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Posty: 2639
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2008
PostNapisane: 25 lut 2010, 12:24 
Zacząłem grać od nowa i nie mam newbie prota :] Chyba AV uznało że postać nowa ale gracz PRO :D :lol: 8)


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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 25 lut 2010, 12:25 
Musisz miec, pewnie cos zle zrobiles

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me

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Posty: 2639
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2008
PostNapisane: 25 lut 2010, 12:26 
A głęboko w duszy mam tego prota :] Nie jest mi do niczego potrzebny :) Wczoraj na gobasach zaciukałem już jednego nadgorliwego :)


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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 25 lut 2010, 12:28 
Czemu w mortala nie grasz?

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent

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Posty: 2639
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2008
PostNapisane: 25 lut 2010, 12:31 
Konto mortala narazie czeka do premiery. Gra jak niegrywalna w związku z bardzo częstymi crashami klienta i wszędobylskim lagiem.
A i ostatnie częste wipy demotywują :)
Wolę poczekać aż wszystko oficjalnie ruszy i będę miał pewność że chociaż nikt mi postaci nie wipnie po 3 dniach

A grając od nowa w DFO postacią jaką zawsze chciałem grać przyniosło mi takiego funa jak na początku! Dosłownie! :)

Wczoraj grałem do 3.30 :]


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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 10:20 
Today we’ll take you behind the scenes and talk about some of the things Darkfall developers are working on for the next patch.

There are some changes to the War Declaration system in the works: It won’t be free anymore to declare war and it won’t be instantaneous. If a clan declares war, there’s a fee taken out of its clan vault. After that happens the status changes to WARY and all clan members will be notified of the upcoming war. There’s a system message visible to members of both clans with the time remaining until status changes to “Enemy”. Clan members logging in after the fact will be notified as well.

Another feature the community has been asking about is Archery Specialization. Archery specialization will be split into two groups and each character can select one from each group. The first group contains Mana shield, Mage Killer and Jump Shot while the second contains Aquatic Shot, Mage Hunter and Master Scout.

These changes, along with other things, will be patched in sometime next week.

We’ll also let you know that we’re always looking for information about Darkfall 2010. At the moment however, the developers are focused on finalizing their decisions and tests of included features before they can start sharing more information. ... p?t=238994

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Posty: 6496
Dołączył(a): 17.01.2005
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 11:02 
Mendol napisał(a):
Today we’ll take you behind the scenes and talk about some of the things Darkfall developers are working on for the next patch.

There are some changes to the War Declaration system in the works: It won’t be free anymore to declare war and it won’t be instantaneous. If a clan declares war, there’s a fee taken out of its clan vault. After that happens the status changes to WARY and all clan members will be notified of the upcoming war. There’s a system message visible to members of both clans with the time remaining until status changes to “Enemy”. Clan members logging in after the fact will be notified as well.

Another feature the community has been asking about is Archery Specialization. Archery specialization will be split into two groups and each character can select one from each group. The first group contains Mana shield, Mage Killer and Jump Shot while the second contains Aquatic Shot, Mage Hunter and Master Scout.

These changes, along with other things, will be patched in sometime next week.

We’ll also let you know that we’re always looking for information about Darkfall 2010. At the moment however, the developers are focused on finalizing their decisions and tests of included features before they can start sharing more information. ... p?t=238994

No i super! Czary mi sie nie bardzo podobaja ale za to strzelanie z luku moze byc baaaardzo ciekawe :) Ten Mage Killah.



Posty: 3595
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 14:12 
Ale to nie patch notes :/ może za pół roku tak będzie ;)

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 14:24 
These changes, along with other things, will be patched in sometime next week.


Posty: 3595
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 15:04 
Ok, musiałem nie doczytać ;)

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Posty: 2639
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2008
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 16:34 
Ależ nam się Darkfall rozwija na wiosnę och och och ;)


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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 16:37 
mam nadzieje, ze za tydzien ci sie znudzi ;p


Posty: 3595
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 16:43 
Szczerze mówiąc, chuj z wspomnianymi wyżej zmianami jeśli nie wprowadzą rare ores do normalnych skałek oraz r50 i r60 halek jako dropu mobów (chyba że już można ta broń znaleźć w mobach, ale nic mi o tym nie wiadomo).

