To teraz porównaj te fotki z fotkami z darkfalla

Czas zacząć pisać troche na temat. Otóż, Vanguard według zapowiedzi ma się dobrze. Jest wiele pozytywnych opini wśród beta-testerów. Obecnie beta jest objęta NDA więc trudno o jakiekolwiek wiarygodne info.
Mocno się kiedyś naszukałem i jak dotąt znalazłem na prywatnym forum jedno info negatywne ( Nie wiem czy moge to tu wkleić bo jak już mówiłem beta jest objęta NDA - jakby co proszę moderatora o usunięcie mojego postu). Oto ono :
I laugh at games like Vanguard calling themselves "next generation" mmorpgs. There hasn't been a "next generation" mmorpg ever, since they all revolve around leveling treadmills and the endless pursuit of new loot until you eBay out of boredom. The real hillarity in this game is just how blatant the leveling treadmill/timesinks are.
There's 3 Leveling treadmills in the game, and all of them are equal in lack of fun.
You'd think this is fun but it really isn't. They talked up a huge game about how Vanguard's combat involves more than just hitting Auto-Attack and hoping the monster runs out of Hitpoints before you do. You get to see a monsters attack ahead of time, and simply choose whatever button is flashing to deflect it. That's it, that's their huge "next generation" improvement to the boredom of playing a melee: waiting for icons to flash and then click on them hoping the server lag doesn't cause the spells to timeout.
Solo'ing is non-existant. You can solo for hours and you won't come near the exp you get if you wait around for a group. Solo'ing is immensely boring, since every tactic involves spamming your direct damage spell while tanking. Deaths are harsh, you lose exp, you're naked, and you have to run back to your corpse. Usually you'll die on the way since monsters hit you from far away with their extendo arms of death. There's also this hillarious bug right now where the guards assist the monster its fighting and will kill you.
I've only tried tradeskilling once, and was amazed at the time involvement. According to the forums, it takes just as long as combat leveling to level while tradeskilling. Apparently its like EQ2, you sit there and some bars go up and down and you have to mash flashing buttons until you "finish" a product. Apparently some guy did this for days and days and is level five and makes "Grade D table legs".
Harvesting takes for fucking ever. You have to group with other harvesters and you fight trees like you would a monster. Thats right, you need to get certain harvesting classes too, like "gleaners" and "refiners" in your group, and you sit around wacking some tree until the tree dies and then you get some loot. You then have to rest, since you get "tired" while wacking trees all day.
Want to solo while harvesting? Oh no you can't, because solo'ing doesn't exist at all in this game, if you solo it will A) take forever B) not get you anything meaningful C) you'll fail alot.
Parley..or the worst thing ever invented and is made fun of constantly on the beta forums
This is the best new "feature" of this great "next generation mmorpg". You have to parley with the npcs to get your quests. This is yet another ridiculous time sink. Thats right, when you want to talk to a npc about a quest, it opens a parley window where you fight the npc like a monster using arguments. You have the "dirty joke" spell, which lowers his liking of you, so then you have to reply with a "nice compliment" which then makes him like you more but then you have to keep the conversation interesting so you attack using a "interesting story"...I'm not making this shit up, you basically hammer keys until the conversation bar reaches the end(without other bars getting too low, its exactly like EQ2's crafting system) and you win the "parley".
Here's what is so great about it. EVERY SINGLE NPC makes you parley with him to get quest info. What is funny about it is that 95% of them have no quests or interesting info to give you, so you go from npc to npc parleying, mashing keys, until you "win" the "encounter" and you get nothing from it.
This game just fucking blows. There's nothing positive I can say about it, it is that bad. I've beta'ed alot of video games and this one is fundamentally fucked. I don't think I could come up with a worse video game if I tried. I'm amazed the login screen doesn't have some sort of time sink or if I want to customize my UI I don't have to parley it with "witty jokes".
Krótko dodam - wszystkie minusy, które gościu wymienił są dla mnie plusami. Gra go poprostu przerosła ( najprawdopodobnie WoWowiec). Chłopak wymagał pełnej i dopieszczonej wersji we... wczesnej fazie bety:/ Jednym słowem mówiąc Pro-betatester.