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Posty: 1157
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2005
PostNapisane: 7 maja 2009, 15:30 
Zarri napisał(a):
... tylko idiota by siedzial przed kompem 17 minut i co 10 sekund klikal w jeden punkt....

Idąc twoim tokiem rozumowania, tylko idiota grałby w DFO bez radaru i innych zabaweczek.

OrleOko czuwa...

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 7 maja 2009, 15:43 
chyba tylko idiota gra z radarem

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me


Posty: 1185
Dołączył(a): 19.01.2009
PostNapisane: 7 maja 2009, 16:26 
eagleeyes napisał(a):
Zarri napisał(a):
... tylko idiota by siedzial przed kompem 17 minut i co 10 sekund klikal w jeden punkt....

Idąc twoim tokiem rozumowania, tylko idiota grałby w DFO bez radaru i innych zabaweczek.

Radar jest cheatem, autoclicker nie. Taka jest roznica :^)


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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 09:13 
Przeklejcie prosze dzisiejsze patchnotes gdy tylko sie pojawią.

buziaczki :*

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 10:13 
Nie mozesz sobie sprawdzic na forumfall newb?

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 10:48 

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 10:57 
To weakzor:<

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me


Posty: 4759
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2004
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 11:02 
To nie gg, noobki

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 14:25 

* Skill gain has increased significantly in all melee skills
* Skill progression in archery has been increased significantly
* You are now required to hit a valid target to gain skill in archery
* Skilling up in magic has been increased significantly
* Skill progression in spells requires the caster to hit a valid target
* Number of successful hits required to reach surging mode again with spells has been extremely reduced
* Knockback, Seize and Whirlwind have been modified and skill gain has increased

Gameplay / Fixes

* Small adjustments made to melee reach depending on character race
* Corrected spells that would skill up rigor without dealing damage
* Corrected a problem some players had while buying skills and starter weapons from vendors
* Corrected an issue in auto optimization
* Fogginess of environments has been reduced
* Various client side issues have been corrected
* Clan Mines/Quarries/Groves/etc now start out at 25% capacity and their regrowth rate has been increased
* Clan Guard Tower damage had been slightly increased


* Monster loot for Demon and Fire Giant has been updated
* A.I. tactics have been enhanced and improved

User Interface

* Improved worldmap and minimap marker information (You can use the options window to change this)
* Zoom added to World Map
* Improved crafting window
* Improved tooltips for crafting window
* New tooltip for spells display reagent requirements
* Display of active weapon under hotbar updated, improved and fixed
* New chat messages displaying who buffed or debuffed you
* Vendor icons on minimap now display the vendor name
* Player Journal and Clan pages now accessible trough external browsers. Go to and log in with your username and password
* Trading window confirmation now displays the name of the person wanting to trade with you
* Various skill descriptions have been improved
* Various item descriptions have been improved
* Various problems with Journal and Clan windows have been resolved


Melee Range has increased:

* Axes
* Clubs
* Greataxes
* Greatclubs
* Knives

New Polearms have been added to the game:

* Guisarme
* Spetum
* Imperial halberd
* Polehammer
* Glaive
* Partisan
* Dragon tail
* Skewer

Visual Updates

We have made visual updates to:

* Giant Dragon Skeletons
* Blacksmith market stands
* Kobold huts and props.
* Harbor bases
* Human keep bases
* Human skeleton props
* Minotaur Statues
* Some player controlled ships
* Miscellaneous props

New Quests


* A New Enemy
* A link to the Leaders
* Fire Standard Leaders
* Helping Out
* The Legendary Blacksmith


* Masters of the Dark Taint
* A Trading Post in Trouble
* Protecting the Trading Post
* Evigvanger is Safe
* The Miners of Otredale


* Rare Sightings
* Forgotten Creatures
* These New Neighbors
* Castle Obad
* Materials for Enchantments
* The Fallen Necromancers
* Shulgan the Cautious
* A Matter of Security
* The Cursed Ones


