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Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 20.09.2004
PostNapisane: 8 cze 2007, 18:10 
Jak w temacie. Do wyboru trzy walki:
Double Dragonian:
Royale Ramble:

Wszystkie z nich wydaja sie bardzo trudne a ja jestem zupelnie zielony.
Jednakze bardzo mi sie marza Destroyersy...

Do royale ramble chyba najlepiej miec 3 NIN aby kazdy tankowal Cardiana, ja MNK, RDM i chyba BLM

Czy znajda sie osoby chetne do pomocy ktore juz znaja te KSNM-y i wiedza co i jak???



Posty: 1103
Dołączył(a): 24.02.2005
PostNapisane: 8 cze 2007, 18:42 
Ja jeszcze przed przerwą się nie doczekałem pomocy a orba na walkę to nie wiem jak już długo trzymam :) Eh.

Tomala - Galka - Monk - Blue Mage - Dancer (??)


Posty: 2401
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2005
PostNapisane: 8 cze 2007, 18:56 
ja mogę iść, mam ksy, nie znam tych ksnm'ów



Posty: 214
Dołączył(a): 25.03.2005
PostNapisane: 8 cze 2007, 19:29 
Bardzo chetnie pojdze do wyboru whm lub brd.



Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 20.09.2004
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 06:47 
ok a wiec poki co mamy:
Simiurg BLM
Drakant BRD
Neyah MNK
bedziemy miec :roll: Prysiu RDM
potrzeba tanka i jakis warrior chyba co??
to moze Phalian i Torell?? Pomysli sie ^^



Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 07:22 
Ja mogę iść - mam Orba na Double Dragonian już.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 404
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2003
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 07:57 
ja juz mowilem , ze sie przejde


Posty: 1103
Dołączył(a): 24.02.2005
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 08:39 
To i ja się podepnę jak już będzie termin.

Tomala - Galka - Monk - Blue Mage - Dancer (??)


Posty: 1059
Dołączył(a): 14.08.2004
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 10:25 
Jak będe miał czas to moge potankować...

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Posty: 779
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2004
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 13:24 
tez sie przejde


Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 20.09.2004
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 19:18 
Ostateczny sklad:
Simiurg BLM
Drakant BRD
Prysiu RDM
Neyah MNK
Naif WAR

Podejdziemy do Double Dragonian:
Najwiekszy trick polega na tym ze jeden smok rzuca curse gdzie schodzi HP do 200. W tym momencie natychmiast uzywamy Holy Water i modlimy sie ze nas ulecza na czas.


**1 stacks of Holy Water per melee per fight (this should probably be macro’d for quickest application)
**Whatever Magey things that help the mages with MP recovery (like cookies or some sh!t)

Buffs: Protect, Shell, Barstonra, Food

Blm goes in, and ES+Sleepga II on the Dragons. Sam/Thf pulls the Warrior Dragon into the tunnel, towards the burning circle (entrance/exit). Rdm then follows Blm to assist sleeping the second Dragon; if that Dragon wakes up, it is now up to the Rdm to re-sleep it.

All DD fight the first dragon by the burning circle (entrance/exit) while the Rdm keeps the remaining Dragon asleep. Whm stands in between the two groups as healer. It is important that the Whm stand far enough away from the group meleeing the War dragon because he can be killed by the AoE.

Once the Blm has slept the Brd Dragon, he comes up to where the Whm is standing in order to MB the skillchain. It is up to the Blm to state when ready to MB.

While melee is working the War Dragon over, he will use his AoE which inflicts Curse. First, the melee should concentrate on making sure the Dragon is NOT facing the mages. If you picture the length of the arena as a “North-South” layout, the melee should have the War Dragon in an “East-West” arrangement so that if the Dragon does turn from one the Nin to the Monk (or vice versa) it is still not in anyway facing the mages.
Second, the melee should immediately pop a Holy Water and the Whm needs to start curing. I would suggest using whatever Cure which won’t grab hate from the melee. Again, it is suggested that you Macro Holy water to make this as quick as possible (/item “Holy Water” <me>)

By this point the Dragon will probably be going back and forth between the Monk and the Nin because of hate. Once the Blm is in position, and states that he is ready for the MB, the Sam/Thf should position himself behind the Nin for SATA.

The skillchain order is Asuran Fists > SATA Tachi: Gekko = Darkness. Blm nuke with whatever spell will do the most damage for this Skillchain. The War Dragon should be just about dead at this point. If he is not, then the Blm must nuke the holy hell out of him because his attacks become stronger at 25% HP.

Once the War Dragon is killed, the mages keep the Brd Dragon asleep so everyone can heal. If the Brd does wake up, and cannot be re-slept, then the Nin will be in charge of kiting him until the mages have recovered MP. The Brd Dragon can be kited because all he really does is pause to sing songs while he is chasing you and his songs are pretty weak. He might try and hit you, but the Nin will have shadows up anyway

If you still need to heal more, try to keep sleeping him so the others can rest. The Rdm will have one more task of dispelling the Brd Dragon too before the melee engage. The Brd Dragon will also use the Curse move, so the melee and the mages should work together to make sure that when it does use this move it is not facing the mages. Again, you should be on top of using Holy Waters if he uses this curse move.

Alternate method: Of course if we have a Sam/Thf in this, then I could always bring an Opo-opo necklace and sleep to 100% TP so we can skillchain right off the bat. This would mean that the Rdm would be in charge of ES+Sleeping the Brd Dragon since the Blm would need to be there to Magic Burst for the quick kill.

