» Posted on June 25th, 2008
Teaser - Level Cap
This time, we would like to present to you an important feature which will greatly affect the gameplay; in a positive way.
For those of you who are new to MMOs, a level cap is a fixed maximum level. For example, if the level cap is set to 20, a player won't be able to gain levels above 20.
In Phobos we'll start with a level cap of 50.
In order to avoid having a lot of players who have the maximum level, the level cap will occasionally rise, making it possible to gain more levels.
Some of you might be thinking "BUT WHY? OH WHY!?", but the answer is pretty simple; we encourage roleplay and teamwork. You will require the help of your friends in order to hunt the stronger creatures and that again requires trust and loyalty.
The fact that a lot of people will reach the same level eventually is inevitable, which is why you will still be able to advance your skills without limitations. In Phobos, the skills and weapons will be much more important than the level you have.
Moreover, there will be an additional level cap for Timar Valley, which will put to 20.
We chose to use a level cap because it is a countermeasure to power abuse and botting, but more importantly because it increases the value of roleplay, teamwork and supplies. You won't be able to simply reach a higher level than anyone else, but you will still be able to become the strongest.
Myth Entertainment
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