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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 311
Dołączył(a): 17.12.2006
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 15:46 
Chcial bym tylko miec mozliwosc (moze raz na ilestam czasu) cos na to zadzialac. Wiekszosc klas ma taka mozliwosc. Ja nie mam. Ja rozumiem, ze jako healer bede w centrum uwagi druzyny przeciwnej. Tylko, ze powinienem miec mozliwosc taki atak w jakis sposob wytrzymac dluzej niz przez 2 sekundy. Po prostu dlatego ze spedzanie 75% czasu w PvP na cmentarzu nie jest ciekawe i nie daje mi "funu" z czegos co jednak nadal jest gra i sluzy wlasnie do czerpania "funu"

eee no nie przesadzaj ! mamy przeciez w ukochanym drzewku holy :
omfg , imba , fun skill! przez 15 sekund mozesz leczyc duszkiem .
sprobuj ^^ . zrobisz wrazenie jak ja na BG . przestali walczyc i byly : lol ,buhahaha itp reakcje...
wykazalem skruche i poszedlem sie respecnac...


Posty: 244
Dołączył(a): 9.10.2005
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 15:54 
KK, konkurs: podaj pseudo jakiegoś sławnego pvp priesta który gra.

nie to żebyśmy byli słabi, ale mocą też nie grzeszymy


Posty: 5321
Dołączył(a): 19.11.2004
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 15:56 
Damonsta, Tomugeen.

I say starighten yuh crooked ways.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.

Ostatnio edytowano 2 mar 2007, 15:58 przez Shadhun, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 805
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2005
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 15:57 
Priest ma taki skill w holy, ktory po crit ogranicza przez 6s szanse na kolejny crit o 60% (jakos tak), ma feara, ma 15% odpornosci na stuna, ma selfeczenie po crit, ma ograniczenie dmg ze spella, ma shielda. Takie wymienianie to o kant d.. potluc lekko, mage ktory sprobuje okrasc priesta z buffow to jest mage ktory konczy bez many.
Wchodzi czlowiek na arene a tam priest, no to my kill priest i jedziemy goscia, a ten zdychac nie chce (WTF). A nasz priest zdechl zanim wszedl. To bolesne, ale przez to jedni sa na 1st a inni na 1375 miejscu w ladderze.

Kto jest 1st w bloodlust w 2v2? mage + priest, ktos moze sie zapytac jak sie przebili przez bande rogali, ano dali rade ;).

Ostatnio edytowano 2 mar 2007, 16:03 przez shahray, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 219
Dołączył(a): 23.01.2005
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 16:00 
Ta Priest jest klasa, ktora z zalozenia ma umierac :D. Ma nawet pod to talenty.

Ja tam osobiscie mainow zmieniac nie zamierzam, co wcale nie zmeinia faktu, ze chce mi sie grac coraz mniej i coraz czesciej zdaza mi sie po prostu byc zlym na wlasna bezsilnosc. Moze zamiast flamowac Priestow chacych zmiany po prostu zdacie sobie sprawe z tego, ze z ta klasa jest duzo problemow, ktore chcemy naprawic aby fajniej sie gralo. Ja nie mam nic przeciwko buffowi warriorow, bo byl potrzebny i tyle. Tak samo potrzebny jest buff Priestow. I to wiekszy buff niz 140dmg wiecej na shieldzie :).

shahray napisał(a):
Priest ma taki skill w holy, ktory po crit ogranicza przez 6s szanse na kolejny crit o 60% (jakos tak), ma feara, ma 15% odpornosci na stuna, ma selfeczenie po crit, ma ograniczenie dmg ze spella, ma shielda. Takie wymienianie to o kant d.. potluc lekko, mage ktory sprobuje okrasc priesta z buffow to jest mage ktory konczy bez many.

