Witam, otoz mam kolejny problem, tym razem z transferem.
Chcialem przetransferowac postac z Mazrigos na Burning legion, obydwa to pvp serwery, na postaci wszystkie maile usuniete etc.
Kilkam na Paid character transfer, wybieram postac, przyszly server, wklepuje dane do mojej Mbankowej visy electron (nie wiem czy pasuje nawet do tego ;p), zaznaczam Visa electron, przechodze dalej.
Dostaje jednego maila:
World of Warcraft - Paid Character Transfer PENDING
You have successfully submitted a request for the Paid Character Transfer service.
Here is the list of characters which will be transferred during this process:
- !@#$^% - Level 70 Undead Mage on Mazrigos - moving to Burning Legion.
This process will take up to five (5) days to complete. The character will be locked and unplayable during the transfer process. Once the process is complete, you will receive another email prompting you to sign in to finalize the transaction.
Each character transferred costs 19.99 EUR / 14,99 GBP and is a ONE WAY TRANSFER. This does not include applicable local taxes.
Please note that your card/account has NOT been charged at this time, since the transfer has not yet been finalized.
Be sure to check your email regularly for the next update so you know when the process is finalized! Keep in mind you can also view the status of your available, pending, and past transfers on the Paid Character Transfer Transactions page:
https://www.wow-europe.com/character/ch ... tatus.html
If you change your mind and do NOT want to have the above characters transferred, you will need to visit the Transactions page in order to cancel the pending transfer. This will unlock the character for play at its original location.
If you have questions or concerns about the Character Transfer procedure, we invite you to please visit the following links:
- Character Transfer FAQ:
https://www.wow-europe.com/character/ch ... r-faq.html
- Character Transfer Disclaimers:
https://www.wow-europe.com/character/pc ... small.html
- Billing & Account Services Customer Support:
Please note that Blizzard representatives will NOT be able to accelerate the transfer process for you, but will be happy to answer any general questions you may have about the service.
We thank you for using the Paid Character Transfer service, and for playing World of Warcraft!
Klikam, potwierdzam transfer, potwierdzam 3cyfrowy kod do mojej karty ii... "Error, transfer faild, prosze sprobowac ponownie".
Po chwili dostaje kolejnego maila, tym razem:
World of Warcraft - Character SHAADOW is ready for Paid Transfer!ACTION REQUIRED
Your Paid Character Transfer for the character SHAADOW on the realm MAZRIGOS has finished processing and is now ready to be finalized.
- The transfer will move this character to the Burning Legion realm. This is a ONE WAY TRANSFER!
To finalize the transfer process and complete the charge to your credit card, please sign into the Paid Character Transfer Transactions page at this link, and follow the instructions there:
http://www.wow-europe.com/character/cha ... tatus.html
Once the process is complete, and the credit card or direct debit payment is finished, each character transferred will be immediately available for play at its new location.
If you have questions or concerns about the Character Transfer procedure, we invite you to please visit the following links:
- Character Transfer FAQ:
https://www.wow-europe.com/character/pc ... small.html
- Character Transfer Disclaimers:
https://www.wow-europe.com/character/pc ... small.html
- Billing & Account Services Customer Support:
http://www.wow-europe.com/en/support/ac ... lling.html
We thank you for using the Paid Character Transfer service, and for playing World of Warcraft!
Czynnosc z aktywowaniem, akceptowaniem powtarzalem z 10 razy, ciagle to samo. Moze to wina mojej karty? W tej chwili na postaci nie da sie grac, wisi sobie ladnie w blizzardowskiej sieci, a ja nie wiem co robic ;] Czytalem forum , nawet znalazlem podobny topic ale nie znalazlem odpowiedzi.
Bede wdzieczny za pomoc