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 16:51 
nie marudz tylko znajdz sobie gildie ;p
albo kupuj rare ores. zamiast kopac mozesz isc na pve, zarobic kase i kupic sprzet ;p
o to chyba chodzi :)

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Posty: 2639
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2008
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 17:03 
Mendol napisał(a):
mam nadzieje, ze za tydzien ci sie znudzi ;p

Chyba masz nadzieję że mi się NIE znudzi ;)



Posty: 3595
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 17:04 
Przecież mam gildię :roll: . Chodzi o to żeby koleś z GS/GA miał tak samo trudno zdobyć lepszą broń jak ten co walczy polarmem.
Ostatnio niestety mogę tylko kopać :(

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 17:11 
chyba cie nie skumalem. co za roznica czy musisz zrobic gs/ga czy polearm? ;p
to kop, cos tam zawsze ci sie uda wykopac :)
albo kop iron (chodzi po 19g), sprzedaj i bedziesz mial na rare ore (ktore chodzi po 2.5k)

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Posty: 2639
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2008
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 17:15 
A po co Tobie Havk rare oreski? Co Ty crafter jesteś? ;)



Posty: 3595
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2002
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2010, 17:47 
Mendol napisał(a):
chyba cie nie skumalem. co za roznica czy musisz zrobic gs/ga czy polearm? ;p
to kop, cos tam zawsze ci sie uda wykopac :)
albo kop iron (chodzi po 19g), sprzedaj i bedziesz mial na rare ore (ktore chodzi po 2.5k)

Nie skumałeś. r50/60 GS i GA możesz znaleźć w mobach. Nie wiem jak r60 ale 50 są raczej łatwe do farmowania (raveny np. o ile mnie pamięć nie myli). Polearmów lepszych niż r40 nie da się chyba znaleźć. I to wraz z nefrem polarów uważam za zjebane. Moim zdaniem albo w mobach powinno się znajdować wszystkie bronie tej samej klasy albo żadnych.

Co do samych rare ore po prostu nie podoba mi się system w którym tylko wybrane gildie (takie które mogą sobie pozwolić na utrzymanie kilku miast) mają znacznie lepszy dostęp do rare rud. Ogranicza to resztę graczy i promuje powerbloki.

@lamoon a i owszem craftuje czasem to i owo ;)

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Posty: 6496
Dołączył(a): 17.01.2005
PostNapisane: 26 mar 2010, 21:03 
Liścik od AV:

First of all we would like to apologize for the quietness of late. Some internal issues have led to delays of the patch announced for this week and caused a slight delay in information through the spotlight as well. We would love to be able to give you new interesting updates daily but sadly sometimes it's just not possible.

Rest assured that we are not purposely holding back information but we also want to make sure that we only talk about features that make it into the game. The next patch is now currently scheduled for late next week. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

With that out of the way we would like to talk about a new feature that will be added with this upcoming patch: Clan Teleportation Chambers.

We are addressing the issue that players were not happy with clans using bindstone kicking for fast travel and are tackling the concept of transportation while hoping to make it an interesting added strategical tool to play with for sieges of any kind. This means that bindstone kicking will be completely removed from the game.

After the upcoming patch both clan cities and hamlets will have the option to build Teleportation Chambers and Teleportation Exits. To ease your fears from the start, those structures will not be very expensive to build nor require any rare materials.

The first step is to build a chamber as a starting point in one of your cities and an exit in any existing city or hamlet you want to teleport to. Naturally your clan has to be the owner of both locations. You cannot build connections between cities that belong to different clans, even if allied.

In order to use this means of transportation you will have to pay so called portal shards which are dropped semi frequently from monsters in the game.

Upon activating a Chamber you will get a worldmap dialog with available destinations/exits. Players who are not part of the clan owning the city or hamlet with the teleportation chamber can use the service as well but they will have to pay more teleportation shards per trip.

It might be in your interest to make sure you don't have too many people sneaking through your portals or on the other hand, it would be a nice way to offer the service to fellow players for a small fee. How you are going to use them is up to your imagination.

The chamber has an in built delay on how fast players can go through. This timer will be visible on the portal for the players wanting to enter. The initial time of one minute can be reduced significantly by upgrading the portal itself.

Like all structures in a clan city, Teleportation Chambers and exits can be destroyed but can also be built again quite fast. Together with deployable strongboxes, Clan Teleportation Chambers will add additional options and strategies to sieges.

Stay tuned for more information about deployable strongboxes in our next spotlight early next week.

Tu linkzor -> ... p?t=240076


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