Tak ma. 10% na magie jest ok. Blessed Res jest przydatne. Fear jest znerfowany komicznie juz w tej chwili. Selfleczenie po crit nie jest warte talentow bo to zawsze ci bedzie leczyc ten cryt za 150 z offhanda zamiast tego za 2000 z ice lance :). Itd. Jeden problem w tym calym twoim wymienianiu jest. To jest wszystko pasywne. To sie albo wlaczy albo nie. Nie masz wogole kontroli nad tymi skillami. Przy nich nie ma roznicy czy Priestem kieruje ktos kto umie grac czy nie. Mag ma kontry ktore nie sa pasywne. To wszystko co wymieniles wcale nie jest takie mocne, bo cos co jest pasywne nie moze byc za mocne bo za bardzo buffowalo by klase. Mocny moze byc dobrze uzyty CS, Blink, Frost Nova, CoS, Spell Reflect, Deathcoil, Silencing Shot, Feign Death, Babel, BoP, BoF, earthshock, totemy itp itd. Dochodzimy do tego od czego zaczelem, brak ciekawych aktywnych skilli u Priesta.

Wchodzi czlowiek na arene a tam priest, no to my kill priest i jedziemy goscia, a ten zdychac nie chce (WTF). A nasz priest zdechl zanim wszedl. To bolesne, ale przez to jedni sa na 1st a inni na 1375 miejscu w ladderze.

Tak, ale w momencie jak sie spotyka 1st i 2nd team na arenie to jezeli jeden ma healera Priesta a drugi ma healera Paladyna to zgadnij kogo bedzie latwiej zabic ? :) A Priesta jest ci ciezko zabic bo nerf PoMa nie wszedl jeszcze w zycie. PoM jest bez cooldownu "overpowered" skillem w pewnym sensie. Nikt sie o to nie kloci. Za to fakt, ze PoM stal sie jedynym czrem jaki w sumie rzucalismy na arenie pokazuje po prostu jak dobre sa nasze inne umiejetnosci. Binding Heal ktokolwiek ? :)

Kto jest 1st w bloodlust w 2v2? mage + priest, ktos moze sie zapytac jak sie przebili przez bande rogali, ano dali rade ;).

Nerf PoMa jeszcze nie wszedl. Zreszta wiesz, ze to jest holy Priest? O Shadow Priescie w PvP tutaj nie mowimy, bo tutaj jest w miare ok.

Ostatnio edytowano 2 mar 2007, 16:18 przez ArteC, łącznie edytowano 3 razy
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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 16:00 
KK, konkurs: podaj pseudo jakiegoś sławnego pvp priesta który gra.

nie to żebyśmy byli słabi, ale mocą też nie grzeszymy

Digid ?


Posty: 311
Dołączył(a): 17.12.2006
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 16:12 
shahray napisał(a):
Priest ma taki skill w holy, ktory po crit ogranicza przez 6s szanse na kolejny crit o 60% (jakos tak), ma feara, ma 15% odpornosci na stuna, ma selfeczenie po crit, ma ograniczenie dmg ze spella, ma shielda. Takie wymienianie to o kant d.. potluc lekko, mage ktory sprobuje okrasc priesta z buffow to jest mage ktory konczy bez many.
Wchodzi czlowiek na arene a tam priest, no to my kill priest i jedziemy goscia, a ten zdychac nie chce (WTF). A nasz priest zdechl zanim wszedl. To bolesne, ale przez to jedni sa na 1st a inni na 1375 miejscu w ladderze.

Kto jest 1st w bloodlust w 2v2? mage + priest, ktos moze sie zapytac jak sie przebili przez bande rogali, ano dali rade ;).

Mamy tylko 61 talent points no chyba ze wyszedl dzis pacz i nic nie wiem ze mam dodatkowe talenty...


