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Posty: 755
Dołączył(a): 12.10.2005
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 00:50 
Moze przyda sie temat, w ktorym beda omawiane patche do WAR-a ?

Szykuje sie pierwszy z nich, bedzie juz 2 pazdziernika, a o to szczegoly jakie przyniesie: ... war?id=338

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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 01:38 
Guild cloaks will now retain heraldry settings through zoning.


Continued improvements have been made to client stability and performance.

No oby oby...

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Posty: 536
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2006
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 01:49 
In response to player feedback, we have made improvements to player pet movement and behaviors.


White Lion

* Fixed an issue that was allowing players to use the "Pounce" ability without an enemy target. The ability now requires an enemy target to jump towards.

WHAT THE F... ?! :o Albo mi sie wydaje, albo właśnie popsuli nam bardzo fajny skill :D. Wcześniej skok był kierunkowany stroną w która patrzymy (coś jak blink), teraz będzie kierunkowany wybranym targetem :P? Syf.



Ostatnio edytowano 2 paź 2008, 01:55 przez Bierzgal, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 01:54 
O ile dobrze pamiętam to w becie ten skill wymagał targeta.

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Posty: 536
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2006
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 01:58 
Imo mija sie ta opcja z celem... w końcu to AoE. Powinienem mieć możliwość skoczenia tak bym mógł zadać dmg jak największej ilości osób. A tak jeśli mój cel bedzie stal powiedzmy metr w prawo to osoba najbardziej na lewo nie oberwie (trochę masło maślane ale mam nadzieje, ze wiecie co mam na myśli).

Jeśli chcieli uniemożliwić Pouncowanie przez wysepki lawy na Tor Anroc to mogli naprawić mapę :P.



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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 07:29 
Moglby ktos wkleic calosc? WHA mam zblokowane.

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 6259
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 07:38 
Przeciez wiadomo, ze kazdy chcialby miec najlepsze skile i zadawac najwiecej DMG, ale z tego co jest napisane w patchnotes i z tego co bylo w becie mozliwosc uzycia go bez targetu bylo bugiem, ktory zostanie naprawiony.

Czuje, ze zaraz zacznie sie whine na znerfowane, biedne klasy. Szaman zaraz powie, ze najlepszy debuff mu popsuli. ;-)

Ogolnie dobre jest to, ze reaguja na to co pisza gracze i to z dosyc szybko. Daje to nadzieje, ze gra zostanie zoptymalizowana pod jak najprzyjemniejsza rozgrywke.



Posty: 6259
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 07:39 
tomugeen napisał(a):
Moglby ktos wkleic calosc? WHA mam zblokowane.

Players no longer need to scroll down through the EUALA when logging into the game. The window now defaults to the bottom, and players need only check the Agreement box and click accept.

The war against the gold sellers continues! We have made improvements to the Appeal system to allow players to report spam messages from gold sellers more quickly.

TAB-targeting should now more consistently select the nearest enemy in the player's field of view.

Corrected an issue that was preventing players from adding new friends to their friend list even while the number of existing friends was below the list's size limit.

Fixed the issue that was causing players to sometimes get stuck in a particular animation state.

Monsters which change velocity while moving in combat should no longer return “Target is Out of Range” sometimes when attacked by players.

The /ignore command will now work more consistently.

In response to player feedback, we have made improvements to player pet movement and behaviors.

The Pet window should no longer disappear when its master is zoning or entering the game.

We made many UI fixes including a new "autoloot" feature requested by many players.

Guild cloaks will now display their heraldry properly.

We have made several improvements to the chat window, and it should now be more intuitive to use and set up. A number of chat window issues were resolved in the process. We are continuing to work on your requests about chat, with more improvements to come in the future.

Combat and Careers

The debuff from "Hurts, Don't It" will no longer stack with itself

We have identified a couple of serious bugs that trivialize the content in the Lost Vale dungeon. We have disabled the dungeon entrance while we investigate these issues. Thank you for your understanding as we work to improve your in game experience!
The Public Quest "Wagon Defense" will no longer get stuck because of objectives spawning in trees.
Fixed a bug in the "Wagon Defense" quest
The quest “Killing Time” should now allow players to gain credit when killing enemy characters in the Stone Troll Crossing scenario.
Lorcar Perrithan no longer offers the quest “Phoenix Gate”. Players can now obtain this quest from the Uthorin Warscout.
The Gunbad instance lockouts will now be 30 minutes instead of 24 hours.
Fixed an issue that was preventing Erikwuf Wrathbound from offering the "Good Will" quest.
Some monsters have been identified that were dropping Destruction items for Order players. These monsters will now drop Order items for Order players.
Fixed an issue with the spawning of burning bushes in the "Rewards for the Faitfhful" quest.

Player pets have learned to behave themselves. They should now listen to their masters and stay focused while in combat with monsters, rather than dancing erratically. In addition, they should follow obediently at their masters’ side rather than spinning around.

Monsters that are rooted in place will no longer appear to chase you if you flee from them, even though they are still rooted.

Continued improvements have been made to client stability and performance.

We have fixed an issue that was awarding an overly large experience bonus to players who killed many monsters in rapid succession (IE, several killing blows within a second or two of each other). This will largely only affect small groups that use AE abilities to kill off a very large number of monsters with a single ability activation.

Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause roots to last longer than they should.

The delay between sending multiple mails has been reduced from 20 seconds to 5 seconds.

White Lion
Fixed an issue that was allowing players to use the "Pounce" ability without an enemy target. The ability now requires an enemy target to jump towards.

