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PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 14:22 
Troche info ktore wykopalem na jakims forum:

How fast is leveling?
This has always been a hard question for me, so many answers so many variables. I'll say though that at least in beta lvling is faster than in WOW, but that will likely change, so think WoW pace, perhaps tiny bit slower. My opinion.

Will this game fail?
No, I think AoC will not fail. It will not be what some are expecting, but it will not fail. If game reaches 400K or 500K subscribers it will go way above my expectations, but it will not fail.

Will Funcom make their planned release date of May 20th?
It's gonna come out, finished or not, I don't think Funcom could afford another delay. That said, it will be fairly done game by May 20th.

AoC will be semi-ready for May 20th, and in my opinion even if it wasn't ready at all, AoC would have to launch on May 20. no more delays

Will the game be worth playing at launch?
Most probably yes. Depends how well sieging and pvp is implemented in the end.

Is there a master/apprentice system?
Not a word about this from Funcom, and it's not in the game of course

And we have no clue about their so called Master/Student system or whatever, we haven't heard anything about that in ages, so I'm gonna say that it wont be in the game at launch. Playing with friends up to 5 lvl difference will be ok, but anymore than that will take it's toll on the fun.

Is there a size limit for guilds?
Nope, not at the moment

Is there /follow or /assist commands?
I know for sure that there is assist, but not sure about auto follow, I never used it or noticed it, it should be there though.

Is anything known about soul corruption?
Not a word from FC on soul corruption.

Can you rate AoC compared to other games on the market?
About rating the games, I guess you are looking for my personal opinion, as that's all that I can give.

-WoW - 7/10 (I hate wow by the way, but it's a good game)
-EVE - 9/10
-CoH/V - 8.5/10
-GW 3/10
-Tabula Rasa 8/10
-DDO 5/10
-LineageII 4/10
-Ragnarok Online 6/10 (because this was my first mmo, it has special place lol)
-Ryzom 7/10
-Everquest2 5/10
-Swords Of New World 4/10
-Silk Road 3/10
-Voyage Century 6/10
-Myth War Online 2/10 (My 3-year old plays this one, it's turn based lol)
-Dungeon Runners 3/10
-Anarchy Online 1/10 (I tried it 2 years ago and I simply hated it, it's not very "newbie" friendly)
-Rappelz 3/10
-9Dragons 3/10
-Dark and Light 1/10 lol
-RYL2 6/10

Now, for AoC, there are 2 ratings for AoC.

1. If border kingdoms, sieging, player towns and pvp in general are well implemented, I would have to say about 9/10.

2. If the above sucked, I would have to say 5/10.

Keybinding: is it in?
In short, you can customize everything and anything when it comes to keybinding, and that includes action bar as well. I think there might be some hard coded bindings which are bugs, by launch it should all work as it is supposed to.

Can you create additional chat channels, like in WoW?
No I don't think so, than again I never messed around with it. Dunno much about it, never took interest in it.

What server will you be playing on Meelkfox?
I'll be on RP-PVP server once game goes live. Hopefully I'll get lucky and get into server community that will not glorify senseless can dream eh.

How are bag and inventory space handled (size, number of bags, etc).?
Right now there is single bag, dunno..about 50 item slots. All items take 1 slot. There are also resources bag, which is a lot bigger, and there is "quests" bag, which is infinite as far as I know.

Is spell weaving implemented yet?
Nope, not yet.

How is drunken brawling?
I'm not aware of the drunken brawling being in the game.
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Old 03-18-2008, 01:18 AM
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Default Re: AoC Beta FAQ

How is long distance traveling handled (ex. WoW’s gryphon/wyverns) ?
No horses or anything. Well you can talk to stagecoach or ship captain, and instantly you find yourself in loading screen, nothing like WoW's travel via the ship.

