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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 24 cze 2010, 20:35 ... rting-soon ... cked-ffxiv



Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 24 cze 2010, 22:28 
Keii napisał(a): ... cked-ffxiv

"The reason why many MMOs failed after WOW launched was probably because they were trying to copy WOW," he explained. "For FFXIV we're not trying to copy World of Warcraft, we're trying to choose something different.

"Final Fantasy never had any influence from World of Warcraft," he added, "so we want to continue that and try to reach a different audience."

All of our Final Fantasy XIV Online coverage can be found below.


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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 25 cze 2010, 07:33 
O systemie Retainers:

Market wards are dedicated districts where adventurers can meet to buy and sell goods, or even summon a retainer to operate a bazaar in their stead. Each city-state has a markets ward composed of twenty identical areas that players may enter and leave at their leisure. Even if you exit the ward or log out of the game completely, your retainer will staunchly continue to peddle your wares.

Retainers are useful NPCs who provide invaluable support in your adventuring endeavors. They can be employed on an extendable contract basis to perform myriad tasks such as minding your items and money or operating bazaars, just to name a few. Players may hire the services of a retainer at the Drowning Wench-the Adventurers’ Guild’s base of operations-in Limsa Lominsa.

To call upon a retainer, take your character near to one of several summoning bells located in each city-state. Once there, select the Retainer command from the system menu.

*During the Beta Test, employing a retainer will not incur a fee.

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 25 cze 2010, 08:59 
Z nowego Dengeki:
Stats used in Beta

* HP, MP, and TP, which were raised by physical bonus points in the alpha, will now go up automatically.
* Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Mind, Intelligence, and Piety will be raised by physical bonus points.
* Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Water elemental properties will be raised by elemental bonus
* Agility, Charisma, and Luck have been scrapped
* Physical and elemental bonus points will be earned when physical level raises.

Destroying body parts
By damaging or destroying a monster’s body parts or an enemy’s weapon during battle, a few things can happen. In some cases, they will be unable to use certain special attacks, the number of items dropped will increase, or the drop rate for certain items will increase.

Actions must be set to the main- or sub-weapon

* The action bar has been increased to 30 slots. Each action has an action cost which is used when set to the action bar, and even if you still have slots left in your action bar, you cannot go over your action cost.
* Actions must be set to the main- or sub-weapon. For example, phalanx, a move related to the shield, will most likely need to be set to the shield in your sub-weapon slot.
* There are three pages of slots for actions, for a total of 30 slots.
* There is a page of 10 slots for special class characteristics.
* There is a page of 10 slots for crafting abilities.


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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 25 cze 2010, 10:24 
Metamorphosis: Alpha to Beta ... r_embedded


Posty: 96
Dołączył(a): 8.07.2008
PostNapisane: 25 cze 2010, 10:43 
Tych chyba nie było :



Tylko dwie rzeczy są nieskończone: wszechświat i ludzka głupota. Co do tej pierwszej są jednak pewne wątpliwości.....


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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 28 cze 2010, 11:09 
Nie wiem czy ktos juz to postowal ale demo combata w pieknej krainie O_O ... deoId/1766

"Why is it people who can't take advice
always insist on giving it ?" - J. B.

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 28 cze 2010, 12:12 
Bodziu napisał(a):
Nie wiem czy ktos juz to postowal ale demo combata w pieknej krainie O_O ... deoId/1766

Cassopeia Hollow to sie bodajze nazywa. W kazdym razie niedaleko Limsa Lominsa w regionie La Noscea.

Condition and Repair of Equipment

Through the natural course of use, all equipment-weapons, armor, and tools alike-will suffer from deterioration and a decline in effectiveness. At the hands of a skilled blacksmith, however, such equipment can be restored to prime condition.

- Do-It-Yourself Repairs
First, ensure that the proper tool is equipped. From the main menu, access the Item List and then Inventory. Choose the item you wish to restore, then click the Repair button to initiate the process.

- Enlisting the Aid of Other Adventurers
From the main menu, access the Item List and then Inventory. Choose the item you wish to restore, then click the Seek Repair button to initiate the process. You may choose to offer a certain amount of gil or an item as payment for the repair.

