Henrik Radio Stream!
Things that was said thought the stream was broken to hell.
1) Client about 3.5gigs
2) Client done by Torrent and everyone has access
3) Only Humans for block A
4) NDA is still on and when they asked if it’s off on Block A he said it will be announced when the NDA is off. (Sounds like it stays through Block A)
5) Archery was going to be in Block A some tweaks been done for beta that had issues before and getting better and better.
6) No clue on downtime of course no one will know depending on what happens.
7) There is going to be pickpocketing what the heck lol.

You can steal players keys but of course no map to there house and stuff so I mean no way to find there house unless you go door to door.
9) He also said there be some type of lock changing system so you can change your locks I guess as a Profession.
There Breakfast has arrived at 9:15 AM there time Bagels from McDonald’s. Dan is almost done it sounds like it’s going to be up soon

Henrik has like 3 days without sleep!
There was more but I kept getting cut off.
Czyzby mialbyc jakis pseudo housing na starcie? Nie podniecam sie, tylko sie zastanawiam jak to wszystko, jako calosc, bedzie wygladac...
EDIT: konfiguruja serwery i przygotowuja klienta...