* West of Nagast
* Weak Minds


* Tialanta the Fighter
* Five Humans Less
* Hunting Mirdain is Fun
* True Predators
* Big, Slow, Ugly and Stupid


* As Strange as they Come
* Two Eyes
* Hanthar's Gift
* Dangerous Gnolls


* Crafting ingredients have been reduced for

* Tribal Pike
* Cultist Polearm

* Crafting skill gain has been increased
* Requirements for getting trueforge armor and trueforge weapon skills have been modified.
* Improved crafting window
* Improved tooltips for crafting window

World Building

There have been area and world building updates to:

* Carpendale
* Winterworth
* Wetstone
* Thangruk
* Waterbourne
* New NPCs have been added in Obad


* 'Leech' spells no longer work on mounts
* Mana cost for powerful spells has been reduced
* Potential maximum damage for spells has been increased
* Holy/Unholy damage will now drain stamina
* Bone can now be bought from the arcanist

Spell Balancing


* Arrow shield: Effect has been significantly increased
* Arrow ward: Reach has been increased
* Come hither: Reach has been significantly increased
* Exploding charge: Damage output has been increased
* Guiding wind: Effect has been significantly increased
* Lightning bolt: Reach has been significantly increased
* Lightning ward: Effect increased, reach increased
* Lightning weakness: Effect increased
* Lightning shield: Effect increased
* Thunderstorm: Reach and duration increased


* Acid Rain: Reach significantly increased. Duration increased
* Acid Shield: Effect significantly increased
* Acid ward: Effect significantly increased
* Disintegrate: Damage increased. Impact area increased
* Gravity: Reach increased. Cooldown reduced
* Impale: Damage increased
* Ironskin: Effect increased. Reach increased
* Pungent mist: Reach increased
* Stamina leech: Reach increased
* Stoneskin: Effect significantly increased
* Tarnish : Effect significantly increased


* Dragonbreath: Reach increased
* Fire Shield: Effect significantly increased
* Fire ward: Effect significantly increased. Reach increased
* Haste: Effect significantly increased. Reach increased
* Inferno: Damage increased
* Smoke signal: Reach increased
* Volcano: Reach increased. Duration increased. Damage increased
* Wall of fire: Reach increased
* Weakening blaze: Effect significantly increased


* Beacon: Reach increased
* Heal other : Reach increased
* Infliction shield: Effect significantly increased
* Infliction ward: Effect significantly increased
* Insight: Effect significantly increased
* Rend: Casting time reduced. Cooldown time reduced. Damage increased. Area of effect increased.
* Telekinesis: Reach increased
* Venom: Cooldown time reduced


* Health to mana: Effect significantly increased
* Heal mount: Reach increased
* Launch: Reach increased
* Lay on hands: Reach increased
* Magic ward: Reach increased
* Mana drain: Effect significantly increased


* Bludgeoning weakness : Effect significantly increased
* Desecration : Effect significantly increased
* Death fog : Reach increased
* Infernal shield : Effect significantly increased
* Infernal ward : Effect significantly increased. Reach increased
* Mental weakness : Effect significantly increased.
* Piercing weakness : Effect significantly increased
* Slashing weakness : Effect significantly increased
* Undeath : Effect significantly increased. Mana cost reduced
* Unholy caress : Reach increased
* Unholy flames : Effect increased. Mana cost slightly increased.
* Vampiric touch : Reach increased


* Bless other : Effect significantly increased
* Blessing : Effect significantly increased. Reach increased
* Hymn of Intellect : Reach increased. Effect increased
* Hymn of Might : Reach increased. Effect increased
* Hymn of Skill : Reach increased. Effect increased
* Hymn of Swiftness : Reach increased. Effect increased
* Hymn of Vigor : Reach increased. Effect increased


