Wyglada na to, ze w odwiecznej walce blizzarda z decursive ucierpia wszystkie inne target/party/raid frames, mody pozwalajace na buffowanie/healowanie jednym clickiem na targecie i roznorakie dodatkowe (jak necrosis, arcanum)
AddOn Updates
* All AddOns will need to be updated, at the very least to be re-tested and updated to work with lua 5.1.
* Some AddOns will be incompatible with these changes and will need to be completely redesigned.
* The Lua 5.1 coroutine library is now available.
* Each coroutine creates a new Lua state, so they should be used sparingly to reduce memory usage.
Protected Functions
* Addons and macro scripts may not use any movement, spell casting, or targeting functions. They also may not complete a trade transaction.
* Addons and macro scripts may only change macros, key bindings, and action buttons while you are not in combat.
* Action buttons and targeting frames are "protected", and may not be programmatically moved, shown or hidden, or have their action changed while in combat.
* There are two new frame member functions: Frame:IsProtected() and Frame:CanChangeProtectedState()
Info z Alpha forum
Wyglada na to ze blizz chce zmusic wszystkich do uzywania ich raid frames :F
Dochodza tez rozne rzeczy na oslode:
http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/threa ... 1595&sid=1