Ponieważ w Krapkowicach wszyscy mi chórkiem odpowiedzieli "nie"

gdy zapytałem się czy ta wersja nie ma przez przypadek posiadać dodatkowych scen zrobiłem szybki research
"At the Tokyo Game Show 2006, Square Enix showed a trailer of a director's cut of the film, titled Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete for release on the Blu-ray Disc format. New scenes will be added to the film."
"It has also been reported that the film will feature a 20-minute long extra movie on the disc which is an anime version of the "Case of Denzel" chapter featured in the On The Way To A Smile novella."
Nastepnie z
http://playstation.joystiq.com/2007/12/ ... ay-traile/
"As you can see, character's clothes will get ripped, characters will get bloodied, and things are just generally dirtier in this "Ultimate" edition. You'll also see some new footage not found in the original cut."
Na stronce tez trailer na ktorym juz widac pewne zmiany/dodatki.
Reasumujac, pamiec Goka nie taka zla jednak jest