This is to notify you that during the pre-order of Darkfall your credit card transaction failed. Please contact your credit institution for more details.
Please note that we are just relaying the information we’re receiving from this transaction. Please do not reply to this email asking for clarifications because we do not have more information regarding this topic.
We will make an attempt to re-process some of the failed pre-orders on Friday February 27 and we hope that this issue can be resolved. Please log into account management and update your information. We are aware that the account management system is very busy due to demand. We would like to ask for your patience in dealing with this and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
More copies of Darkfall will become available soon and you will have the opportunity to try again. Soon we will offer more payment methods like PayPal, Direct Debit, Pre-Paid Cards, etc.
We hope that this issue is resolved soon and we can see you in Darkfall.
Thank you,
Darkfall Support
Tia... co jeszcze ? Nigdy nie było problemów z electronem, nawet jest u nich przy wyborze karty visa electron a tu takiego zonka mi wysyłają
Zaraz zadzwonię do inteligo i się zapytam wtf is going on.