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Posty: 5094
Dołączył(a): 19.02.2005
PostNapisane: 23 paź 2008, 18:45 
Z tego co zaobserwowalem, to ostatnio za jakiegos inzyniera na 24 levelu bodajze dostalem 2200exp i 200 renown (co do renown nie jestem pewien). To bylo przed tym patchem ktory to boostuje.

Czy rested wplywa na exp za zabijanie graczy?

Jutro wszyscy zginiecie, robiąc coś zupełnie bez sensu...


Posty: 1569
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2001
PostNapisane: 23 paź 2008, 20:47 
Rzeznik napisał(a):
Z tego co zaobserwowalem, to ostatnio za jakiegos inzyniera na 24 levelu bodajze dostalem 2200exp i 200 renown (co do renown nie jestem pewien). To bylo przed tym patchem ktory to boostuje.

Czy rested wplywa na exp za zabijanie graczy?

Oczywiscie ze wplywa. Ja za lvl 11 chosena dostalem 1920 expa;] Rested i boost bonus na open rvr.


Posty: 578
Dołączył(a): 7.10.2005
PostNapisane: 24 paź 2008, 12:54 
A na serwerach open we wszystkich strefach dostajemy taki bonus do xp czy tylko tych typowych rvr obszarach? bo jesli mozna by tak expic na questujacych graczach - mhm

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 30 paź 2008, 12:14 
Chyba nikt nie postowal:

Patch 1.0.4


The Witching Night live event has begun! For details, see the Warhammer Online Herald.
We have added three new guild rewards in the form of dungeon teleport scrolls. Each scroll can be purchased from a guild quartermaster, and is a single-use item that will teleport the player to a dungeon:
Gunbad Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 29, and will teleport the player into the entrance lobby area of the Gunbad Tunnels.
Bastion Stair Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 32, and will teleport the player into the entrance lobby area of the Bastion Stair.
Lost Vale Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 35, and will teleport the player to just outside the entrance to the Lost Vale.
Pets set to follow will now path properly to their master, and will no longer teleport instantly to their master's side.
Fixed an issue that was causing pets to stop attacking their current target and return to their master's side. This issue would occur when a pet was ordered to change targets in mid combat, and the previous target subsequently died.
Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause trainer icons not to appear on the minimaps.
The successful capture of an enemy battlefield objective now rewards the capturing players with experience.
In response to player feedback, the amount of renown earned from healing players has been increased slightly.

Campaing Adjustments

Tier 4 zones now require fewer scenario victory points to be captured. The mechanics of capturing a zone have not changed however. Zones which have no scenario opposition can still be captured if players join the queue for scenarios based on that Zone. Victory points towards zone control will be granted if a realm has enough players in the queue to launch the scenario and the other realm doesn’t. If players in those queues join a launched scenario or leave the queue, the victory points towards zone control will be forfeit.

In other words, using "Join All" to queue for all available scenarios is still the fastest way to get into a scenario, but joining the scenarios in a specific zone will have the greatest impact on control of that zone, and by extension the greatest impact on the campaign in that pairing.

General Changes nad Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause monsters to improperly flee at full speed. Monsters will now flee from combat at a more appropriate speed.


Adjusted the text messages that display when the capital cities become contested, to make them more appropriate.

Combat & Careers

Balance Essence: The damage of this ability has been increased.


Additional polish has been applied to monster pathing and behaviors in the Lost Vale to improve the overall gameplay experience.
The Bastion Stair dungeon boss Kaarn the Vanquisher will no longer erroneously give "Target is Retreating" messages when attacked.

Realm vs. Realm

The Statue of the Everchosen battlefield objective in the Chaos Wastes will no longer spawn guards of the wrong realm.
The guards at the Maiden's Landing battlefield objective in Avelorn will now spawn at the appropriate level.
Fixed an issue which was causing the RvR campaign to reset prematurely while a capital city was still contested.
Fixed an issue which sometimes caused keeps and battlefield objectives to forget which realm and guild last owned them when the server was reset.
The minimum number of players required to launch scenarios in Praag, Dragonwake and Thunder Mountain has been equalized to ensure even population distribution between all scenarios available when the campaign is in its default state.

Tome of Knowledge

Tooltips for Tome of Knowledge tactic rewards have been revised to be more clear and helpful.

User Interface

Fixed an issue that sometimes caused trainer icons not to appear on the minimaps.

Ostatnio edytowano 30 paź 2008, 12:37 przez mrynar, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 30 paź 2008, 12:23 
Dzisiaj 1.0.4 na serwery daja :P.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 30 paź 2008, 12:37 
iniside napisał(a):
Dzisiaj 1.0.4 na serwery daja :P.

To jest notes do 1.0.4. Skopiowalem blad z oficjalnej strony. Sorry.