Posty: 5321
Dołączył(a): 19.11.2004
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 16:20 
Ja jednak proponuje stare dobre :


I say starighten yuh crooked ways.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 2 mar 2007, 21:19 
Shadhun_ napisał(a):
Ja jednak proponuje stare dobre :


Sobie zaproponuj ;]

Chodzilo chyba o to, ze owszem jest pare skilli podnoszacych przezywalnosc, ale anty crit jest w holy drzewku bezsensownie wysoko, silence jest w shadow a w disc kazdy priest ktory wsadzi tam 42 talenty mimo wszystko wiekszosc wsadzi w najnizsze tiery, bo to must have.

Priest jak zakombinuje jest w stanie tankowac troche w PvP, leczyc juz nie bardzo ( "broken class" jakby to robaczek poplakal). Ale co ja tam wiem///

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 805
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2005
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2007, 01:25 
Yaroos napisał(a):
Mamy tylko 61 talent points no chyba ze wyszedl dzis pacz i nic nie wiem ze mam dodatkowe talenty...

O co Tobie chodzi dobry czlowieku?


Posty: 448
Dołączył(a): 10.12.2004
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2007, 02:43 
jaki mocny nerf to bedzie zobaczymy, mnie osobiscie bardziej martwi zapowiedziany przez blue ale nie wiadomo w jakiej postaci jeszcze - nerf dmg shadowpriestów.

a co do healing priestów to chyba nie jest z nimi tak zle jak wszyscy płaczą na róznych forach bo wystarczy sobie prześledzic wyniki i składy arena teamow na armory - 80% teamow z ratingiem ponad 2000 ma w składzie priesta z buildem coś wokół 28/33/0

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2007, 10:17 
SharG napisał(a):
a co do healing priestów to chyba nie jest z nimi tak zle jak wszyscy płaczą na róznych forach bo wystarczy sobie prześledzic wyniki i składy arena teamow na armory - 80% teamow z ratingiem ponad 2000 ma w składzie priesta z buildem coś wokół 28/33/0

Co tylko potwierdza fakt, ze deep disc nie zrobi z priesta najlepszego combat healera.

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 1554
Dołączył(a): 22.01.2006
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2007, 10:51 
ArteC - fajnie że wymieniłeś Shamana wśród tych klas co przeżyją raz na jakiś czas zmasowany atak 4 graczy :wink:

"Są dwie rzeczy bezgraniczne: wszechświat i Ludzka głupota, co do wszechświata nie jestem pewien" A. Einstein


Posty: 484
Dołączył(a): 12.06.2005
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2007, 11:49 
rzeznicc napisał(a):
KK, konkurs: podaj pseudo jakiegoś sławnego pvp priesta który gra.

nie to żebyśmy byli słabi, ale mocą też nie grzeszymy


Raylah Blood Elf Paladon
Burning Legion EU-PVP


Posty: 805
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2005
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2007, 11:56 
ArteC napisał(a):
Tak, ale w momencie jak sie spotyka 1st i 2nd team na arenie to jezeli jeden ma healera Priesta a drugi ma healera Paladyna to zgadnij kogo bedzie latwiej zabic ?

Moze masz racje :D, prawie na pewno masz racje, palek na arenach jest okrutny, szkoda ze ciezko o pala u hordy.

Cashasty napisał(a):
O to długie i czerwone

Lecz sie.


Posty: 1125
Dołączył(a): 2.11.2004
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2007, 12:19 
wezmy np priesta z najlepszego teamu 2vs2 z grupy Bloodlust - ... n&n=Anneke

jest nastawiony na przezywanie + leczenie - w tym teamie mag odwala cala brudna robote a on probuje przezyc + leczy (nawet przez 15 sec po smierci)

jest to dobry build pod PVP - a w PVE tez nie bedzie mocno odstawal od Holy Priestow

przejrzalem pare najlepszych teamow z priestami - i nigdzie nie moge znalezc shadow priesta - czyzby on nie nadawal sie do 2vs2?


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Posty: 12796
Dołączył(a): 17.08.2005
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2007, 12:37 
mmm znam koksa priesta na blu po stronie hordy, jak sobie xywe przypomne to wpisze.

imb priest, nie do pojazdu był.


