Flacha napisał(a):
A ja mam takie troche glupie pytanko. Ma ktos jakis spis lub cos takiego jaka kraina na jaki lvl najlepsza? Dawno postaci nie levelowalem i nie pamietam gdzie z jakim lvl isc najlepiej zeby efektywnie levelowac.
Jezeli grasz horda to tak mniej wiecej:
1-12 Durotar
12-15 Barrens
15-16 Stonetalon
16-20 Barrens
20-21 Stonetalon Mountains
21-22 Ashenvale
22-23 Southern Barrens
23-25 Stonetalon
25-25 Southern Barrens
25-26 Thousand Needles
26-27 Ashenvale
27-27 Stonetalon Mountains
27-29 Thousand Needles
29-30 Hillsbrad Foothills
30-30 Alterac Mountains
30-30 Arathi Highlands
30-31 Stranglethorn Vale
31-32 Thousand needles (Shimmering Flats)
32-34 Desolace
34-35 Stranglethorn Vale
35-37 Arathi Highlands
37-37 Alteric Mountains
37-37 Thousand Needles
37-38 Dustwallow Marsh
38-40 Stranglethorn Vale
40-41 Badlands
41-42 Swamp of Sorrows
42-43 Stranglethorn Vale
43-43 Desolace
43-43 Dustwallow Marsh
43-44 Tanaris
44-46 Feralas
46-46 Azshara
46-47 Hinterlands
47-47 Stranglethorn Vale
47-48 Searing Gorge
48-48 Swamp of Sorrows
48-49 Feralas
49-50 Tanaris
50-50 Azshara
50-50 Hinterlands
50-51 Blasted Lands
51-52 Un'Goro Crater
52-53 Burning Steppes
53-54 Azshara
54-54 Felwood
54-55 Winterspring
55-55 Felwood
55-55 Silithus
55-56 Western Plaguelands
56-57 Eastern Plaguelands
57-58 Western Plaguelands
58-60 Winterspring
Wklejam to z jakiegos poradnika o questach, na pewno nie jest idealne, ale da Ci ogolny przeglad