I have seen no information about the destinations after you leave Tortage. Are there starting zones for each race?
Just to expend on this subject, after Tortage (everybody starts in Tortage right now - tho if I recall correctly Gaute said that they will eventually have other starting zones). Anyway, after Tortage, each race goes to their starting town, Cimmerians to Conarch Village, Stygians to Khemi and Aquilonians to Old Tarantia. That said, you can talk to a stagecoach/ship captain and join your friends in matter of minutes.

How is world/zone size and design?
I can't get into this too deeply w/out upsetting myself. I still hate AoC's choice of zone design. As you mentioned a lot of times it is very linear. When you think about it, the world is decently big, but the way it was designed it feels like you are playing single player game.

Is there a lot to explore?
As for exploration...I'll have to say no. There used to be, thanks to bugs lol, you could scale up and down the mountain cliffs and get into places where you were never supposed to be, it was fun, but now that this is fixed, I think a lot of explorers will be let down. Sure there are some neat places here and there, and sometimes you come up on something that takes your breath away, but overall exploration is AoC weak point

Will funcom do something about the "restriction" to wander off the paths, giving you the freedom to run all over the map?
For the current zones, nope, we're stuck with it. Now, let's just hope that their future zones are more open.

Invisible walls: are they in?
Yes they are still in the game, but they have made huge improvements towards this.
Zone size has not changed at all. There are however big improvements on invisible walls. There are roughly 15 regular pve world zones, and 3 more resource/gathering zones. Instant travel is still in just as it was before.

You said zone are small; what did you mean?: Small rectangle, maze, etc?
I didn't say they are small, they just feel small. Some of the zones are actually huge in terms of geographical coverage, but because you find yourself forced down one or two paths and can't explore most of it, it feels like a tiny zone. So yeah, zones themselves are big enough, it's just that they feel like maze sometimes. (there are some pretty "open" zones though).

You say that exploration will be aoc's weak point? how many zones have you been to, and can you explain to me how exactly this is linear? is it like GW or even more linear?

Nor really sure how GW is but I'll try to explain about AoC.
Well, I've been in every zone in AoC, which amounts to about 17 zones now.

It's linear in a way that you are forced to take certain path(s) to get to certain location(s). Conall's Valley is one of the worst zones in this regard. You start on top of the hill/mountain, and from there you move on down to a valley. Your passage from top to the valley is like one big tube. Once you get to the valley, than you are in a big canyon kind of design. On both sides there are mountains, there are many camps within the mountains themselves, and there is usually one single path leading to each camp. Imagine a sitemap where you was no interlinking. See my attachment below to lol.

Zones can be accessed by everybody, but when a particular instance of the zone gets full (let's say 200 players), new instance is created. You can chose to which instance to go to. If you ever played CoH/V, it's just like it in that regard.

How fast can you team up with your friends?
Yes, as soon as you get out of the jungle, at lvl 5, you will be able to team up constantly. And we have no clue

Can you climb anywhere?
Nope, only at pre-defined climb spots, like fallen tree or latter. Climbing is a totally wasted feature in AoC. There are only 3 places outside of the Tortage where you can actually climb...3 places in 15 zones....., as far as I know anyway...and I know a lot lol.


Have you ridden any mounts other then horse and if so how are they?
No, only horses are in at the moment.

How do mounts works? Do you have to be a certain level or can you just find them?
Lvl 40 to buy them right now, it's subject to change before launch. You don't find them, you can only buy them from mount vendors.

Are mounts an inventory item that you can click on (or put in hotbar)?
Yup, mounts are inventory items and you click on them to summon them, and yes you can put them on the hotbar.
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Old 03-18-2008, 01:19 AM
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Default Re: AoC Beta FAQ

I have heard healers are useless, how useful are they?
I couldn't disagree more about healers in the group. Team up bear shaman and barbarian and you got one mean machine. On top of that, taking group mobs (equivalent to WoW's elite mobs - actually tougher than elites) is practically impossible w/out healers. A healer and a canqueror can take on group mob, while 3 conquerors would probably die trying. Besides, healers do pretty good dmg.

Truth be told, I couldn't disagree more about healers being useless/uncompetative in PVP. Even 1vs1 battles.

