Jedyne problemy jakie miałem z opłacaniem konta to jak kupiłem od polaka w tamtym roku priesta, a on przy zakładaniu konta zamiast polski, dal ukraina... Po jakimś czasie chciałem zrobić transfer postaci, jakoś 9 prób, 3dni z rzędu - wszystkie rejected. Po 2dniach email od Blizza dlaczego płatność pochodzi z innego kraju niż konto jest zarejestrowane. Bajki typu nie mam swojej karty i kolega z gry mi pomaga opłacać nie pomogły
Wymagali przesłania ID właściciela, skan karty kredytowej z ktorej była próba opłacenia konta (8 cyferek zamazanych ofc) + upoważnienie. A w końcu sie skończyło na blokadzie płatności kartami bo chcieli jeszcze "Utility bill" właściciela konta, a tego mi sie za cholerę już nie chciało załatwiać i po prostu to zlałem.
Pierwszy email od nich jakoś we wrześniu:
We regret that we encountered a problem when trying to process your payment. In order to assist us with resolving this problem, we respectfully request that you provide the following information:
Please confirm how many accounts you are paying for, and if more than one, please supply the name of all the accounts and the reason that you are paying for them.
Could you please provide a list of all accounts, if any, which currently have character transfers being processed using the same card?
Was payment attempted with only one credit card? If more than one credit card was used, please confirm how many credit cards were used, and explain why multiple cards were used.
Please confirm whether the bank that issued your card is based in a different country from the contact address listed on your World of Warcraft account, and if it is, please explain the reason for this as well as stating in which country the credit card was issued.
Please check that the correct details are registered on the account management page.
Did you change the expiry date of the credit card used on any of the attempts to enter your credit card information, and if so, please explain why and confirm the actual expiry date that appears on your credit card.
Please note, without this information we may be unable to accept the reserved payment on your account. Regrettably, this issue cannot be resolved by your bank and a swift reply to these queries will enable us to resolve the issue quickly, the payment may expire with no reply within 3 business days.
Thank you for your co-operation
Best regards,
Blizzard Entertainment Europe
Payment Support retain all history if you reply to this mail.
Drugi albo trzeci:
Thank you for your interest in World of Warcraft. Due to the incorrect contact information on your account we cannot accept any credit card payment at this time. In order to restore the credit card payment option we ask that you please provide us with a readable scan or digital picture of the following:
* The authentication key used to create the account
* A utility bill (electricity or phone bill) which contains your name and the given address to be able to change the address.
* A photo ID (such as Passport or drivers license) of the account holder
* Credit cards used (the middle 8 numbers can be covered for security, but the first and last four numbers and the name needs to be visible)
If the card is not in the account owners name we also need:
* ID of the card holder
* A document stating that you are allowed you to use the credit card, signed by the credit card owner
Please note your account itself has not been closed. You can pay for your subscription by using pre paid game cards, further information can be found here: ... ption.htmlThank you for your understanding.
Blizzard Europe Entertainment
Payment Support
A co do autora tematu, bardzo możliwe, że koleś z Allegro opłacił komuś konto (czy tam PCT) zarejestrowane na inny kraj i Blizz cofnął wszystkie płatności z jego karty w celu wyjaśnienia sprawy (takie zabezpieczenie z ich strony przed chargeback).
Inna sprawa, że kupowanie PCT czy aktywacji 30dni (lub więcej) z Allegro to kłopoty na własne życzenie. Najbezpieczniej płacić przez prepaid lub własną kartą, 100% bezpieczeństwa.
P.S. Tamto konto z zablokowana płatnością jeszcze mam wiec jak ktoś chce kupić to PM ;p ostatnio opłaciłem prepaidem na 2miechy bo miałem sporo golda na nim wiec jest aktywne. 3x 70lvl (priest, hunter, palek) Alonsus (pve) horda. Taki maly offtop...