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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2006, 21:48 
Hi-potion tank ma jedna wade - trzeba go nosic zamiast cape co jest sporym oslabieniem, glownie dla tankow.

Lepeij kupic hi-poty +3, kosztuja grosze a daja 130 HP.


Zet --> zajebiscie rozpisales wszystko!

Sluchajcie, mamy naprawde duzo monet. Moze by tak sprzedac z 20 i kupic za to medicines na Ultime?


Poniedzialek (Monday) 19.06 --- Ultima!!!

Czwartek (Thursday) 22.06 --- Central Temenos - Basement 1

Poniedzialek (Monday) 26.06 --- Omega!!!!

Czwartek (Thursday) 29.06 --- CS Apollyon


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2006, 21:52 
Scorpio napisał(a):
Super Ether wykluczony, nie bierzcie tego, daje efekt stun na kilka-nascie sekund po uzyciu i dlugo sie spozywa, jak juz to mulsum kupcie, za cene 1 super dostaniecie ok 5 stackow co daje 600 mp ekstra a uzycie natychmiastowe. Aaa i super ether daje medicines.

Przetestuje - zobacze jak szybko sie rzuca...




Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2006, 21:54 
mrynar napisał(a):
Sluchajcie, mamy naprawde duzo monet. Moze by tak sprzedac z 20 i kupic za to medicines na Ultime?

Jestem, za!!! Lepiej, żeby każdy dostał jakies medsy niż miał oszczędzać. Za dużo trzeba zachodu na czipy zeby przegrac!



Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2006, 21:58 
Aha - jak macie uwagi do strategii to piszcie, a jak nie to tłumacze na Angielski dla zagranicznych membersów.


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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2006, 23:02 
Przypominam, ze Ultima miedzy Citadelbusterami lubi wciagac do siebie. Potrafi jedna osobe wciagnac kilka razy pod rzad w krotkim czasie.


Jak nie bedzie sprzeciwow to jutro wystawie bazar z monetami w jakiejs promocyjnej cenie :D, tak zeby dalo sie za nie kupic 14 raraise hairpinow i 4 gorgety.


Na limbusy bede regularnie chodzil do konca czerwca. Od lipca potrzebny jest ochotnik do prowadzenia tabelki.


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2006, 08:06 
Panoramiiix ma BLMa, czy tylko RDM?


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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2006, 08:19 
Ten DRAW jest AOE, wciąga osobe ktora ma aktualnie hate + osoby ktore sa w poblizu, z tej przyczyny w chwili kiedy odpalany jest citadel osoba ktora dostaje hate powinnna odbiec w inna strone niz pozostale osoby.
W ostaniej walce mialo to kilka razy miejsce ze wciagalo osbe + osoby stojace blisko niej byly to cakowicie niepotrzebne zgony.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2006, 14:18 

Propozycja skladu

NIN / WAR (Rhaegal)
NIN / WAR (Zjawcia)
PLD / WAR lub PLD / NIN(Xavery)
RDM / WHM (Stokrotka)
WHM / SMN (Ancover)
WHM / SMN (Zetoriush)

RDM / DRK (Lesiu)
BLM / WHM (Canto/Nim)
BLM / WHM (Simiurg)
BLM / WHM (Fozhar)
RDM / DRK (Panoramiiix)
WHM / SMN (Deshter)

MNK / NIN (Opiekun)
DRK / NIN (Galenros)
THF / NIN (Hucksterthief)
SAM / NIN (Oraichu)
BRD / WHM (Valyana)
WHM / SMN (Pitia/Drac)

Ultima strategy

TANKS: (Rha, Zjaw, Xav) Pulling Ultima to top left corner, try to keep it facing into wall. Do not die and especially do not die together.

RDM IN TANK PARTY: (Stok) Most important task is to keep Ultima debuffed all the time - (Bio II, Paralyze, Slow, Blind and Poison II all the time), second task is keeping refresh on mages. If spare MP help with curing.

