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# Posted 12:28 PST
Komoto says, "We believe that players will fall in love with the world we've created and the story we have to offer. That's probably our biggest thing."
# Posted 12:28 PST
Last question, "If I'm new to the MMO genre I have many options to choose from. Why would I choose FFXIV over these games?"
# Posted 12:28 PST
"Also, FFXIV will not be using the PlayOnline system, however the friends list will be transferred over the FFXIV system."
# Posted 12:27 PST
He continues, "Since the character design is very similar, you can create a new character that will be like what you played in FFXI."
# Posted 12:27 PST
Tanaka says, "The game is completely different, there won't be any way to take your character from XI and take it to XIV."
# Posted 12:25 PST
"Is there any possibility of porting FFXI characters to FFXIV?"
# Posted 12:25 PST
Tanaka says, "As with the actual release, we don't have a concrete beta schedule yet. All we can say is that we will have a beta, when we do have a schedule we swill give that to you."
# Posted 12:24 PST
"Have you given any thoughts to your beta testing? Will you let FFXI users in to the program?"
# Posted 12:24 PST
Tanaka follows up with: "FFXI has gotten better, for FFXIV we want to make it so that if you want to play in a party, you can, if you want to play solo you can, or if you want to play all day, you can. We will have game systems and content there for all types of people."
# Posted 12:23 PST
"We will have the same type of story-telling and expand on in-game systems. The player will be able to grow and develop in a natural way. It shouldn't put a lot of weight on the player itself, and through this, we'll develop the job system into something quite different."
# Posted 12:22 PST
And the next question is..."What's different from FFXI and what would they like to do in this game?"
# 12:21 PST
Unfortunately we've yet to see any more footage of FFXIV, the Square Enix logo sits motionless on the projection screen.
# Posted 12:21 PST
"Good question, but I don't know how much I can answer. But we will have battles against many versus one or many vs many."
# Posted 12:21 PST
"Are the fights many vs many rrather than 1 v 1, and will there be changes in the battle system?"
# Posted 12:20 PST
"Is that then the actual quality that you are aiming for?" the questioner asks as a follow-up.
# Posted 12:20 PST
Hashimoto says, "Yes, there were parts that were pre-rendered, but parts were running on the in-game engine."
# Posted 12:18 PST
"Was yesterday's trailer the same quality that we'll actually see in the game?" is the next question.
# Posted 12:18 PST
Tanaka says, "We've been asked that question by a lot of people, it comes down to, originally FFXI was designed for the PS2, and it moved to Windows and then the 360. A lot of people have asked about making a port of that to the current machine. But unfortunately with an MMO of this size, you have to be maintaining and developing new content."
# Posted 12:14 PST
Next questioner, please: "When did you decide to make this installment an MMO rather than a traditional RPG?"
# Posted 12:14 PST
However, we are trying to implement a lot of new systems that other MMOs have not used in the past," he continued. "So in that sense, it may be revolutionary."
# Posted 12:13 PST
"We thought, 'How can we make the best FF game?' We decided on the MMO genre."
# Posted 12:13 PST
Hashimoto says, "Our plan from the beginning was to make the best Final Fantasy game available with FFXIV, that was our vision."
# Posted 12:12 PST
Another questioner queries: "Are there any special elements in the MMO genre that you will improve with this game?"
# Posted 12:12 PST
"To get good translators in Japan, it's very difficult, but if users want it, then we'll definitely consider it."
# Posted 12:12 PST
"Currently we don't have a Spanish development, but if there are enough users that want it, we'll certainly consider it."
# Posted 12:11 PST
Question: "Are there any plans to translate the game into Spanish?"
# Posted 12:11 PST
"We hope to have users play XI and then another day play XIV, communities will be independent, but if they want to communicate they can," Square Enix noted.
# Posted 12:09 PST
Hashimoto: "We believe that the users voice is very important, we want to keep getting advice, we are currently still getting advice from FFXI users, we hope to get their feed back from FFXIV."
# Posted 12:08 PST
Next question: "Will Square respond to players' feedback like they did in FFXI to make their lives in the game easier?"
# Posted 12:07 PST
Tanaka also confirms that the servers will be worldwide, and there will also be cross-platform servers.
# Posted 12:06 PST
Tanaka says, "Yes, we will launch worldwide, in all regions, in the same four languages as we already announced."
# Posted 12:05 PST
Next question: "Are there plans for worldwide launch of the game, simultaneous worldwide release?"
# Posted 12:04 PST
"FFXI was originally designed based on party battles. With FFXIV, we'd like to have content for solo players, as well as extremely large battles for players to play together."
# Posted 12:04 PST
"Yes, all of the knowledge and experience we got, we plan on using in the development of FFXIV."
# Posted 12:03 PST
Next question: "FFXI has evolved a lot over the years, with the ability to play solo like WOW. Will you be carrying over the ability of being able to play solo?"