What class would you recommend for the solo player?
Solo, it doesn't get much better than Guardian (sword + shield at least) and Bear Shaman, I love both of these classes and they do super well solo and are excellent additions to team. If I have to pick one, I would say Bear Shaman was overly more fun to play solo, but Guardian is still my #1 choice as I find it more durable and reliable. Another class that does very well in pve solo is ranger, HoX is not bad as well from what I hear.

What are the run speeds are there any way of modifying them?
All classes/races move equally fast. There are different modes which determine how fast you move: Walk, Jog, Sprint, in-combat, on mount. As far as I know nobody has any movement adventages over anybody else.

Wich is the best ranged class for pvp? Why?
I read that rangers are the best ranged dmg dealers, prob the best ranged pvp class.

What is the most common class?
As for right now, General Beta.
Assassins and Rangers are the most common, i would say.
Healers, i hated them so far, i played all 3, at least the first 14 levels.
The only healer i really like, actually love and am playing right now ( lvl 18 ) is the "tempest...". it has good dps, good aoe, and not so top notch healing , but still a healer ^.^

Are there any differences between races regarding stats?
No difference at all, stats vary by the class/archetype not race.

Which class has the highest run speed?
All classes run equally fast (rogues sneak faster however)


I want to play a Bear Shaman is it a good choice?
Yup, I love Bear Shamans, very fun to play...unlike *cough* Barbarians.

Since you like Bear Shaman so much, what appeals to you the most out of it? PVP, PVE solo, PVE grp, etc?
Survivability. I simply love Bear Shamans, and this comes from a person that never plays healers and always play tanks. I guess because I play tanks mostly, that's why I like Bear Shamans, they can take the beating too, thanks to their heals of course. But there is so much more to BS. They do pretty good dmg too, not to mention wear med armor. They play real well on teams. I can't even put my finger on what exactly it is, but I've had a blast playing Bear Shaman. It's easy to solo with the class and everybody welcomes you to groups, tho don't expect that you can tank for a group.


From what you have seen/played/read on the forums, how is the Ranger in both PVP/PVE?
Overpowered in PVP at the moment, and I think they will always be an issue when it comes to PVP because of the world design. They will either nerf them too much to the point of useless or they will be overpowered. I would honestly be surprised if they get Rangers balanced enough for PVP few months into launch. In PVE they do just fine it seems and they work really well with a tank. Tank stands slightly in front of the ranger and waits for the mob to come at ranger so the tanker can finish him off (if the mob makes it that far lol).

3.3 HoX

From what you have seen/played/read on the forums, how is the HoX in both PVP/PVE?
Not too informed about this class, but I haven't noticed/heard/read anything unusual about them.

How do HoX play?
I can tell you that HoX is pretty popular and they should be pretty worth it. Demon form lasts for about 20 secs now, and I think recharge timer is 2 minutes. Can't tell you much more, expect that they are pretty damn fun to play, at least at lower lvls.

How well does HoX compare to melee classes?
I don't know how to compare this, but I'll say HOX is capable class.


How well do Dark Templars perform pvp / pve wise?
They need some work in PVE, some of their buffs and debuffs are pretty lame and useless, from what I read on the forums. Can't really comment on about when it comes to DT specifically.


Is the guardian a good class choice?
Guardian is my bread and butter class. I LOVE IT. My favorite. It's so good that......errr, I'll stop. But yeah, really guardian is really well rounded class, and probably the most complete class in the game at the moment. Keep in mind that I tend to favor tank-type of classes, I've always played one, and Guardian absolutely delivers.

Are guardians viable in pvp?
Yeah I think we will be very viable in PVP, especially against high DPS melee classes, and especially the ones that hit fast (because of our counterstrike combo that deal dmg to enemy that hits you).