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Posty: 5596
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 30 paź 2008, 13:45 
mrynar napisał(a):

Campaing Adjustments

Tier 4 zones now require fewer scenario victory points to be captured. The mechanics of capturing a zone have not changed however. Zones which have no scenario opposition can still be captured if players join the queue for scenarios based on that Zone. Victory points towards zone control will be granted if a realm has enough players in the queue to launch the scenario and the other realm doesn’t. If players in those queues join a launched scenario or leave the queue, the victory points towards zone control will be forfeit.

Czy to chodzi o "normalne" sc i czy naprawdę TRZEBA je latać?

Mam leniwe szare komórki.

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 30 paź 2008, 14:01 
Bloodleaf napisał(a):
mrynar napisał(a):

Campaing Adjustments

Tier 4 zones now require fewer scenario victory points to be captured. The mechanics of capturing a zone have not changed however. Zones which have no scenario opposition can still be captured if players join the queue for scenarios based on that Zone. Victory points towards zone control will be granted if a realm has enough players in the queue to launch the scenario and the other realm doesn’t. If players in those queues join a launched scenario or leave the queue, the victory points towards zone control will be forfeit.

Czy to chodzi o "normalne" sc i czy naprawdę TRZEBA je latać?

Brzmi jak lekki fail. Wprawdzie robie SC co jakis czas (pewnie jak kazdy), ale zmuszanie mnie do tego to taki sredni pomysl. Na 40 lvlu scenario wogole nie powinne byc dostepne, ale widze ze sie jednak uparli, zeby wrzucac ludzi do pokoikow...

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 17 lis 2008, 16:42 
Dzisiejszy hotfix:

General Changes and Bug Fixes
Fixed some issues which sometimes allowed players to access areas they should be unable to reach.
Fixed an issue that was causing Witching Night masks to continue to drop even though the event has ended.
Fixed an issue that was causing one of the gold loot bags received from a successful keep raid to be devoid of items.

Mikhail the Profane will now spawn in areas accessible by players.
Fixed some issues with the lair boss Tezzak Gnawbone. He is now the appropriate level and will act aggressive toward players.

Shadow Shard: Fixed an issue with the quest item ‘Shadow Shard,’ which could be used repeatedly to cause latency for other players.
Tramplers of Blind Rage: This reward item for the Public Quest "Army of Faith" can now be used by Marauders.

Quests & Public Quests
Unholy Bond: The Blacktalon Beastigors in West Praag have grown in number and should be easier to find for this quest
Portal of Rage: Fixed an issue that was preventing players from completing the quest because the required monsters were not spawning.
Mushroom Deep: Players will now be able to interact with the henge stone and complete the quest.
Devil Inside: This quest now grants the proper amount of experience and coin upon completion.
Ore Robbers - DISABLED: Fixed an issue that could allow players to obtain this disabled quest.
Control: Fixed an issue that was causing Falathin Soulbreaker to become unattackable, which would break the quest for the player who was trying to complete it.
The Brass Legion: The Brass Skullhowlers in this Bastion Stair Public Quest will now finish the fights they start, and be sure to reclaim the Blood Skulls off any battles that they win.
The loot bag drop rate for the City Invasion Public Quests has been brought more in line with the difficulty of the encounters.


Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 18 lis 2008, 09:20 
Update od Marka

Patch 1.0.5 and Career Updates
Mark Jacobs | From the Dev Team | 11/17/2008 @ 05:05:12 EST
When we launched our Public Test Server last week our goal was to create a place where we could test and iterate on ideas/initiatives/bugs with our subscribers in a non-LIVE environment. Our plan was that no patch would make it through the PTS until we were sure that it was tested thoroughly and properly. Patch 1.0.5 (Combat and Careers) is a perfect example of how this system is supposed to work. Thanks to the data and feedback we’ve gathered over the last week we are going to make some major changes to 1.0.5. First, the Combat and Careers portion of the patch is being moved to 1.0.6. We have made enough changes that we have decided to let them stay on PTS a while longer for additional testing. As I’ve said before, we will not rush these changes on to the LIVE servers until we are sure that they have been thoroughly tested and that the changes are working the way that the designers planned. It was evident throughout the testing process that some of the changes needed to be reconsidered and some changed outright. Thus and secondly, we are making the following changes to certain careers:

1. For our Ironbreakers, this means more time to assess the impact at our proposed changes to the Grudge mechanic to IBs in RvR. When patch 1.0.6 goes up on Deathsword, we will have an updated version of the grudge mechanic. As of now, this will result in IBs having decay beginning at 15 seconds as well a much slower loss of grudge per second than originally planned. Over the course of 1.0.6 on the PTS, we will continue to look at this mechanic and see if we have to add some additional time to the beginning of grudge decay.

2. For our healers, we are going to keep the decrease in cast time for the “big heals” but we are reverting the changes to the HOTs back to their current LIVE status. Given the changes and general increases to most careers’ DOTs, keeping healers’ HOTs where they are currently is the more prudent path. As we continue testing with 1.0.6, this may change but for now we want to spend some more time running the numbers before we make any additional changes to our healers.