MAIN WHM IN TANK PARTY: (Anc) Most important is to keep Rha hasted all the time and keep tanks at full HP. Recast Protectra and Shellra after special move called Dissapation. Removing bad statuses from Rha. Do not let drop your MP below 50%.

SUPPORT WHM IN TANK PARTY: (Zet) Tasks: Kepping Barstone and Barpetrify up, curing, removing bad statuses from Zja i Xav. Do not let drop your MP below 50%. If one od whm will be low on MP take his duties and let him rest (clearly communicate him that he need to rest).

RDM IN BLM PARTY: (Lesiu) Refreshing 6 ppl in party. Help with curing BLMs and Tanks. +stun order

BLM DEBUFER IN BLM PARTY: (Simiurg) Same duties like rest BLMs and in addition should keep Drown, Rasp and Frost all the fight up. Duties in order of importance: Stun Order -> Self Buff -> Elemental Debuff -> Magic Burst nuking -> free nuking -> everything else.

BLM IN BLM PARTY: (Canto, Panora, Foz) Stun, Stoneskin, Blink, magicburst i nuke. Do not let drop your MP below 50%! If so - rest. Duties in order of importance: Stun Order -> Self Buff -> Magic Burst nuking -> free nuking -> everything else. When Ultima has Mana Shield (immune to magic) - rest. NOTE! Panoramiiix should act like BLM

WHM IN BLM PARTY: (Desh) Keeping Barstone, Barpetrify, Protectra, Shellra up. Removing bad statuses, curing, helping to cure DD party or tank party. Do not let drop your MP below 50%!

DD IN MELEE PARTY: (Opi, Gal, Huck, Orai) Making skillchains in pairs. Clear communicating it to others (preferably with <call>) so BLMs will not miss MB, and other melee will not do their SC in meantime. Dark SC is preferred (Ultima is light based). If you have any bad status then communicate it on party chat. If you are low on HP (<600) disengage and get away of AOE, if mages will have MP then you get cure if not - rest. Try to avoid death! When Ultima has "Particle Shield" (hitting for 0 dmg) get away of AOE and rest HP untill it's off.

WHM IN MELEE PARTY: (Pitia) Hasting 4 DD, keeping Barstone, Barpetrify, Protectra, Shellra up. Curing. Removing bad statuses from Hucka and Orai. Do not let drop your MP below 50%!

BRD IN MELEE PARTY: (Val) Keeping songs (which?) on DD and ballads on WHM. Removing bad statuses from Gal and Opi. Help with Curing. Informing party of: who is the target of Citadelbuster, when Ultima is immune for magic when on melee, etc.

How to stun

Make stun order. When and how to stun: when it's your stun order then target Ultima, forget about anything else and keep your eye on Ultima - immediately after you see red lines release stun. If there will be no special during 12 seconds then release Stun anyway. It's because next blm already has his stun timer up.

What to do when low on MP or anything going bad

If low on MP or some death ppl then Tanks starts to kite clockwise, WHM or two help them to survive. Everyone else are going OUT of the room and rest. If tanks are dead then Huck takes kite duties - if he dies then next DD takes kite duties. Its very important because last time we lost because of lack of MP. When Ultima will have 22% left then we starting to kite because we want everyone especially BLMs to get full MP. After Ultima reaches 20% HP left we need to kill it very fast.

Citadel Buster
When Ultima is 20% left then it starts spamming citadelbustera, I mean AOE 2000 damage. It starts counting down from 30 to 0 and at the end releasing "deathga". Val will tell who is the target of citadelbuster so he stayes there and rest run out of the room (aoe is huge and unpredictible). After each CB Ultima chcnges it's immunity. Its important for 2h when you cant afford yourself to hit for 0. Everyone uses 2H to kill Ultima fast.

Unconfirmed is that after killing chest mobs Ultima becames weaker. Ut's also the occasion to check how we work with SC and MB.