How does the Barbarian play?
In all honesty, I hate the class, it's by far the most annoying class that I've played. Once I got so frustrated with the class that I uninstalled the game for a while. Now, don't get me wrong, there might nothing be wrong with the class, it simply didn't fit my gameplay style. It's the worst solo class that I've played, and I'll go as far as saying that it's probably in top 3 "worst solo class list" in the game. Generally, if you are trying to progress like a normal person, doing your lvl quests and your lvl mobs, you'll probably spend more than 50% of your time doing the following:
1 - running from rez shrine back to the camp/quest area
2 - running from the mobs so you don't have to run from the rez shrine
3 - waiting around to get lucky so you can pull/kite-away single mob
4 - resting after each fight

THIS is NOT bullshit, trust me. Barb simply can't handle multiple mobs, 2 vs 1 is 50/50 chance, 3 vs 1 is guaranteed tombstone for Barbarian. Now, with that in mind, most of the camps are set up in a way that AT LEAST 2 mobs are standing together, usually more, not to mention patrols, so you get my point, Barb is not very solo friendly class.

Of course, you team Barb up with the priest and off you go, you are playing entirely different game. Once me, as a Barb lvl 26, and Bear Shaman, lvl 32, took upon lvl 30 "group" mobs. Now, group mobs are REALLY REALLY tough, think WOW elites x3 or x4 (it is probably impossible for ANY ONE class to take out group mob of their level on their own).

Barbarians good solo?
Yes I've played a Barb to 30+, and I've posted about this few times before in detail. In short, Barbarians suck at soloing, they are one of the worst solo classes in the game.


How do assassins play?
Sorry I don't know, I never reached "Assassin" stage (20+), I played assassin but under level 20, where all rogues are pretty much the same, and from the looks of it, it seemed even more fragile than barb when it comes to multiple mobs, given the class was very very unfinished when I played it. That said, in 1vs1 encounters, assassins will be kings.

Can Assassins solo well?
The answer is BIG NO, Assassins can't solo well, at least in PVE. As the matter of fact they suck at soloing in PVE. Perhaps they can do well in PVP because of their stealth, picking on clothed classes and killing them fast 1on1.


How is the conqueror class?
An OK all around class, I don't like their abilities though, there is nothing special about them. It's something between Barb and Guardian in many aspects.
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Old 03-18-2008, 01:20 AM
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Default Re: AoC Beta FAQ

How does the PVP xp work?
You get special PVP exp when you kill other players, and you have special PVP levels (20 is max I believe).

Is there any exp penalty in PvE combat after u die ((exp loss, armor durability, debuffs...etc))?
Nope, no exp penalty. You only get temp debuffs, like lower attack rating and lower defense rating. Debuff can stack up to 3 times (if you die before first/2nd debuff runs out). However, if you go back to a place where you died, there you'll find your tombstone, you can click on your tombstone to remove it, thus removing the debuff associated with that death.

Does gear matter?
It matters, but definitely not as much as other games. I made it to 80 with the most basic vendor sold gear, sometimes even using items from Tortage (headgear mostly) because of the looks. I'll copy paste what I posted in my first state of the game report. In my honest opinion, this is how PVE combat is weighted in AoC.
~30% Combos/Spells
~25% Gear
~20% Feats
~5 - 10% Potions
~5 - 10% Player Skill
~5 - 10% Luck and rest of the things that are out of your control

Can you give a quick description of the FFA server and how it works?
Every zone, aside from cities/hubs is a PVP zone of FFA server. Border Kingdoms, exclusive pvp area, is still not in the game so I don't know how that area looks like.

And yeah, you can just jump and kill both guys that are already fighting. Free For All.

How do enemies differ visually from friendlies?
No I must say there isn't much to identify enemy lol. It's funny that you should ask tho. I always got laughs when I wear Pict costume (pict feathered skull headgear, bone wrist guards, bone leg guards and bone robe), and you walk up to somebody engaged in combat with picts and they suddenly turn around and try to kill you, it takes them a little while to realize you are a player haha. PVP is no different really, tho in mini games you wear different colored capes hehe. No right now you can't die your gear, and this has not even been mentioned ever, so this feature probably wont make it into game anytime soon, if ever. I think in AoC guilds will be able to identify by cape, but I really don't know, right now there isn't anything as far as I know.

