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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 4759
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2004
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2010, 19:37 
Makaan napisał(a):
Przyznam, że żadnej nie czytałem ale ponoć świetne są książki z serii Herezja Horusa.

Heh nie irytuj mnie, ile ja się tego naszukałem i nie znalazłem nigdzie :evil:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."


Posty: 1439
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2005
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2010, 19:43 
Dana napisał(a):
Tytan zwiadowczy klasy Warhound. Wątpie że miałby być sterowalne przez graczy.

Szczerze mówiąc to dopiero zaszperałem za tytanami w W40k.
Widzi mi się jednak że są to player driven mechy, więc byłoby -10 do respektu gdyby gracze nie mogli operować tytanami.

MO - the last hope of mmoRPG

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Posty: 10236
Dołączył(a): 5.11.2004
PostNapisane: 16 cze 2010, 19:51 
MagPS napisał(a):
Makaan napisał(a):
Przyznam, że żadnej nie czytałem ale ponoć świetne są książki z serii Herezja Horusa.

Heh nie irytuj mnie, ile ja się tego naszukałem i nie znalazłem nigdzie :evil:

Jak dalej szukasz to wystarczy wpisac na allegro: Herezja Horusa :) Ja sobie wlasnie zamowilem :)

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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 01:25 
Info potwierdzone.

Can you talk a little about the size of the budget around Dark Millennium and what kind of risk/reward you're looking at when you're making a decision on doing an MMO in this environment?

First part is what's the cost? Well this game has been in pre-production for 3 1/2th years now. It has been very delicately built and very carefully built by people who have built MMOs before, in Austin at NCSoft and they've learned from those mistakes. This is an extremely crafted experience. We are using our Montreal studio to build a lot of the content and at tremendous savings up there.

We also have <?> in China that will build some content. But it is all really controlled at digital. The production budget is 43 million dollars, which is... I am really excited about that. And the model that you asked about, the game is being set up right now where it can go subscription, micro-transaction, free-to-play.

My hunch would be, and this is just me guessing, would be that there would be a combo subscription and micro-transaction.
But we have built this so we can be ready for where the market is when the game ships and have the most effective monitization. But the experience has a different kind of combat, it has much more... many more vehicles in it that you and your buddies can get in a tank and roll out together.

It's got four races with more races coming, it has... this is being built by people who just adore MMOs and I'm one of them. So, I'm really excited about this and if Brian could talk about how many subscribers we need to make our numbers.

As we get more into people talking about MMOs, we have learned from other people's mistakes. We started with a very small team, proving out all the game mechanics and systems before ramping up. This will give us the leg up... <?>. The other thing is the people often tell us what they have spent over a period of time.

The thing that excites me about the MMO is if we are right on it, and I think we are, you will be looking at a 5-7 year life, over which you'll be adding new content all the time. So when people say they cost 60 million, 80 million, 100 million to build an MMO the not-so flip response is we can only hope so cause that would mean it is a tremendous success. The last thing is, like the film industry, its not what's in the budget its what's on the screen.

We think we are putting the true next-generation MMO on the screen for a cost that makes sense, the business model works and
with a very modest number of subscribers we are looking at a truly global product; which helps the business model tremendously. So we are really looking forward to this product when it comes out in a couple of years.


It's a very efficient team down there in Austin Texas. What you are seeing there is capture from play sessions. So some people thought "Wow, did we show too much?", I don't think so. I kind of wanted to shake up Blizzard a bit and show that thing. There are a lot of things they would have to do to do the things we are showing in there. They are awesome, don't get me wrong, but we're in the game.


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Posty: 10236
Dołączył(a): 5.11.2004
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 01:39 
So we are really looking forward to this product when it comes out in a couple of years.

Taaa... Dobrze, ze juz mnie tak hype nie bierze na gry jak 10 lat temu, bo bym wie wkurwil :)

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Posty: 1438
Dołączył(a): 23.03.2007
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 06:09 
It has been very delicately built and very carefully built by people who have built MMOs before, in Austin at NCSoft and they've learned from those mistakes.

Chlopaki od Garriota i Tabula Rasy :D

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 07:30 
Ale co do jednego maja racje. Na MMO mozna wydac nawet 200, 300mln dolarow na produkcje. Ale jesli gra bedzie dobra i zaplanowana z glowa, to te koszty podukcji sie zwroca, predzej czy pozniej i po prostu bedzie przynosic staly zysk..
Naprawde dziwi mnie ze inni do tej pory (chyba poza ArenaNET0, na to nie wpadli -;-.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 2134
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 12:06 
Wpadli, tylko się boją. Nie trzeba być geniuszem żeby na to wpaść, to dość oczywiste dla każdego kto w MMO siedzi.



Posty: 369
Dołączył(a): 11.12.2006
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 12:31 
oby nie było żadnych mikro płatności...


Posty: 159
Dołączył(a): 3.11.2006
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 17:10 
Moga byc, tylko sensownie przemyslane. Zreszta fakt, ze staraja sie stworzyc elastyczna gre raczej dobrze o nich swiadczy.
Moim zdaniem TR miala kilka bardzo dobrych pomyslow (pre PQ, klonowanie, targetowanie) i w sumie szkoda ze NCsoft ja zamknal. Ciekawe tylko czy Garriot maczl palce przy WH40k, bo to w sumie lebski gosc.


