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Posty: 2609
Dołączył(a): 12.11.2001
PostNapisane: 27 lip 2002, 13:12 
Chcialem tylko przypomniec, ze juz niedlugo faza II. Dlatego zanim ustawicie sobie jakis domek na 'primary', dobrze pomyslcie, czy nie macie domkow na innych shardach :smile:

Phase 1 of Publish 16’s new housing ownership & decay system is finally complete! We’ll soon be entering Phase 2, which will begin on Monday, August 5th, and will continue through until Monday, September 2nd.

At the center of the Phase 2 stage will be the possibility for some of you co-owners or friends to take possession of “ownerless houses” (those houses owned by an inactive account) — although if you already own a house on any shard, you will not be eligible to claim an ownerless house. Also occurring within Phase 2 will be the ability for full-owners to be able to set their homes as “Primary Houses” (don’t forget: setting a house as a Primary House will condemn all your other houses on all other shards!), which will allow houses to auto-refresh for as long as that owning account remains active.

We recommend that everyone take at least a few minutes to refresh themselves on the “House Ownership and Decay Changes” and “House Co-owners & Friends FAQ” information before we enter Phase 2.

Note: The automatic refreshing of houses will continue throughout Phase 2. Auto-refreshing of houses will cease at the start of Phase 3, except, of course, for those buildings set to be Primary Houses. Although Phase 3 will begin soon after Phase 2 ends, it will not necessarily begin immediately after Phase 2 ends — we’ll keep everyone up to date on when Phase 3 begins as well.

Posty: 2
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2002
PostNapisane: 8 sie 2002, 10:46 
a o co w tym chodzi ??? :smile:

sialalalabom sialalalabom bom bom bi bom bom bom ;)


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 8 sie 2002, 10:53 

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