To Sum up everyone’s Role:

Blm: Run in ES+Sleepga the Dragons. After the Dragons are slept, one is pulled over to the arena entrance. Once this is done, plant yourself between the Sleeping Bard Dragon (should be next to the Whm by this point). Then let the party know you are ready for the Skillchain. Once skillchain goes of provide Magic Burst. By this time, the War Dragon should be at about 25% - 30% health. Then you just nuke the hell out of him.

After War is dead the Blm then helps the Rdm keep the Brd Dragon asleep. The Blm should also now concentrate on healing MP. Again, once the Brd Dragon is awake and being meleed, the Blm should keep an eye out for a magic burst opportunity. The Blm should also prepare to nuke this dragon to hell once it hits 25% - 30% health as well.

Rdm: The Rdm should follow the Blm into the arena and then stay there. After the Blm sleeps the dragons and runs back for the MB, the Rdm should remain with the sleeping Brd Dragon to keep it asleep while the first one is being killed. Once the first Dragon is killed and the Blm comes back to re-sleep the Brd Dragon, the Rdm should begin tossing out some refresh to the mages to help them recover MP quickly. Again, once the Brd Dragon is being meleed, the Rdm should dispel the dragon. The Rdm should then provide backup healing as necessary.

Whm: Buffs before the fight begins. It is absolutely essential that the Whm keep barstonra up on the melees the entire time. This will negate the Dragon’s “Stomp” move significantly. The Whm should be right at the main arena entrance. Once the curse move is used the melee will apply holy water and the Whm must heal the melee right away. The Whm must take caution so that they do not accidentally grab hate by healing too much. I would suggest healing the Monk last since he can use Chakra.

After War Dragon is dead, rest and prepare to do the same thing for the Brd Dragon. It is very important that you make sure that at no time the Dragon is facing you. The melee should be working to keep it facing the other directions, but stay on high alert regardless. Also, make sure you fully cure the Nin as soon as the first Dragon is dead in order that he is able to kite if need be.

Nin: Provoke often. Don’t bother with any ninjitsu. Just provoke the Dragon at the beginning, keep hitting him as often as you can, and try to keep hate until the Monk unleashes Asuran Fists. Once he does, the Thf or /thf will SATA hate back onto you. Stay vigilant with your holy waters. Make sure you don’t weaponskill in the middle of the set-up skillchain either. We need to achieve maximum damage with that skillchain.

Again, once the War Dragon is finished, you might be needed to kite the Brd Dragon if it isn’t able to be slept anymore. So prepare yourself for that.

Ile mamy orbow??? Ile robimy runow???

Przepraszam innych ze "sie nie zalapali" ale moge wybrac tylko 6 osob na run >.< Dziekuje serdecznie wszystkim za chec pomocy ^^
Jaki termin??? TA niedziela godz 20.00, lub poniedzialek godz 20.00, lub wtorek godz 20.00, lub sroda godz. 20.00
Jak wszystkim pasuje???



Posty: 214
Dołączył(a): 25.03.2005
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 21:02 
Mam Oba. Poza niedziela pozostale terminy mi pasuja.


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Posty: 779
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2004
PostNapisane: 9 cze 2007, 21:06 
chyba lepiej isc na copycat ;] mi niedziela nie pasuje, poniedzialek moze byc, wtorek tez i sroda raczej tez


Posty: 214
Dołączył(a): 25.03.2005
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2007, 08:44 
ZAwiesilem wczoraj oba konta w ffxi. W tej grze juz nic mnie nie ciagnie nie trzyma. Prosze wez Hucka na moje miejsce. {I'm sorry}. Pewnie jescze wroce za jakis czas ale teraz mysle ze dluza przerwa jest mi potrzebna.



Posty: 404
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2003
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2007, 09:16 
Tez jestem za CopyCatem , walka latwa i zabawna . DD nie robilem ale wyglada na troche trudniejsza i ryzykowniejsza wyprawe .


Posty: 1103
Dołączył(a): 24.02.2005
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2007, 09:18 
Bo DD jest dość trudny.

Tomala - Galka - Monk - Blue Mage - Dancer (??)


Posty: 404
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2003
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2007, 09:36 
Dzisiaj nie dam rady , na fenka idziemy o 22 a pelny run potrwalby 2h+ napewno . Poniedzialek limbus , wtorek dynamis , sroda ok . A moze troche wczesniejsza godzina ?


Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 20.09.2004
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2007, 10:22 
Na miejsce Draka wchodzi Huck ^^
SRODA godz 19.00 wszystkim pasuje???
Glosujmy wiec kto chce smoka a kto chce copycat.
Ja wybieram smoki bo sie copycat boje, charmnie nam tanka uzyje mijin gakure i sie nie pozbieramy...



Posty: 1059
Dołączył(a): 14.08.2004
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2007, 10:36 
Jak bede znal czas to pewno sie pojawie... Co będziemy robić to jest mi obojętne ja ide pomuc z destroyersami tylko... Wiem jak z senji bylo też mialem zamiar palić orby do skutku aż dropnie tyle że łatwiej o ekipe bylo bo operation destert swarm to najbardziej dochodowy z tych 30KSBC.

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Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2007, 16:24 
Misiekk napisał(a):
ZAwiesilem wczoraj oba konta w ffxi. W tej grze juz nic mnie nie ciagnie nie trzyma. Prosze wez Hucka na moje miejsce. {I'm sorry}. Pewnie jescze wroce za jakis czas ale teraz mysle ze dluza przerwa jest mi potrzebna.


Tak w środku miesiąca? oO
Pożycz suczkę :P

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania

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