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 17:12 
Łebski to może był 15 lat temu jak robił UO. TR go niestety dyskredytuje jako poważnego człowieka. Sorry.


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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Posty: 1438
Dołączył(a): 23.03.2007
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 17:17 
Klonowanie w TR mialo sens przy takiej mechanice jaka tam byla IMHO. W innnych grach niekoniecznie by sie sprawdzilo.

Co do celowania: mi sie podobalo, ale mialo ono z tego co pamietam tyle samo zwolennikow co przciwnikow. Troche zalatywalo konsola.

Generalnie to co mi sie bardzo podobalo w TR to nieustanna akcja i klimat wojny totalnej. W zadnym innym MMO nie dzialo sie na ekrani tyle co w Tabuli. Non stop ladowaly statki obcych i teleportowaly desant. Do tego wielkie roboty, okopy, artyleria, oblezenia outpostow itd. No i wojskowy żargon i humor :)


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 17:21 
Sticky targeting i brak contentu poza nawalaniem do głupich mobków. Wystarczy.


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 159
Dołączył(a): 3.11.2006
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 17:29 
Ale co "Sticky targeting"? Przeciez wlasnie TR byla pierwszym wiekszym mmo po wowie, w ktorej trzeba bylo celowac.

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Posty: 17017
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 18:52 
Dana napisał(a):
Info potwierdzone.

Can you talk a little about the size of the budget around Dark Millennium and what kind of risk/reward you're looking at when you're making a decision on doing an MMO in this environment?

First part is what's the cost? Well this game has been in pre-production for 3 1/2th years now. It has been very delicately built and very carefully built by people who have built MMOs before, in Austin at NCSoft and they've learned from those mistakes. This is an extremely crafted experience. We are using our Montreal studio to build a lot of the content and at tremendous savings up there.

We also have <?> in China that will build some content. But it is all really controlled at digital. The production budget is 43 million dollars, which is... I am really excited about that. And the model that you asked about, the game is being set up right now where it can go subscription, micro-transaction, free-to-play.

My hunch would be, and this is just me guessing, would be that there would be a combo subscription and micro-transaction.
But we have built this so we can be ready for where the market is when the game ships and have the most effective monitization. But the experience has a different kind of combat, it has much more... many more vehicles in it that you and your buddies can get in a tank and roll out together.

It's got four races with more races coming, it has... this is being built by people who just adore MMOs and I'm one of them. So, I'm really excited about this and if Brian could talk about how many subscribers we need to make our numbers.

As we get more into people talking about MMOs, we have learned from other people's mistakes. We started with a very small team, proving out all the game mechanics and systems before ramping up. This will give us the leg up... <?>. The other thing is the people often tell us what they have spent over a period of time.

The thing that excites me about the MMO is if we are right on it, and I think we are, you will be looking at a 5-7 year life, over which you'll be adding new content all the time. So when people say they cost 60 million, 80 million, 100 million to build an MMO the not-so flip response is we can only hope so cause that would mean it is a tremendous success. The last thing is, like the film industry, its not what's in the budget its what's on the screen.

We think we are putting the true next-generation MMO on the screen for a cost that makes sense, the business model works and
with a very modest number of subscribers we are looking at a truly global product; which helps the business model tremendously. So we are really looking forward to this product when it comes out in a couple of years.


It's a very efficient team down there in Austin Texas. What you are seeing there is capture from play sessions. So some people thought "Wow, did we show too much?", I don't think so. I kind of wanted to shake up Blizzard a bit and show that thing. There are a lot of things they would have to do to do the things we are showing in there. They are awesome, don't get me wrong, but we're in the game.


Potwierdzone przez kogo? Jakies zrodlo? Jak to zaslyszane o kolegow krolika to postoje. Wole poczekac na cos oficjalnego. Z tego tekstu nie wyplywa zbyt dobry obraz jesli chodzi o team.



Posty: 159
Dołączył(a): 3.11.2006
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 19:41 
Cytuj zrodlo.
Co jest niedobrego w teamie ? Maja doswiadczenie, byleby nie walneli takich wymagan sprzetowych jak w TR.

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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 19:45 
Potwierdzone przez kogo? Jakies zrodlo? Jak to zaslyszane o kolegow krolika to postoje. Wole poczekac na cos oficjalnego. Z tego tekstu nie wyplywa zbyt dobry obraz jesli chodzi o team.

Przepraszam niewierny Tomaszu, następnym razem podam źródła.

"Click here for the Podcast", wpisujesz jakieś wymyślone dane, wyskoczy ci plejer i przewijasz circa about 38 minuta.


uprzedził mnie kargul bo żem za długo szukał tego linka w googlach.

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Posty: 17017
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 19:52 
Zrodla sa od tego, zeby podawac. :> Wogole mial byc pokaz na E3 i co? i nic.


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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2010, 19:56 
Niczego nie ma poza tym krótkim interwju.

Nie sądzę by był zapowiadany jakiś większy pokaz.

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 18 cze 2010, 01:20 
Cytuj ... rk-downie/


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