Is stealth a problem?
Stealth is somewhat broken in PVP, or at least perception is. Guardian can hide just as well as Assassin can, because the perception is not working right. There are also multiple reports of people staying hidden after they attack their target, so you get killed and not even see you killer until you die. This is of course a bug, but it's a problem at the moment nonetheless.

Do stealth classes dominate?

Stealth: is it easy to detect?
Not easy at all right now coz perception is broken. There is Perception skill (which is available to everyone), which will determine how easy or hard it is for you to detect hidden foe

Can you fire both from 3rd and 1st person from horseback?
Yeah you can use first or 3rd person on horseback.

Are archery skills disabled when on horseback forcing you to use standard attack?
As far as I know (Never actually played a ranger on the mount), all your combos are disabled when mounted. I could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure that's how it is.

Do you need to buy many arrows for ranger and do you think it will be very expensive like in past MMOs?
Rangers don't have to buy arrows, their quivers have infinite ammo. However, each type of quiver can add different effects, stats, etc.

What is this arrows in the UI? I guess the half-circle arrows is what direction you want to swing your sword? But what about the red arrows, what are those suppose to do?
Exactly the same thing lol. You could click on the combat rose or that little arrow to perform an attack or combo. Combat rose (circle) has been disabled by default now. Before it was there as it was used when executing combos, so you know which button to press. Now there is no more need for the combat rose, as those "arrows" that you call will highlight as well, so FC disabled combat rose by default.

Do pole arms give a realistic reach advantage?
Polearms do give good and realistic reach advantage. You can easily hit two mobs, one behind the other, whereas with 1-h sword this is usually not possible. That said, cone angle is something that sucks in AoC. You have the same cone with dagger as you do with polearm.

Can you stand behind another melee class and still hit people with pole arms?
That's technically possible, but not very practical because of a lot of movement during combat. It's far more practical to reach two mobs, one behind the other.

Full Plate: is it still in the game?
Yes, full plate is still in the game and exclusive to guardian

Do you prefer sword and shield or spear?
And i'm 100% sword and board type of guy. I have tried polearm build in early 20s, but I couldn't part with the counterstrike combo (board+sword combo only).

Do all classes have a chance to perform a fatality move in melee combat?
All classes that have melee combos can perform fatality moves (if lucky) in malee combat. I also think that all classes have some sort of melee combos (not too sure about all the mage classes however).

Are there fatalities for spells and ranged attacks too? how are they looking?
Yes and yes. I saw only one that HoX did with a spell, it looked pretty bad ass, as do all fatalities.

Can you give your opinion on instanced dungeons?
Don't know, I never did any of them and I don't hold much interest in probably has something to do with it (I did try Sanctrum of Buring Souls few times, solo when I was much higher lvl). I progressed just fine w/out them. Group size is max 6 people, raid size is max 24 people, that is 4 full groups. I'm not sure if perhaps 5 groups with 4 people in each group could be in raid.

Have you done much of the pve content, and if so how would you compare the dungeon design, boss encounter design, group dynamics/class balance in PvE?
Yes all raids are instanced. And I've spent far more time doing PVE in AoC than PVP, as the matter of fact I try to stay away from PVP at this stage because it's very unbalanced. Now, as far as PVE dungeons, I haven't done any, I hate raids. I've entered few instances though. Some of them are "outside", completely closed off from the rest of the world, but they are kind of outside. There are some very inspirational designs, though I have to say that I hate their approach on cave-type of instances, they are too tunneled and they don't look like what you would imagine a cave to look like 10000 years ago. As for PVE balance, I think they are on the right track. PVE seems to be balanced around groups, and very class brings something to the group. I never got the sense that any one class is "unwanted" or "useless" in a group, no matter the group composition.

