, aby AOE robiło jak najmniej dmg (oszczedność MP) - co o tym sądzicie?
» Xav ma być PLD / NIN?
» Nie możemy przenieść 1:1 strategii Aerial Armor, bo nie mamy PLD, ale mamy NINjasy. W związku z tym możemy blink tankować bez Summonera. Czy lepiej mieć dodatkowego WHMa do szybkiego leczenia, czy SMN do stonesknowania tanków + ACC+EVA bloodpact który podobno znacznie ułatwia recast cieni na Ultimie.

Proponowana strategia

TANKI: (Rha, Zjaw, Xav) Zaciągają Ultime w lewy górny róg i tam starają się aby była skierowana przodem do rogu. Nie umieranie zbyt czesto i nigdy razem.

RDM IN TANK PARTY: (Stok) Najważniejsze zadanie to debufowanie Ultimy (Bio II, Paralyze, Slow, Blind and Poison II przez cały czas), drugie zadanie to refreszowanie. Pomoc w curowaniu.

MAIN WHM IN TANK PARTY: (Anc) Najważniejsze zadanie to Haste Rha i utrzymywanie tanków na wysokim HP. Recast Protectra i Shellra po specjalu Dissapation. Zdejmowanie bad statusów z Rha. Nie dopuszczenie do spadku MP poniżej 50%.

SUPPORT WHM IN TANK PARTY: (Zet) Zadania: utrzymywanie Barstone and Barpetrify, leczenie, zdejmowanie bad statusów z Zja i Xav. Nie dopuszczenie do spadku MP poniżej 50%. W przypadku gdy jeden z pozostałych WHMow będzie miał mało MP to leczenie jego party podczas gdy on restuje - np. Mowie Pitia / Desh restuj ja za Ciebie lecze - dzieki temu będzie rotacja w restowaniu.

RDM W BLM PARTY: (Lesiu) Refreszowanie 6 osob w party. Pomoc w leczeniu BLM i Tanków. +udział w stun order

BLM DEBUFER W BLM PARTY: (Simiurg) To co inni BLMowie i dodatkowo utrzymywanie Drown, Rasp i Frost przez całą walkę. Czynności od najważniejszej do najmniej ważnej Stun Order -> Self Buff -> Elemental Debuff -> Magic Burst nuking -> free nuking -> everything else.

BLM W BLM PARTY: (Canto, Panora, Foz) Stunowanie, Stoneskin, Blink, magicburstowanie i nukowanie. Nie schodzić poniżej 50% MP!!! Czynności od najważniejszej do najmniej ważnej Stun Order -> Self Buff -> Magic Burst nuking -> free nuking -> everything else. Jeżeli Ultima ma Mana Shield (immune na magie) to restujecie. UWAGA! Panoramiix powinien działać jak blm w blm party!

WHM W BLM PARTY: (Desh) Utrzymywanie Barstone, Barpetrify, Protectra, Shellra, zdejmowanie statusów, curowanie, wspomaganie curowania DD party lub tank party. Nie schodzić poniżej 50% MP!!!

DD W MELEE PARTY: (Opi, Gal, Huck, Orai) W parach robienie skillchainów i wyraźne komunikowanie ich BLMom do MB. Dark SC preferowany (Ultima jest light based). Jeżeli masz bad status to informować na party. Jeżeli masz mało HP (<600) to disengage i uciekać od AOE, jak magowie będą mieli MP to wyleczą a jak nie to konieczne restowanie. Śmierć to weakness czyli duża strata, czasu, dmg i MP. Jeżeli Ultima ma "Particle Shield" (uderzacie za 0 dmg) to odchodzicie poza AOE i restujecie HP do czasu az zejdzie.

WHM W MELEE PARTY: (Pitia) Hastowanie 4 DD, utrzymywanie Barstone, Barpetrify, Protectra, Shellra, curowanie. Zdejmowanie statusów z Hucka i Orai. Nie schodzić poniżej 50% MP!!!

BRD W MELEE PARTY: (Val) Keeping songs (which?) on DD and ballads on WHM. Zdejmowanie statusów z Gala i Opiego. Pomoc w leczeniu. Informowanie party: kto jest celem Citadelbustera, kiedy jest immune na magie a kiedy na melee, itp.