Removing bad statuses

Armor Buster, AoE Gravity --> Erase
Chemical Bomb, Cone Slow, Elegy --> 2 x Erase
Cryojet, Cone Paralyze --> Paralyna
Dissipation, AoE Dispel all buffs + Terror --> Protect, Shell, Barstone, Barpetrify, Reraise, Stoneskin, Blink, Songs...
Flame Thrower, Cone Plague --> Viruna
High-Tension Discharger, Cone Stun --> Erase
Hydro Canon, Cone Strong Poison --> Poisona
Smoke Discharger, Cone Petrification --> Stona
Turbofan, Cone Silence --> Silena or Echo Drops


Everyone regarfless of job takes:
12x Echo Drops
12x Antidote
1x Reraise Gorget/Pin
12x Your favorite food, to redo after it gets dispelled.

Mages take juices, hiethers etc.
Melees take icarus, opoopo, sleeping pots.

Everyone will get from LS fund a reraise hairpin or gorget.


Ostatnio edytowano 23 cze 2006, 14:43 przez zet, łącznie edytowano 5 razy

Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2006, 14:20 
Sorry for mistakes and misspells in transaltion - I got very few time and cant afford myself to reread it.

I talked with Fozhar - he will have an exam on Monday but will do his best to come.



Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2006, 14:39 
zet napisał(a):
TANKS: (Rha, Zjaw, Xav) Pulling Ultima to top left corner, try to keep it facing into wall. Do not die and especially do not die together.

lol, Zecik - to jeszcze popros Ultime zeby nas nie zabijala :D

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 1007
Dołączył(a): 22.01.2005
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2006, 17:36 
Hmmm, Jakby co Panoramiiix ma BLMa na 44 levelu :)

FFXI - Ramuh -Deshter Whm75/Smn75 Retired
FFXIV - Sargatanas Deshter Verniferi


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 19:19 
Lord_Deshter napisał(a):
Hmmm, Jakby co Panoramiiix ma BLMa na 44 levelu :)

A jakie ma Joby na 75?



Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 19:20 
Duszek napisał(a):
zet napisał(a):
TANKS: (Rha, Zjaw, Xav) Pulling Ultima to top left corner, try to keep it facing into wall. Do not die and especially do not die together.

lol, Zecik - to jeszcze popros Ultime zeby nas nie zabijala :D

Ja juz modły od tygodnia czynie :D



Posty: 1007
Dołączył(a): 22.01.2005
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 19:33 
Ma rdma na 75 i whma chyba na 71

FFXI - Ramuh -Deshter Whm75/Smn75 Retired
FFXIV - Sargatanas Deshter Verniferi


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 19:39 
Czy rozsądne by było gdyby nukował razem z BLMami?



Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 19:40 
W czwartek mnie nie bedzie - mam rocznice ślubu :o



Posty: 1007
Dołączył(a): 22.01.2005
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 19:56 
Zet, masz rozdwojenie jazni, ze takie podwojne posty piszesz? :lol:

FFXI - Ramuh -Deshter Whm75/Smn75 Retired
FFXIV - Sargatanas Deshter Verniferi


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 20:13 
Lord_Deshter napisał(a):
Zet, masz rozdwojenie jazni, ze takie podwojne posty piszesz? :lol:

Może mam :P
A tak na serio to chciełem oddzielić te 2 informacie od siebie w różnych postach bo dotyczą innych kwestii i innych dni...



Posty: 1007
Dołączył(a): 22.01.2005
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 20:31 
Heh :P Spoko :P
Tylko moze zmien w taktyce job Panoramiixa zeby sie nie zdziwil troche, jak bedzie ja czytac :P

FFXI - Ramuh -Deshter Whm75/Smn75 Retired
FFXIV - Sargatanas Deshter Verniferi

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2006, 22:31 
Wrzucilem Opiekuna na batalie z naszymi monetami po 110k.

Moze ktos chce kupic? :)

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