Magisteri napisał(a):
Moje i jest to dziecinne ale dla mnie tak dzialaja takie gry. Po to sa rozne tiery i po to sie bije lvle aby przez wszystko przejsc. Co do pustawych serwerow to masz racje, ale zmienianie mechaniki gry pod cos takiego nie jest dobrym pomyslem. Od tego sa merge serwerow itp
Merge serwerów?:O Było wogóle kiedyś coś takiego? Wątpie w to. itp - pewno chodzi ci o free migration

. Było już na boulderfiscie Forte i 2 gildia po stronie hordy z top5. Obydwie już z tąd uciekły

Edit: Quote from Blizzard staff
* To provide players with a more transparent notification of when Wintergrasp battles occur, as well as better control zone population and stability, several changes have been made.
* Players now have the option to queue for Wintergrasp from a Wintergrasp Battlemaster in any capital city or by simply entering the Wintergrasp zone.
* Queuing will begin 15 minutes before each battle. If chosen, you will automatically be teleported to the zone. Any players in the zone who have not been chosen from the queue will be teleported out when the battle begins.
* The queue system remains active for the entire battle. As soon as a player leaves, a new one will be chosen from the queue.
* Trying to enter Wintergrasp during an active battle for which you have not been chosen will teleport you out. Please note that, as you are now able to fly over Wintergrasp, you will only be teleported out if you try to land and join the battle.
* Level 80 players get higher priority in the queue than lower level players. In addition, a random selection of queued players will be taken from both the Battlemasters and the zone itself.
* The queue will accept up to 100 players from each faction, resulting in a maximum battle of 200 players at a time.
Wiedziałem, że coś zrobią z wg. Dla serwera takiego jak bf, gdzie zbiera się maks 2 rajdy po stronie ally może to pomoże.