Jak stunować

Stun order itp to BLMy wiedza sami jak najlepiej zrobić. Kiedy stunować: jak przyjdzie na Ciebie kolej stuna to targetujesz Ultime, zapominasz o wszystkich innych sprawach i patrz na Ultime (nie na loga) - jak pojawią się czerwone kreski wtedy stunuj. Jeżeli w przeciagu 12 sekund nie pojawi się specjal to walcie Stun, bo i tak nastepnemu BLMowi juz zszedł recast.

Co gdy mało MP, albo mamy problem

Jeżeli mało MP, albo są trupy to Tanki zaczynają kitowac Ultime zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara, pomaga im utrzymać się przy życiu jakiś WHM albo dwóch. Pozostali wychodzą z pokoju i restują. Jak tanki nie żyją to Huck kituje, a potem inni DD z cieniami. Ostatnio wykonczyl nas brak MP wiec jest to bardzo wazny punkt programu. Jak bedziemy kolo 22% Ultimy to równiez kitujemy po to aby wszyscy a w szczególnosci BLMi odzyskali full MP, bo po przekroczeniu 20% trzeba zabic ja bardzo szybko.

Citadel Buster
Przy około 20% Ultima zaczyna walic citadelbustera, czyli AOE 2000 demage. Zaczyna odliczanie od 30 w dół i na koncu odpala czar o bardzo duzym obszarze. Val powie w kogo bedzie leciał ten czar i ta osoba zostaje na srodku sali a reszta NATYCHMIAST ucieka do sasiedniego pokoju. Jezeli celem Citadelbustera bedzie Xav to przy 5-10 sek powinien uzyć Invincible - wtedy ma 50% szans na przeżycie w zależności czy ten CB bedzie magiczny czy fizyczny (losowo). Po każdym CB Ultima zmienia odporność - jeżeli była odporna na melee to teraz jest na DD i odwrotnie (Particle Shield <--> Mana Shield). Ważne np dla RDMa, któryc chciałby uzyc 2H - jak przed Citadelem był odporny na melee to mozna uzyc 2H. Wszyscy uzywaja 2H w tym momencie aby szybko zabic Ultime - dlatego wazne jest aby miec duzo MP w tym momencie.

Niepotwierdzone informacje mówią, że warto rozwalać skrzynki przed Ultimą, bo ją osłabiają. Przy okazji można potestować zgranie DD i BLM w MB.

Zdejmowanie bad statusów

Armor Buster, AoE Gravity --> Erase
Chemical Bomb, Cone Slow, Elegy --> 2 x Erase
Cryojet, Cone Paralyze --> Paralyna
Dissipation, AoE Dispel all buffs + Terror --> Protect, Shell, Barstone, Barpetrify, Reraise, Stoneskin, Blink, Songs...
Flame Thrower, Cone Plague --> Viruna
High-Tension Discharger, Cone Stun --> Erase
Hydro Canon, Cone Strong Poison --> Poisona
Smoke Discharger, Cone Petrification --> Stona
Turbofan, Cone Silence --> Silena or Echo Drops

AoE - Area of effect famage
Cone - Cone damage / directional damage


Każdy niezależnie od joba zabiera:
12x Echo Drops
12x Antidote
1x Reraise Gorget/Pin
12x food bo Ultima Dispeluje!!!

Magowie biorą soczki i jakieś superethery dla MP.
Melee po ikarusie, opoopo, sleeping poty.


Ostatnio edytowano 26 cze 2006, 12:53 przez zet, łącznie edytowano 7 razy
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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2006, 21:41 
Super Ether wykluczony, nie bierzcie tego, daje efekt stun na kilka-nascie sekund po uzyciu i dlugo sie spozywa, jak juz to mulsum kupcie, za cene 1 super dostaniecie ok 5 stackow co daje 600 mp ekstra a uzycie natychmiastowe. Aaa i super ether daje medicines.

Co do potionow to hi-potion tank okosztuje ok 20k a daje 20 hi-potionow, wydatek niewielki chyba kazdy moze sobie kupic, hi-ether tank kosztuje ok 30-35k i daje 20 hi-etherkow - nic dodac nic ujac.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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