Po 2: z ciekawosci sprawdzilem co do za silnik, i miedzy innymi znalazlem taka wypowiedz na jakims angielskim forum
"I cant cod eor programme or script or make graphics i want to make a
game like runescape today sum1 help me"
..Okay, everyone has read SOME form of a post like that, yes?
I think we all know they are idiots, because Itd take years to make a
game like runescape!
But for lazy crapsacks who are too dumb to programme, there is ONE solution..
Oh, yeah- Its free.
ELYSIUM DIAMOND. Thats the name! Elysium Diamond isnt well known,
but its easy to use and your computer is the server!
In fact, even I have made an MMORPG with it.
Obviously, I dont concentrate on Elysium, No. Im an RMXP guy.
But, if you really want an mmorpg and you couldnt be assed to do much,
Elysium Diamond is your answer. Its here:
Http://www.splamm.com/elysiumIts cool. It comes with a bunch of pre-loaded graphics and
though the map-editor is a bit complicated, you could have your MMORPG
up before dinner time!
Unless your dinner is 2 seconds away, then youll be dissapointed.
You dont really have to do anything yourself, but make Items and
go around saying "Im the creator." You can make moderators and such-
That is why I think Elyisium Diamond is good.
Just to let you know, Elysium Stole a lot of things from RMXP, and RM2k!
Ha. Funny.
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