What are the run speeds are there any way of modifying them?
All classes/races move equally fast. There are different modes which determine how fast you move: Walk, Jog, Sprint, in-combat, on mount. As far as I know nobody has any movement adventages over anybody else.
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Old 03-18-2008, 01:20 AM
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Default Re: AoC Beta FAQ

I have a pretty silly question to ask, but from what I've seen, all the males have the burly tarzan look going for them, which it totally fine, but I was wondering if it's possible to make a feminine looking guy? I.e small frame, not so angular / gnarled features . . .
Lol, yes you can make young pretty-faced elegant looking type of male char . It would take some tuning, as most of the "random" characters turn out to be pretty damn ugly.

Is it possible to make your toon fat or skinny? Or short, tall?

What's the longest hair style you can choose for both male and female characters?
See my female char creation video, you can pretty much see all the hair that there is to see, so judge for yourself. No extra long hair tho...which I wished for.

Quick question - as far as spell/combo animations and graphics go, do they tend to reuse the effects alot among classes and spells?
Probably there are some that are reused few times, but it's nothing like what you described in EQ, otherwise somebody would have noticed and complained about it.

Is the UI customizable?
Yeah you can customize and change it as you like. You can disable/enable your/mob name/health in a little portrait at the bottom, you can enable health around the rose, you can enable health + stamina around the rose, or you can have it all together.

“It is better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for someone you are not."

Posty: 12
Dołączył(a): 13.03.2008
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 14:46 
czy mógłby ktoś być tak wspaniałomyślny i przetłumaczyć to na nasz ojczysty język? ;)

sporo rozumiem, ale jest ciężko...


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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 14:57 
Voltres napisał(a):
czy mógłby ktoś być tak wspaniałomyślny i przetłumaczyć to na nasz ojczysty język? ;)

A po co?
Jesli ktos nie potrafi odczytac tak prostego tekstu po angielsku, nie powinien powaznie myslec o grze w AoC.

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 224
Dołączył(a): 14.11.2001
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 15:04 
Zones can be accessed by everybody, but when a particular instance of the zone gets full (let's say 200 players), new instance is created. You can chose to which instance to go to. If you ever played CoH/V, it's just like it in that regard.

O rany, a ja myślałem, że AoC to będzie MMORPG. :(

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 15:15 

Posty: 42
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2007
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 16:14 
Ozzie napisał(a):
Zones can be accessed by everybody, but when a particular instance of the zone gets full (let's say 200 players), new instance is created. You can chose to which instance to go to. If you ever played CoH/V, it's just like it in that regard.

O rany, a ja myślałem, że AoC to będzie MMORPG. :(

a widziales kiedys w jednej zonie wiecej niz 200 osob ? heh na pierwszy rzut oka faktycznie wyglada to lipnie, ale jak pomysle ze najwiecej ludzi w zonie bylo jak rajdowalem ogri (2x40 rajdy + drobnica i to samo pewnie po stronie hordy) to daje powiedzmy te 200 osob to wygladalo tak jak tokio w godzinach szczytu - nie dalo sie ruszyc bo wszedzie full ludzi- pomijajac lagi

wiec pomysl nie taki najgorszy wszystko zalezy jaki ustawia max ludzi na instancje



Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 16:25 
Tylko troche to inaczej wyglada w WOW, a inaczej w AOC. W WOW dostajesz sie do Ogrimmar bez loading screenow, wiec bardziej bralbym go pod uwage jako obszar w przeogromnej (w stosunku do zone'ow z AOC) zone'ie. Takie mirrorowanie (podzial na districty) staje sie wyjatkowo niefajny na open PVP serwerach, jak chcesz sobie kogos ubic, pognebic i musisz go szukac w kilku jednakowych kopiach tej samej mapki.


Posty: 6914
Dołączył(a): 26.01.2003
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 17:06 
Teraz czas zakapowac na sandmana :)



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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 17:32 
Zony z osobnymi dystryktami to tylko teoria bo nigdzie nie bedzie przeciez tego limitu, no chyba ze w dniu premiery, wiec to nie bedzie minus, nie wiadomo jak bedzie to w miastach gdzie moze byc duzo ludzi.