3. Sorcs/BWs will not have any buffs to their DOTs until we can gather more data on the long-term impact of these DOTs.

4. We are looking at several interface changes geared to make target selection, spell-casting, etc. easier and more reliable especially in RvR.

Those are some of the biggest changes to the “Combat and Careers” portion of 1.0.5. Additionally, 1.0.5 will now focus on the “Heavy Metal” event that paves the way for the introduction of the Blackguard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun as well as a few other changes including fixes/improvements to our Realm War system. We expect to deploy 1.0.5 tomorrow to our LIVE servers. Once that is done, version 1.0.6 will be deployed to our PTS with all the current C&C changes. Additionally, 1.0.6 will also provide an opportunity for testers to get a sneak peek at those two new careers. So, please, keep signing on to our PTS and help us gather the data we need to ensure that the changes we are making are what we intend them to be, a series of necessary and balanced steps to improve balance among the careers. As always, I thank you for your patronage and support of WAR.


W skrócie - cofna na test serwie te zmiany, na ktore ludzie najbardziej narzekali lub je zmienia. Grudge dla IB bedzie sie zmniejszal wolniej, DOTY wizardow i sorcek nie dostana buffa, healing bedzie silniejszy, wiekszosc zmian przeniesiona na 1.06, a jutro (czyli dzis w US, jutro pewnie u nas) wchodzi Eavy Metal.


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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 18 lis 2008, 09:56 
To wrap up the OP:
- all combat and career changes are postponed "until they're done";
- 1.0.5 is stripped of all its content except the heavy metal live event (reikland factory + daily tasks);
- Mythic finally learned a lesson: you need a carrot dangling in front of PTS to attract large amounts of people to actually have some testing;
- current carrots are BG and KotBS;
- 'decisions based on raw data' is an urban legend, as all the changes mentioned for 1.0.6 are based on player outcries on the forums. White lions, marauders, witch elves and witch hunters aren't whiney enough to matter. "But they nurfed roots!" you say, as I fly around disabled, ping-ponging from one punter to another.

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 18 lis 2008, 10:10 
no to dobrze. grudges i tak jest zawsze za malo jak sie nie ma wh/wl w teamie ;-/


Posty: 24059
Dołączył(a): 6.04.2003
PostNapisane: 18 lis 2008, 23:52 
rotfl BW miał dostać bonus do dotów - imho devsi zauważyli, ze BW nie ma jeszcze (ZONK!) mass dota, już teraz zdażają się scenaria z 8+ BW więc może czas by GOA się ocknął :/

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 19 lis 2008, 08:49 
no i co z tego ze jest 8bw? easy win dla destro. poza tym w rvr nie widac jakos zeby biegali sami bw mowiac szczerze. a nawet powiem wiecej - jest ich za malo :-)


Posty: 755
Dołączył(a): 12.10.2005
PostNapisane: 19 lis 2008, 12:33 
- Mythic finally learned a lesson: you need a carrot dangling in front of PTS to attract large amounts of people to actually have some testing;

To jak taka oczywista rzecz jest dla nich zaskoczeniem i wyciagaja wnioski po dluzszym czasie to sie nie dziwie dlaczego sporo rzeczy wyglada tak, a nie inaczej...

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 19 lis 2008, 20:59 
w patch notes jest napisane, ze poprawili collision w rvr...
ciekawe :-)


Posty: 24059
Dołączył(a): 6.04.2003
PostNapisane: 19 lis 2008, 21:34 
no wcześniej poprawili zacinające się animacje (zacinają się w dalszym ciągu), potem morale - działa jak działało czyli chujowo, teraz system kolizji - ciekawe czy tym razem rzeczywiście coś zmienili czy tylko napisali, że zmienili ;)

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 19 lis 2008, 21:39 
morale dziala bez wiekszych problemow w tej chwili.
skoncz juz marek bo znowu zacznie sie dyskusja nie prowadzaca do nikad :-)

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 19 lis 2008, 21:41 
Marudzisz. Animacje poprawily sie, jedne co przeszkadzalo to pozostajace na postaci efekty spelli (chociaz zielona smuga ciagnaca sie za bronia po jakiejs trutce od biczy wyglada calkiem fajnie).
Morale dziala jak powinno u mnie, lagow tez w zasadzie nie mam. Moze pod t3 keepami przy kupie ludu w avelorn. No ale ja gram 7600GS.

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 578
Dołączył(a): 7.10.2005
PostNapisane: 19 lis 2008, 23:43 
no musze przyznac iz mythic milo mnie zaskoczyl tym patchem. przywolywanie wierzchowcow nie wywoluje juz u mnie dreszczy-a obawialem sie ze bede sie z tym meczyl do konca :)

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