Posty: 339
Dołączył(a): 22.10.2004
PostNapisane: 6 mar 2007, 17:45 
EDIT: Sciagac i jutro instalowac: ... h.exe.html

Change log:

"This is the most recent patch for World of Warcraft updating the game to v2.1.0 from Blizzard Entertainment

- World of Warcraft Client Patch 2.0.10

The latest patch notes can always be found at

- Some logic was fixed in the "Natural Remedies" quest so that
Pathaleon the Calculator's Image will always spawn during the ritual.
- Goliathon and his shardlings can no longer be pulled to nearby areas
that have guards.
- More fixes implemented in the "It's a Fel Reaver, But With Heart"
quest to keep the Scrapped Fel Reaver from breaking.
- The Orb of the Blackwhelp and Hallowed Wands can no longer be used
in combat, and the transformation will be canceled if the player
receives damage.
- The Scrap Reaver in Netherstorm repairs reduced from 10,000 health
to 8,500 health over 10 seconds.
- Battle of the Crimson Watch
Illidari Mind Breaker has been weakened.
Illidari Highlords can now be CC'ed but not Charmed.

- Arenas
The cost of the "Gladiator's Slicer" has been increased to 2625 arena
The cost of the "Gladiator's Quickblade" has been decreased to 1125
arena points and changed to offhand only.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Cleaver" has been increased to 2625
arena points.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Hacker" has been decreased to 1125 arena
points and changed to offhand only.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Pummeler" has been increased to 2625
arena points.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Bonecracker" has been decreased to 1125
arena points and changed to offhand only.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Right Ripper" has been increased to 2625
arena points.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Left Ripper" has been decreased to 1125
arena points.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Shanker" has been increased to 2625
arena points.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Shiv" has been decreased to 1125 arena
points and changed to offhand only.
The cost of the "Gladiator's War Edge" has been decreased to 1000
arena points and the speed changed to 1.9.
The cost of the "Gladiator's Spellblade" has been increased to 3150
arena points.
The cost of the "Touch of Defeat" has been decreased to 1000 arena
The cost of the "Gladiator's Endgame" has been decreased to 1125
arena points.
The cost of the "Idol of Tenacity" has been decreased to 1000 arena
The cost of the "Libram of Justice" has been decreased to 1000 arena
The cost of the "totem of the Third Wind" has been decreased to 1000
arena points.

- When the duration of "Cyclone" ends, area buffs such as "Leader of
the Pack", "Tree of Life", and "Moonkin" will now be correctly
- "Bear Form" now grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25% increased
- "Dire Bear Form" now grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25%
increased health. In addition, the armor bonus has been reduced from
450% to 400%.
- The multiplier on base weapon damage for "Mangle (Bear)" ability has
been changed from 130% to 100%. In addition, the bonus damage has
been reduced by the same ratio.
- "Savage Fury" no longer affects "Mangle (Bear)".
- "Savage Fury" no longer applies to "Maul" or "Swipe".
- The critical damage bonus on "Predatory Instincts" reduced from
3/6/9/12/15% to 2/4/6/8/10%.
- "Improved Leader of the Pack" can no longer get critical heals.
- The armor bonus from "Moonkin Form" has been increased from 360% to
400% (to match Dire Bear Form).
- The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage.

- The slowing affect from "Avenger's Shield" is now considered a snare,
so snare removal and immunity affects will now work on it.

- The base healing percent from "Vampiric Embrace" has been reduced
to 15% from 20%. In addition, this ability can no longer get critical
- "Silent Resolve" no longer reduces threat generated by Shadow spells.
- Mass Dispel will now target immunity effects first.
- Prayer of Mending now has a 10 second cooldown.
- Circle of Healing mana cost reduced by 25%.
- The effectiveness of "Fade:Rank 7" has been increased by
approximately 25%.
- The damage absorption of "Power Word: Shield" added by the caster's
bonus healing has been increased to 20%.