* Blizzard : Cooldown slightly increased
* Cold shield : Effect increased
* Cold ward : Effect increased. Reach increased
* Frostbite : Reach increased
* Ice storm : Reach increased
* Icicle : Slight damage decrease
* Shards : Slight damage decrease
* Toxic rain : Reach increase. Duration slightly decreased
* Water breathing : Reach increased
* Weakening chill : Effect significantly increased


* Disease : Effect increased
* Insect swarm : Reach increased
* Ominous drain : Effect increased
* Palsy : Effect increased
* Pestilence : Effect increased
* Sluggish : Effect increased
* Stupidity : Effect increased
* Tongue Rot : Cooldown increased

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me


Posty: 81
Dołączył(a): 31.07.2006
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 14:36 
byłby ktos w stanie przetłumaczyć wazniejsze sprawy??


Posty: 20
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2008
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 15:57 
kvs napisał(a):
byłby ktos w stanie przetłumaczyć wazniejsze sprawy??

Będzie ciszej w miastach.

Some thoughts from dark of my mind.


Posty: 249
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2005
PostNapisane: 15 maja 2009, 17:04 
-zwiekszono gainy w mele, magii, lucznictwie. musisz trafic w cel zeby zaliczylo.

-poprawiono AI (czytaj: moby zamiast glupiec i biegac w kolko beda robic osemki :P)

-poprawiono mape swiata i markery mini mapy
-dodano powiekszanie do mapy swiata
-ulepszono okno craftingu
-ulepszono opisy craftingu

-zwiekszono zasig toporow, palek, nozy


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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 3 cze 2009, 15:24 
The main focus for this patch were the optimizations. This is the most work we've done to date in this area.


* The audio system has been completely revamped and this will result in significantly higher performance, mostly noticeable during large sieges.
* A large number of server side optimizations regarding sieges and large battle performance have been applied.
* Miscellaneous client problems have been addressed


New Items added for Skinning:

* Dragon Bone
* Ork Darktaint
* Northman Blood

* Gold crafting costs for all armor exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
* Gold crafting costs for all shields exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
* Gold crafting costs for all weapons exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
* Gold crafting costs for all bows exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
* Gold crafting costs for all mage staffs exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
* Enchanted and transmuted item names in player journal will now be displayed correctly

* Baneful enchantments can now be used on bows

Visual Updates

* Visual updates to various Orkish architecture
* Visual updates to various floating islands
* Visual updates to various nature elements
* Visual updates to various bridges
* Visual update to Ithwen Ruins in Yssam
* Visual updates to various Goblin architecture
* Visual update to all Kobolds
* Visual update to Stone Golems
* Visual updates to various props


The following changes only apply to newly crafted armor:

* Bone Armor: will have increased slashing/bludgeoning/piercing/holy/unholy protection and decreased encumbrance
* Plate Armor: will have increased durability
* Full Plate Armor: will have increased durability
* Infernal Armor: will have increased durability
* Dragon Armor: will have increased durability


* All transmutable weapons will have increased durability. These changes apply only to newly crafted weapons

Weapon Rank has been corrected for:

* Feral Edge (now rank 20)
* Slavemaster (now rank 80)
* Legbreaker (now rank 40)

* There are now new Animations for Axe and Club power attacks

All Power attacks now do additional (secondary) damage:

* Axes: Melee protection debuffing
* Clubs: Extra stamina drain
* Knives: Poison damage
* Polearms: Intelligence and Dexterity penalty
* Swords: Bleeding damage


Loot from monsters has been updated in these monsters:

* Bone exarch
* Elfwraith
* Gray ork assassin
* Gray ork chieftain
* Gray ork warrior
* Kobold raider
* Kobold scrapper
* Kobold scrounger
* Kobold shaman
* Kobold strongman
* Sun exarch
* Varangian runewielder
* Varangian skjalgsblood
* Varangian warthane
* Fire Dragons