# Posted 12:03 PST
"We can't answer that yet" is the succinct response.
# Posted 12:03 PST
"Is the action going to be action or turn based?" asks a new questioner.
# Posted 12:02 PST
Hashimoto responds, "As with WOW, they're aimed at the casual user, we're aiming for more casual users. However, we don't want to make a copy of WOW, we want to be unique."
# Posted 12:02 PST
Next question, "What kind of influences from other MMOGs like World of Warcraft have there been on FFXIV?"
# 12:02 PST
Hashimoto, Tanaka, and Komoto on stage, flanked by an MC (left) and translators (right).
# Posted 12:01 PST
He confirms that there are no plans in the near future to stop development.
# Posted 12:01 PST
"We have a year planned for FFXI still in the works."
# Posted 12:01 PST
"We still plan on continuing developing for FFXI," he says.
# Posted 12:01 PST
"We started going into full gear the past few years, this has been going along at the same time at FFXI."
# Posted 12:00 PST
Tanaka says that the development for FFXIV started appearing 4 to 5 years ago.
# Posted 11:59 PST
The next question, "What happens to FFXI now?"
# Posted 11:59 PST
An example of why we did this, he says, is like we have one actor in many movies--in one movie he's an assassin robot, in another it's a spy, but it's the same guy. We want you to think of it the same way.
# Posted 11:58 PST
The reason we made them similar in FFXI was so that the players who have been playing XI and liked the character can choose a similar type of race, he says.
# Posted 11:58 PST
Tanaka says, "These are different races, a different world than FFXI, the name of the world is Eorzea."
# 11:58 PST
(Left to Right:) Hashimoto, Tanaka, and Komoto
# Posted 11:57 PST
A question is being asked about old races, "What are the ties to FFXI?"
# Posted 11:56 PST
The QA session is about to get started. Mics are being passed around.
# Posted 11:56 PST
"We are considering all options at this time, including Microsoft hardware."
# Posted 11:56 PST
Through a translator, he says that some folks interpreted that it was an exclusive, the announcement would be coming to the PS3 and PC.
# Posted 11:54 PST
Hashimoto would like to clarify some confusion regarding the exclusivity.
# Posted 11:54 PST
Hashimoto, Tanaka, and Komoto are walking in now.
# Posted 11:54 PST
"Sorry we're running a little late," a rep tells the amassed crowd. "We'll be bringing our speakers on right now."
# Posted 11:52 PST
Only thing Square Enix has announced so far is that no filming is allowed. A large screen with the company's logo is displayed on a wall in the front of the theater.
# Posted 11:51 PST
The panelists include director Nobuaki Komoto, producer Hiromichi Tanaka, and senior vice president Shinju Hashimoto.
# Posted 11:49 PST
Square Enix PR is standing at the podium on a makeshift stage. A panel with three name cards is present.
As far as I know, this is a straight press conference. Don't know about a Q&A yet, but if there is, I'll ask you guys for questions.
For those interested in the Konami conference later today, there will be video tonight. We can't live stream it based on the room it's being held in

But we are filming it for later.
I really want to see more of FFXIII, not just what was in the Japanese demo or cinematics. Kupo!
FFXIV is an MMO so expect a fee on both PC and PS3. Nothing concrete has been announced for pricing as far as I know.
If they give FFXIV details, you'll get them. Or I could make stuff up if you really need something now?
That "confirmation" of FFXIV being Free 2 Play seems shaky, but I could believe it if the game was based around a paid "premium" experience or micro-transactions.
Ok, here's some made up stuff for FFXIV: It takes place entirely underwater and those flying drones in the cinematic trailer were actually Mutalisks from StarCraft.
People are still filing in, but we should be starting soon.
This just in, I see name placards for the two leads on FFXIV.
And away we go!
This is Brian Leahy from TheFeed.
It seems like this is very much about FFXIV.
Update on exclusivity confusion.
Please be patient as this is going to be translated from Japanese.
FFXIV will be coming to the PS3 & PC. They are currently considering other hardware (including Microsoft hardware!)
Q: What are the ties to Final Fantasy XI, if any?
A: While you may have noticed that some of the same type of races appeared in the trailer, the world of FFXIV is different from FFXI. The reason that we made the races similar to the FFXI races is so FFXI players could choose a similar type of race in the new game. For example, in movies, you might have an actor that plays many different roles. Please, think of it that way.
Q: What happens to Final Fantasy XI now that we're moving to FFXIV? Are you going to phase it out or continue to publish new content for XI? How will the development team be split?
XIV does not take place in Vana'deil.
A: The development for FFXIV started 4 or 5 years ago with primary ideas. Development started a few years ago, while FFXI was still being supported. FFXI will continue to be supported. There is another year of content planned. There are no plans for the near future to stop development on FFXI.