- The clearcasting effect from "Elemental Focus" now triggers on all
spell critical strikes, rather than a chance on any spell hit.
- The shaman will no longer generate additional threat when "Unleashed
Rage" triggers.
- The free Lightning spell cast from "Lightning Overload" will now
cause reduced threat.
- "Stoneclaw Totem" now has a 50% chance to stun attackers for 3 sec.
when struck.
- The bonus of the "Wrath of Air" totem now applies to healing spells
as well.

- "Demonic Tactics" now grants increased critical strike chance to you
and your demon pet, instead of increased damage.

- The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage.
The typical warrior should see an increase of 15% to 20% in their
rage generation.
- All warriors had their critical strike chance adjusted upward
slightly (about 1%).
- "Thunder Clap" is now useable in Defensive Stance. In addition, the
tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it causes additional threat.
- The cooldown on "Victory Rush" has been removed, and it can now be
used up to 20 seconds after killing an enemy.
- "Unbridled Wrath" has been modified so that rather than a fixed
chance to grant rage, it has an increased chance when using slower
- Increased the health bonus from "Commanding Shout" by 50%.
- "Improved Battle Shout" talent renamed to "Commanding Presence" and
now increases the health bonus from "Commanding Shout" in addition
to increasing the melee attack power from "Battle Shout".

- The threat generated from the spell effect on "Thunderfury" has been
substantially reduced.
- The bonus to "Swipe" from the "Idol of Brutality" has been reduced
from 50 to 10.
- "Alchemist's Stone" will no longer increase healing and mana gained
from items which are not potions.
- The cost of sockets in high end items has been adjusted slightly,
the result is that most high end epic items should see an increase
in stats.
- Corrected many items that had incorrect stat values assigned to them.
- The rewards from the "Fel Embers" quest are now superior items as
- Reduced the damage dealt by "The Lightning Capacitor".
- Corrected the level requirement of the "Fist of Reckoning".
- "Necklace of Trophies" has been corrected to increase Hit Rating
instead of Hit Avoidance.
- "Burnoose of Shifting Ages" can now be disenchanted.
- "Nethershrike" now has the proper sell value and can be disenchanted.
- Corrected the level of "Marksman's Bow" to be in line with other
epic reputation rewards.
- The "Marksman's Bow" now has the proper damage range.
- "Hourglass of the Unraveller" will now properly increase ranged
attack power.
- Corrected the socket bonus for "Soul-Collar of the Incarnate".
- Corrected a typo in the set bonus of "Warbringer Armor".
- "Ruby Slippers" now properly have a cast time.
- Corrected the min use level of "Terokk's Shadowstaff".
- "Warpscale Leggings" have had their Crit Rating updated to the
intended Dodge Rating.
- "Warmaul Slayer's Band" no longer has critical strike rating.
However, its agility and attack power have been increased.
- "Ancient Draenei War Talisman" now shares a cooldown with all
trinkets that temporarily increase damage done.
- "Ancient Draenei Arcane Relic" shares a cooldown with all trinkets
that temporarily increase damage done.
- "Aldor Guardian Rifle" now has a range correctly set on it.
- The effect on "Void Star Talisman" was incorrectly set to On Use.
It is now set to On Equip.
- The critical strike rating on "Cilice of Suffering" has been changed
to spell critical strike rating.
- The cooldown for "Glimmering Mithril Insignia" has been increased
from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.
- The slowing affect from the "Mug 'O Hurt" is now considered a snare,
so snare removal and immunity affects will now work on it.
- The "Mark of Conquest" trinket now correctly triggers the mana regen

