Co do tego czy coś pofixowali od czasów bety/dema to jest kilka ważnych fixów, np działa spotowanie UAV, ale już np buga z obracaniem się na quadzie jako pasażer (przy spawnie na pojeździe) nie naprawili
Spotowanie jest popsute, raz działa raz nie, bardzo randomowo się wyłącza tak jakby był jakiś cooldown (a nie ma)
Results of Tonight's tests (PS3): which I'm sure no one cares
Spot Markers disappear after enemy run into cover - FALSE
You can no longer spot people you can't see/cluster spot - FALSE
You can't spot the same person again immediately after marker disappear - FALSE
I spotted a parachute in port Valdez, waited for the spot marker to disappear, and managed to spot the same person again immediately. Note: This does not mean there isn't a cooldown between consecutive spotting for multiple enemies.
Enemy have to be shot (by u or team) before they can be spotted - Unconfirmed
(I can still spot most enemy parachutes dropping down in port Valdez, which means they likely don't have to be shot before being spotted. However, in close range combats or vehicles, shooting at the enemy first does seem to fix the "unable to spot" problem.)
Other observations:
UAV spotting is still extremely inconsistent (and useless).
Altitude is not a factor in UAV spotting.
Spotting distance is inconsistent - Why can I spot a sniper across the map (isla innocentes), but not an assault running toward me?
There seems to be some truth to people's claims that in certain games or certain times spotting becomes demo level easy. There was one game I played where spotting was demo-level easy.