A feature has been added to User Settings which allows players to auto loot corpses by default. Players can enable this feature by selecting the “always auto loot” option, under the game play section. Please note that holding shift while looting with the option enabled will cause you to loot normally. When the option is disabled, shift-loot will still auto loot all.
Guild cloaks will now retain heraldry settings through zoning.

Corrected an issue that was preventing players from adding new friends to their friend list even while below the list's size limit.

Improvements to the behavior of TAB-targeting. This should now more accurately target the nearest enemy in the player's field of view.

The /ignore command will now work more consistently.

The Pet window should no longer disappear when zoning or entering the game.

In some cases, the chat window would reset to default position upon logout. This should no longer occur.

Resizing the chat window should no longer cause the chat window to reposition itself.

The text entry button is now colored to match the color of the channel the player is currently defaulting to for text entry.

Hitting enter no longer fades in the entire chat window, instead it just fades the text entry box.

Changing resolutions should no longer cause the chat tab labels to disappear.

If more chat tabs are created than the width of the chat window is able to display, then buttons allowing the player to scroll forward and backwards through the chat tabs will appear.

When resizing the chat window, players will now get a resizing cursor.

Left-clicking on the chat window now causes it to fade immediately.

When dragging a chat tab off of the chat window players will now get a “phantom chat tab” until they release the mouse button, instead of creating and dragging the new tab immediately.

When docking one chat window to another, an arrow indicator is now displayed on the chat tab listing which indicates where in the order of chat tabs the tab will now be placed.

When creating a new tab, the properties of the new tab are cloned from the original tab chosen. For example, using New Tab on the Combat tab menu creates a Combat(1) tab with all the same filters and font settings of the original Combat tab.

Players will no longer be able to use the /petname command unless they have a White Lion out.

New Cycle Enemy Target action added as a handier version of Target Next Enemy. This action is bound to Tab by default; existing characters will not have their keybindings changed, so if you would like to use this action instead of Target Next Enemy with your current character, you will need to change this keybind.

Fixed an issue that was causing the health bar fade option to work incorrectly.

We have re-skinned the Guild Registrar interaction window.

Fixed an issue that was causing the health bar fade option to work incorrectly.

Many parts of the UI have been modified to fit localized text properly:
- Quest Titles in the Quest Dialog window

- Zone Names in the Zone Loading screen

- The Title Bar in the Open Parties and Warband’s window

- Tactic Names in the Guild Tactics store window

- Zone Names in the Guild Roster tab of the Guild window

- Permission Text in the Admin tab of the Guild window

- Alliance Information in the Alliance tab of the Guild window

- Requirement (Blue) Ability Tooltip text
Fixed an issue with chat text in localized versions of the game.


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Posty: 2451
Dołączył(a): 10.03.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 07:51 
Czy wam również zaczęło tak koszmarnie lagować na scenario? Mam slajd show...

Nazywanie kogoś idiotą nie jest obelgą tylko diagnozą

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 07:54 

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Posty: 5596
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 07:59 
Z jednej strony fajnie że naprawili Pounce przynajmniej będę mógł zrobić respec.... poprawili Ai petów ciekawe jak teraz to bedzie wyglądać..

Mam leniwe szare komórki.


Posty: 6259
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 08:13 
A mi dzisiaj spaczowalo gre, potem sie lognalem, potem mnie wywalilo do ekranu wyboru charka i sie zawiesilo.
A teraz nie chce sie wlaczyc (patch error sth) i tym chyba zakoncze swoja krotka i calkiem sympatyczna przygode z WARem, bo jakos mi sie odechcialo grac ;-)



Posty: 263
Dołączył(a): 14.06.2005
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 08:23 
mam dokladnie to samo (oprucz tej czesci o odechcianiu sie grania )

Posty: 36
Dołączył(a): 5.09.2008
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 08:23 
Zychoo napisał(a):
A mi dzisiaj spaczowalo gre, potem sie lognalem, potem mnie wywalilo do ekranu wyboru charka i sie zawiesilo.
A teraz nie chce sie wlaczyc (patch error sth) i tym chyba zakoncze swoja krotka i calkiem sympatyczna przygode z WARem, bo jakos mi sie odechcialo grac ;-)

Tez to mam patch error ale zeby odrazu konczyc, nie :)


Posty: 243
Dołączył(a): 13.08.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 08:27 
Coś się generalnie dzieje złego z netem, u mnie war nie chce odpalić patchera i niektóre strony nie ładują się ( warhammer alliance for example ).


Posty: 6259
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2004
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 08:29 
Nie no, pewnie mi sie zachce za godzine, aczkolwiek wczoraj bylo to samo. Jakis bug techniczny, wyjebalo mnie dwa razy i odechcialo mi sie wlaczac gry trzeci raz. Jak sie okaze, ze tak bedzie codziennie, to mi sie odechce skutecznie ;-)

(To i tak nic dziadkowi SwenGowi rozwalil WAR bootsector - ja bym chyba juz wtedy skutecznie sie zniechecil).


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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 08:36 
kilkam na patcher i nic sie nie dzieje. No pozatym ze proces sie Task Menager pojawia -;-

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 1283
Dołączył(a): 18.12.2007
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 08:37 
jak poczekasz jeszcze jakas minute, to dostaniesz info, ze patcher nie moze sie polaczyc z serwerem goa i jakis tam shit. widocznie serwer patchowania lezy.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 08:38 
No wlasnie zauwazylem.
GOA FAIL!!!!1?!?!1on1o1!N!!

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).


Posty: 805
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2005
PostNapisane: 2 paź 2008, 09:05 
Walcza ze handlarzami goldem, zamiast naprawic morale, zmienia priorytety jak im zostanie 1/5 ludzi.

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