Hmmm, nie patrzac na co niektorych druidow ktorzy podchodza do epic'a w stylu "OMFG! 10 more fights 3 more forages n i can put my hands on the damn scimmy!" (sorry Zem ze znow po tobie jezdze

ale ty jestes tak wdziecznym celem

Nno wiec tak od poczatku kazdy epic quest opowiada pewna historie... np.:
-Wiz epic to opowiesc o tym jak kiedys Solusek Ro (ksiaze plomienia, bog) mial swoich 4ech najwspanialszych wizardow ktorych wzial za uczniow i uczynil z nich potem Avatar'ow, oni go zdradzili i on im za to odebral moc wtedy gdy oni jej najbardziej potrzebowali... jak ktos sie interesuje proponuje dzial questow w
Sorry za spam w formie tych 2 cytatow ale uhm, mam sentyment
Challice says 'Oh yes? Arantir? What a fool he was! the man gave me everything, but for all his intelligence, he could never understand why I was truly with him. It was for his power; he could do anything. But when he mysteriously lost it, he became just another toy. I never loved him. Return this ring to him. He will understand that I have no desire to see him again.
Arantir Karondor says 'I once was one of four true followers of Solusek Ro. So great were the four of us that Solusek Ro himself made us each a special item. We did not know what the others' items were, but we realized that was for our own safety. Each one of us, after receiving the item, began to plot against Solusek Ro. Each of us believed we had enough power to dominate Norrath. Solusek Ro saw this and at the time we needed our powers most, he stripped us of them. Now I know two of the other wizards by name. One was called Sylen Tyrn, the other's name was Demunir Scry. The last wizard was a gnome, but I can't think of his name.
you say, 'What about Sylen Tyrn?'
Arantir Karondor says 'Sylen was a high elf wizard, and like many high elves, he believed himself to be better than others. Because of his birth, he thought he was more noble and more intelligent than anyone else. I heard how met his demise - while flying over a vast area of water, his powers were stripped from him in midflight. He fell and was captured by a rival wizard who specialized in magics of the water. Search for that wizard and you could find a trace of Sylen.
I na koniec:
Solomen says 'You actually did it! I never would have thought that anyone could have truly followed this path. This is a tribute to your intelligence and patience. Here, take this staff and know that you have made Solusek Ro and all the wizards of the world proud this day.
PS. One more time sorry for the SPAM ! know im awful!
-Clr epic to jest walka z falszywa wiara zwana Plasmatic Priesthood... W ktora zamieszana jest takze rodzina krolewska Sarnakow... a stoji za tym wszystkim takie duze i czerwone

-Enc epic...
'The masters are enchanters who have reached the plateau of understanding. Their names are Modani Qu'Loni, Mizzle Gepple, Nadia Starfeast, and Polzin Mrid. All are master crafters in their own right'.
Bedziesz musial Kordi osiagnac plateu zrozumienia

proponuje przynajmniej z rok filozofii na WSPS

Head to the Overthere. Look for a scorpion called Impaler Tzilug at Loc: -90, 810. Charm the Impaler (like Modani this might mean killing some other NPC's first) and give him the Dull Emerald. In return, he will give you the Enchanted Emerald.
Uli, przypomina ci cos ? LOL!
The Head of a Serpent is found in the Plane of Fear. Clear the zone and kill Cazic Thule. A Shissar Spirit will spawn soon after. Kill it and loot the Head of the Serpent.
Starczy ze ktokolwiek zabije CT i 3 dni pozniej jest Wrath of Siishar... malutka harpia lvl 55... problem w tym ze cwaniaki z VI umiescili ja na szczycie swiatyni pelnej Amygadian Warrior's... Oni rzucaja War only Indicolite armor... i maja HT za 600 kazdy

W swiatyni jest ich ok. eh 30 ? 40 ? super, nie ?

Sounding like Tom Cruise saying bout geting to CIA HQ yet ? Damn Mission Impossible haha ! ale ty Kord bedziesz wisial na sznurkach przy terminalu... ja moge byc najwyzej jak Jean Reno i cie potrzymac na tych sznurach

Ogolnie w enc epicu chodzi o spelnienie 4ech sciezek... Illusions, Enlightened Magic, Charm i Phantasms...
A na koniec dopiero...
The path you trod was long and hard. Now you are worthy to bear the Serpent. Use it well.
NNO !!! Uffff to tyle jezeli chodzi o pisanie esejow LOL! Mam nadzieje ze wam sie spodoba

(nie obrazajcie sie coniektorzy i nie kasujcie postow... bo ten board zaczyna wygladac jak Ser Edamski po twoim pokazywaniu obrazonej pozy

take it easy...)