Compton napisał(a):
Cholernie martwi mnie ta pustka ...
Cytat ze strony MO, news z 13.07.2009 (dot. zakresu beta testu):
MO Updater (auto-patching system)
Account System, Login, Logout
Character Creation (The “human family” only, like Tindremenes, Khurites etc, male and female)
General Network and Server stability and speed
Crowd congestion tests
Seamless World-streaming
Updated Prediction System
Client System Performance
This is not very fun from a gameplay-perspective, although crucial from a technical standpoint. To make you run around in the world and have some feeling of purpose in this crude beginning, we are also testing:
Attribute balancing, basic Skill gain (a few example skills)
Further real time PvP, Melee and Archery Combat testing and balancing
"Vendor-crafting" (you bring resources to a vendor, who then crafts stuff for you according to your instructions, like in Combat Beta). The Skills and GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the "real" crafting is still in development
Very basic resource-gathering (refining, prospecting etc will be in together with crafting later on, meaning at the moment you will get magically pre-refined resources when mining, etc)
Fundamental AI-behavior, a few creatures
World traversing, Swimming and Combat Swimming
Around 32km^2 of the Myrland continent
Basic banking (global at first, local if we manage to get it in before this weekend)
Local chat (no languages)
The Flagging System (complete with temporary insta-guards in guard zones)
That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Z każdym nowym update'em mają pojawiać się zmiany. Na razie nie ma się o co martwić ponieważ gra jest w produkcji. Jakby taki stan był na 1 dzień przed premierą to rozumiałbym zmartwienie, w sytuacji gdy do premiery zostało jeszcze z 5 miesięcy to na prawdę można wyluzować. W sumie to się cieszę, że dostałem się do fazy B bety bo może dzięki temu w chwili wejścia do gry będzie ona bogatsza o kilka opcji i uboższa o kilka błędów