Raids and Dungeons
- Creatures in Tempest Keep:Botanica, Tempest Keep: Mechanar, and
Tempest Keep:Arcatraz no longer respawn as rapidly.
- Shadow Labyrinth
Reduced the chance of a Cabal Assassin ambush.
- Hellfire Citadel:Shattered Halls
Removed a problematic chest.
The "Resist Shadow" spell cast by Shadowmoon Acolyte's in Shattered
Halls will now be removed if a player leaves the zone.
Shattered Hand Gladiators will no longer break players' stealth when
engaged in combat.
- Serpentshrine Cavern
Boss creatures have received additional tuning and polish.
- Tempest Keep:Arcatraz
Warder and Defender Corpses are now immune to spell effects that
could cause the Protean Spawn to not spawn.
Protean Spawn now deal less damage.
The damage dealt by Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates' "Immolation" and
"Knock Away" abilities has been reduced.
- Auchindoun Shadow
Cabal Zealots are now more threatening while under the effect of
Shape of the Beast.
- Tempest Keep: Botanica
Sunseeker Gene-Splicers' Death and Decay now deals significantly
less damage and casts less frequently.
Mutate Fleshlashers now deal less melee damage.
Mutate Horrors and Fear-Shriekers now have less health.
Sunseeker Researchers will now cast shocks less frequently.
Sunseeker Chemists are now Paladin type instead of Warrior type.
The Blue Seedlings in the High Botanist Freywinn encounter now slow
players instead of immobilizing them.
High Botanist Freywinn will now plant seedlings at a slightly
reduced rate.
- Tempest Keep Mechanar
Gatewatcher Iron-Hand now wields a Jackhammer.
Gatewatcher Iron-Hand is now more vocal when perfoming his Jackhammer
Mechanar Drillers, Wreckers, and Crushers in Tempest Keep: The
Mechanar may no longer be enslaved when in Heroic mode.
- Caverns of Time
Captain Skarloc in Caverns of Time: Escape from Durnholde is no
longer susceptible to disarm, and does not slow down when wounded.
A defeat in the Caverns of Time: Opening of the Dark Portal
instance will no longer despawn unlooted bosses with loot.
Occasionally after players are defeated in the Caverns of Time:
Opening of the Dark Portal encounter on Heroic difficulty, the
placeholder versions of the bosses that appear in future attempts
that day would not spawn. The proper placeholders will now spawn
instead of Rift Lords and Rift Keepers.
Boss creatures in Caverns of Time: Opening of the Dark Portal will
now dispel all nearby Time Keepers instead of one at a time.
- Karazhan
Maiden of Virtue's "Holy Wrath" has been slightly retuned to try and
allow additional melee attackers to be used against her.
Maiden of Virtue's "Holy Fire" has been adjusted to prevent a
possible range exploit.
Maiden of Virtue will no longer "Holy Fire" players under the effect
of "Repentance".
Midnight is no longer susceptible to Bleed effects, since he's a
skeletal horse.
Nightbane's Restless Skeletons are now immune to non-holy magical
Restless Skeletons no longer have immolation.
Nightbane's Bone Shard Spray can no longer be interrupted by using
an immunity effect.
Some minor issues with the Library Tomes have been corrected.
The use of Divine Shield, Ice Block, or Cloak of Shadows will no
longer prematurely detonate the Shade of Aran's Flame Wreath.
Restless Skeletons will now summon a player if they are unable to
path to that player, and deal more melee damage.
The cooldown of Bellowing Roar has been adjusted to be a more
consistent value.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed the credits to display properly. "


Posty: 195
Dołączył(a): 28.07.2006
PostNapisane: 7 mar 2007, 08:12 
Tak liczylem na zdjecie snare effects poprzez intercepta itd. , a tutaj tego nie ma :[ i dalej jezeli chce miec miec mozliwosc wyjscia z tych efektow to musze uzyc tinket, ktorego nie oplaca sie w mass pvp wogle miec.

Reszta zmian bardzo ladna :), i dobrze ze druidom wreszcie thread buffnieto przynajmniej przestana plakac ze nie moga tankowac.



Posty: 87
Dołączył(a): 11.04.2005
PostNapisane: 7 mar 2007, 08:52 
gdzie jest napisane ze druid dostal bufa do generowania aggro?

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