Q: What influence have games like World of WarCraft have on the development of FFXIV?
A: As with WoW, we want to aim a bit for the casual user. However, we don't want to make a copy of WoW. We believe we will have things that are unique and will stand out from that game.
Q: Will combat be more action oriented or turn-based?
A: We cannot talk about the battle system at this time.
Q: FFXI has evolved a lot over the years, especially in the areas of player accessibility and the ability to solo. Will you carry over features like level sync and other features to FFXIV?
A: Yes. All of the knowledge and experience we gained from FFXI will be used in the development of FFXIV. At the launch, we intend to have content for solo players as well as large-scale battles. We want a wide-variety from the start.
Q: Are you planning a simultaneous worldwide release or will it be released in Japan first?
A: Yes. At the launch, this will be a worldwide simultaneous launch on PS3 and Windows PC. English, Japanese, German, and French versions released at launch.
Q: Will all servers be worldwide or split by territory?
A: The current plans are to have worldwide servers that are cross-platform and cross-region. We will do a beta test and look at the balance and player experience. We want to look for a good balance between region and cross-region play.
There's your beta!
Q: Will you be taking feedback from your FFXI users?
A: Yes, we still get a lot of feedback from our FFXI players and will continue to take feedback as we move into beta. The game will change as it goes.
Q: Will you try to move players from XI to XIV or will they be separate communities?
(I'm on my laptop + 3G now

A: It's up to the community themselves. We envision users that will hopefully play XI one day and XIV another. They will be independent, but users are free to play both.
Q: Are there plans to localize the game in Spanish?
A: Currently, there is no Spanish version in development. We'll consider it if enough Spanish-speaking users demand it from us. Getting good translators in Japan is hard, but if there's enough demand we will consider it.
Q: How can users transmit this demand?
A: We will conduct marketing research.
Q: Is there any special element in the MMO genre that you will improve with this game?
A: Our plan from the beginning was to make the best Final Fantasy game available. That is our vision for XIV. Then we thought, how can we make the best FF game and we came to the conclusion that it would be an MMORPG. It was decided to make the best FF first, then led to the decision to make it an MMORG and use that genre.
A: However, we are trying to implement a lot of new systems that other MMO's haven't used in the past.
Q: Why did you decide to make a new game rather than continue to evolve FFXI?
A: It all comes down to, originally, FFXI was designed for the PS2. It then moved to PC and Xbox 360. A lot of people have asked for a port to the PS3. With an MMORPG of this size, you have to develop new content. Porting to a new technology would take a lot of effort. Instead, we decided to use that time to make something new.
Q: Yesterday's trailer that was shown, was that running of a console or was it pre-rendered?
A: There were parts that were pre-rendered and parts that were running on the in-game engine.
Q: Is that the quality you're aiming for? The scene with the Galka fighting, is that what you're aiming for?
A: Yes, that is the part that was running in-engine.
Q: In that scene, we saw many parties and many enemies. Is this the new focus: many parties fighting many enemies?
A: I cannot say too much, but we hope to have battles that are many vs. many and many vs. one.
This is a Q&A for FFXIV, not a press conference. It was added at the last minute. FFXIV will be the only title discussed.
Q: What would you like to emphasize with this game? What is different from FFXI?
We're asking questions, but they are currently going through the international and Japanese press.
A: For FFXIV, the keyword that we've been using is "The Growth and Development of the Character." We will have the same type of storytelling and high-quality graphics. We also want to expand and create new in-game systems. The player can grow & develop in a more natural way without putting too much weight on the player. We will expand the job system to make it fairly different from the one in FFXI.
A: Another very important concept that takes a different direction from FFXI, for FFXIV we want to make it so the player can choose to play solo, in a party, 40 minutes, all-day... there will be content for ALL of those play styles and systems for all of those play styles.
Q: On the beta process, will current XI players get in?
A: As with the actual release date of the game, we don't have a concrete beta schedule yet. We will have a beta and look forward to more information about then shortly.
Q: Will FFXI characters be portable to XIV in any way?
A: The game is completely different. There will not be any XI character transfers to XIV. However, the character design is familiar and XI players will be able to create a similar character.
A: We will NOT be using PlayOnline, but friend lists will transfer over.
Q: If I'm new to the MMO genre, why would I choose FFXIV over other games?
A: We believe that players will fall in love with the world & story that we have created.
Q: I've been seeing information that the title is free to play, is this true?
A: No pricing has been decided at this time. It is still TBD.
That wraps it up for the Q&A. Thank you all for following along and I hope you had some of your questions answered. That last one about pricing was mine, by the way.
Remember to come back later for Konami's press conference. I'm guessing they will reveal what the "Mask" game is that is being teased on Kojima's site.
Square-Enix's session is over.