* Focus can now be bought from Mages
* Endurance can now be bought from Fighters
* Fitness can now be bought from Fighters
* The skill progression rate for all Magic Schools has been increased
* The skill progression rate of complementary archery skills have been increased
* All whirlwind skills allow player movement now
* Revive is now a proper skill and will skill up with use resulting in increased health of the player you are reviving.
* Jump has been added to the visual skill tree.
* Bindstone recall has been added the skill tree. Skills->Magic Skills->Bindstone Recall

User Interface

* Issue where quest items left over in a player's backpacks cannot be deleted has been fixed
* Backpack weight indicator will properly update
* The quest window has been updated
* All tooltips have been enhanced with more information
* Some bugs regarding the hotbar have been fixed
* Tabs have been added to the Input Bindings window to easier navigate between input options
* Options to display Ping and FPS are now located in Options->GUI Options


* Players using the alternative use key to access banks etc. will now lose their invulnerability shield
* Using of the alternative use key will now follow the same rules as the primary use key
* All debug yield commands have been removed
* Jumping and crouching cool down has been slightly increased
* Journal will now display correct item names
* Dwarven beard will now have the same color as his hair
* A successful shield block will now block all effects of the attack
* The time available to forgive a killer has been increased


* The Challenger in a no asset holding clan vs City Conquest will not be able to use Binstone Recall, Portals or Rune Stones
* In case of an emergency server shutdown before a siege is over all gold paid as a siege wager by the attacking clan will be returned to the clan.

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2009, 13:35 
We are continuing to issue permanent bans to anyone cheating through use of 3d party programs. In some cases involving multiple account ownership we have banned all of the user's accounts. Use of these programs has dropped significantly and to the point where there are very few players resorting to their use.

Today we issued a 24hour ban to 185 players that were still using auto loot scripts even after our last warning about them. We have also been issuing temporary bans to players exploiting the terrain and structures in the world. These temporary bans will lead to longer and eventually permanent bans to repeat offenders. We regret having to enforce our policies but we need to protect the player base from those that refuse to play fairly.

Just a quick patch this week mostly addressing existing issues:

* Fix for issue where one or more chat tabs were selected without mouse button being pressed
* Fix for system window placement persistence
* Fix for party markers not always showing on the mini- and world maps
* Fix for challenger marker not always showing on the mini- and world maps
* Fix for various sound issues
* The chat message when player joins a clan will now say who accepted him
* Fixes to several quests
* Fix for various client issues

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me

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Posty: 2639
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2008
PostNapisane: 17 lip 2009, 15:59 
Ważący ~120 mega quick patch ... ost3616496

Dla bardziej leniwych:

* If you're a Clan or a Party member all your kills, ganks, and destruction will show up in a separate tab. (Clan Kills, and Party Kills). The same applies to revives.

* Clan control point high score list is available in the Player Journal

* Fixed the cancel button in autocrafting mode so it doesn't steal focus from the chat

* You can now write in the number of items you want to craft

* There have been several AI fixes and updates

* Baradron loot has been updated

* Visual updates to Dwarven Worker Houses

* Visual updates to several textures


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Posty: 4672
Dołączył(a): 20.03.2007
PostNapisane: 19 sie 2009, 14:49 
Cos patchuja teraz. 2h downtime.

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 19 sie 2009, 14:52 
nawet wiemy co. a raczej mamy nadzieje, ze to to.

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 19 sie 2009, 14:53 
ale patch notes by sie przydalo

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me


Posty: 3595
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2002
PostNapisane: 19 sie 2009, 16:30 
Aenima napisał(a):
ale patch notes by sie przydalo

hehe przewidywane patchnotes:
"18 Afghans and Mercs" to prawda bo nie chce mi sie sprawdzać ? :roll:


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 19 sie 2009, 17:04 
Czytając pierwszą stronę general forum robi się smutno...Naprawdę AV daje co najwyżej 3dniowe bany największym exploiterom? :] Po tylu miesiącach wciąż się niczego nie nauczyli ?

Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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