Krainy w AoC sa gigantyczne, porownujac do WoW-a to jedna z trzech krain na 19-29lvl to jak 3-4 STV i naprawde nie przejmowalbym sie tym ze chca zrobic dytrykty z limitem 200 graczy na zone bo nie jest to malo, a chronic moze przed zalagowaniem chyba jedynie przy jakis ekstremalnych sytuacjach.

Nie wiem czy lepiej miec serwery gdzie gra srednio tysiac ludzi jak w WoW, a najbardziej zapchane to 2,5k i wieczny problem ze brak ludzie, ekonomia zwalona itd.

Dystrykty w AoC tak jak pisze to teoria i nie bedzie wplywac na gre, bedzie to odczowalne tylko po premierze az sie ludzie przewala przez pierwsze zony.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 17:51 
Zony z osobnymi dystryktami to tylko teoria bo nigdzie nie bedzie przeciez tego limitu

"Tylko teoria", ktora sie dziwnym trafem zmaterializowala w paru fazach beta testow, w ktorych bralem udzial... Jesli w dosc wczesnej tech becie bylo 5 districtow dla startowej zone'y, to ile bedzie w dniu premiery? To jest najgorsze rozwiazanie z mozliwych i nie ma sensu go bronic, bo przez takie tworzenie przestrzeni na odwal sie, MMORPG-i cofaja sie w rozwoju.

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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 18:34 
Ja bym sie bardziej o bawial o inne rzeczy w tej grze i mial dystans do innych pomyslow i jak beda dzialac niz dystrykty, ktore nie przeszkadzaja calkowicie.
Trzeba wziasc pod uwage ze tortage isle gdzie gracz uczy sie i poznaje gre jest maly, nie wyobrazam sobie by do lochow pod tortage wpuscic setki ludzi czy np do acheronian ruin, to sa malutkie zony do szybkiego wykonania questow co zajmuje nam jakies 4-6 godzin i wchodzimy do swiata gdzie krainy sa gigantyczne i cala sprawa z dystryktami nie istnieje.

Oczywiscie dystrykty nie odnosza sie do zdobywania twierdz gdzie nie ma ograniczenia i nie ma pewnosci do tego czy miasta beda wymagaly tego.

Ja bym sie obawial o endgame, balans klas, crafting i funkcjonowanie gildii, jak bedzie wygladalo pvp w endgame itd.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."


Posty: 224
Dołączył(a): 14.11.2001
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 18:52 
Stomp napisał(a):
a widziales kiedys w jednej zonie wiecej niz 200 osob ?

Tak widziałem, ale nie mam na myśli WoW, bo w niego nie grałem.

Sama obecność instancjowanych stref to po prostu tragedia z perspektywy PvP, może i nie będzie się to często zdarzać, ale samo ryzyko wystąpienia takiej sytuacji psuje odbiór gry.
Zresztą będzie jak będzie, ale ja od gry MMORPG oczekuję, że będzie MMORPG a nie światem instancji.

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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 23 mar 2008, 21:27 
Zgadza sie, instancje to najwiekszy syf jaki mozna wymyslec, nigdy instancje pvp nie beda dobrym pomyslem i naszczescie mini gierki pvp w Conanie to taki drobiazg, ktory nie ma znaczenia.
Walki gildiowe o twierdze tez beda bez ograniczen liczebnosci spowodowanej zonowaniem, chyba ze beda jakies ograniczenia przy samym siege, nie mam pojecia.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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Posty: 17532
Dołączył(a): 24.02.2004
PostNapisane: 11 kwi 2008, 12:17 
polearm ma wiekszy zasięg niż sword - fajnie. przyznam się że ten blok tekstu zachęcił mnie bardziej niz filmy i screeny

wiadomo cos o profesjach, jakie ile ?



Posty: 200
Dołączył(a): 27.01.2006
PostNapisane: 11 kwi 2008, 15:08 
Deshroom napisał(a):
wiadomo cos o profesjach, jakie ile ?

Masz leniu tu jest wszystko

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