Ja mam dwa pytania dot. płatnego przenoszenia postaci na inny server, pierwsze:
- ile mniej więcej trwa takie przenoszenie? ;
- czy honor, jaki aktualnie posiadam, zostanie zachowany ? ;
Około 5 dni.
Zostanie zachowany
# The paid character transfer is not immediate and will take several days to complete because of the approval process involved. Your character will NOT be available for play during this time.
# Honor rankings will continue to decay at the normal rate while the character is locked.
# Each character you transfer costs 19.99 EUR. This covers the characters ONE-WAY TRANSFER to a new realm, a new account, or both at the same time.
# Your character will not have any guild affiliation upon arrival at the destination realm.
# Each character may only transfer once every 3 months.
# You will need to rename your character if his/her name is taken on your destination realm.
# Characters on a Normal (PvE) or RP realm may not transfer to a PvP or RP-PvP realm.
# If you already have a character on a PvP realm, you may not transfer a character of the opposing faction to that PvP realm.
Aha, i nie można przenosić postaci jeśli ma ona nie przeczytany (lub wogole jakiś chyba) mail.
No i możesz sobie przeczytać ten temat (
viewtopic.php?t=22761&start=0 ), może znajdziesz tam coś, co mogłoby Ci pomóc.