Uli ja zyje ta gra mam wszedzie oczy i uszy
na TM juz go spawneli i zabli ta metoda... stad.
pierwszi byli Noble Lions
Shards were found to drop off random mobs in Skyfire--
She turned in her four shards to the Warder (red to level 60) and the human form spawned immediately--
Upon the death of the human form, the dragon spawned immediately--
Corpse timer on dragon is now 30 minutes.
Warder respawns 30 mins after death of dragon--
u nas sie juz zaczelo robimy kolejne czesci cler epica....
dziwne ze nikt w BL nic nie wie eheh
Telumeh Leafdancer
Preserver of the 55th season.
Member of Guardians of the Stars
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Zematis dnia 2002-09-05 12:58 ]</font>