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"Rappelz Closed Beta testing Sign UP!
After successfully launching Flyff and Space Cowboy Online, both of which now have a large and loyal following, we could have stopped there. But we here at Gala-Net aren't the sort of bunch to just sit back and be content. In order to strive towards bringing you the very best MMORPG games available, we are hard at work preparing for the launch of Rapplez, a highly anticipated 3rd game from Gala-Net, Inc., which ranked 7th in Korea only 1 month after its launch.
Rappelz is a FREE to PLAY MMORPG set in a medieval fantasy world, with features designed to appeal to both casual and hardcore players alike. Rappelz comes with extensive lists of quests, allowing users to play solo and/or group up and level at their leisure. Along the way, you will be able to customize your character with a deep job system that allows for unique character builds, and you will fight using a combat system that allows the usage of pets, tamed from various parts of the Rappelz world, to fight alongside and assist you. The pets can be leveled up as well, with their own talent and job skills.
All this, along with a gorgeous 3D graphics engine, is sure to make Rappelz the new hit MMORPG of 2006-2007, and you won't want to miss your chance to be among the first players to experience it.
To start off, we will have an exclusive 7-day closed-beta session open to 2000 users.
Sign ups for the closed-beta session will be available from now until Wednesday, September 14th at 13:00 on the website rappelz.gpotato.com.
We will select the first 2000 users who come to participate in the closed-beta and we will notify those players via the website and e-mail on September 21st at 18:00.
The number of users can be increased without notice.
The actual closed-beta itself is scheduled for Monday, September 18th at 11:00 until Monday, September 25th at 11:00. During this time, we will be collecting data such as hardware and bandwidth usage and general game feedback.
Please note that all player data from the closed-beta session will be wiped on September 25th.
All time above will be GMT-08:00, Pacific Time.
In order to participate to this event, you need to have a GPotato account.
If you are selected to participate in the closed beta you will receive an email from our Rappelz team with instructions on how to activate your closed beta account.
If you have any questions regarding the closed beta please send your questions to rappelz-net.com.
Rappelz Team."
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