- Emergency Repairs
Certain NPCs located in city-states can perform emergency equipment repairs upon request. Be warned, however, that the subsequent quality of equipment repaired in this manner will fall short of those worked upon by honest-to-goodness blacksmiths.


Various game settings can be changed by accessing the Configuration sub-menu. There, players can optimize their play environment by adjusting graphics, sound, camera, and keyboard settings.

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 29 cze 2010, 05:57 

It seems there will be some new classes. Botanist info is there, so its a given, and it says:

During the Beta Test phase, there will be a total of twelve types of arms and tools available

It lists 9 weapons/tools, so there should be at least 2 more classes, maybe DoH ones?


There will be 3 character slots in the beta.

The new Stamina Gauge:

Stamina Gauge
This gauge tells how much time is left before the next action may be executed. Though there are a few exceptions, for the most part all attacks, abilities, weapon skills, and spells require that the stamina gauge be filled to a certain amount. It is possible to execute multiple actions in succession by allowing the stamina gauge to accumulate. Actions performed with the off hand require that the stamina gauge be filled to higher levels.

For certain classes, a secondary stamina gauge will appear when a shield is equipped in the off hand. All shield-related commands will make use of this gauge.

The stamina gauges of the main hand and off hand are entirely independent of one another. Should a character have a shield equipped in their off hand, two stamina gauges will be displayed simultaneously.

Stat points

Characters gain physical levels by accumulating a certain amount of experience points,at which time they will be awarded points that can be distributed as desired to enhance various attributes. Any attribute points you have spent may be redistributed after a certain amount of time has elapsed

Level Cap

Level Cap has been raised to 30 for the beta.

Setting Actions

Actions and traits that a character has acquired can be set for use in the Actions & Traits menu. During the Beta Test phase, up to 30 battle actions, 10 traits, and 10 gathering and synthesis actions can be assigned.

Barring a few class-specific exceptions, actions will be available for use even when using a class different from the one on which the action learned. However, the power and efficacy of each action is determined by its affinity with the character’s active skill.

Changes to Teleporting:

Players can expend anima-their character’s spiritual energy-to instantaneously travel to aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates. Select either the Return or Teleport command in the main menu, and your character will proceed to break his/her body down into the aetheric form needed for teleportation. Upon the conclusion of this 30-second process, you will be transported to your registered destination. Inputting any other command during this time will cancel the action.

At the cost of two anima points,Players can return to their previously set home points at any time by selecting the Return option from the main menu. However, if a player is participating in a levequest, selecting this option at that time will result in teleportation back to the aetheryte crystal or aetherial gate used to activate the quest. The Return command can also be used at no cost while KO’d to revive your character.

By selecting Teleport from the main menu, a player can teleport their entire party to any aetheryte crystal location they have already visited. When one party member uses the Teleport option, a confirmation button will be sent to all other members, allowing them to decide whether or not they also wish to be teleported.
The amount of anima required for teleportation will vary based on the distance to your destination.

*Please note, both the Return and Teleport options can only be used when in passive mode.
*Anima recovers gradually over time up to a maximum of 100 points.

Party Recruitment and Search Options:

Recruiting Party Members
It is possible to recruit adventurers whose skills and objectives are compatible with your own to join your party.

1. From the main menu, select Party and then Recruit.

2. Set your recruitment details and conditions including purpose, location, class, and duration.

Seeking a Party
Individual players can also perform a search for a party that suits their needs and objectives.

1. From the main menu, select Party and then Search.

2. Review the recruitment details and conditions of parties currently recruiting members and select the one you wish to join.

Successful completion of a regional levequest will earn you an amount of faction credits based on your performance, as well as contribute to factional influence over a region. Players can possess a maximum of 200 faction credits which can be exchanged for access to an additional type of levequest known as faction leves.
* You will gradually earn “favor” with your Guardian (10 every twelve Eorzea hours up to a maximum of 200). When this has reached a certain amount, you can petition the god or goddess to bless you with a temporary boost to the development rate of various skills.


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 29 cze 2010, 10:02 
hehe - jakoś mam wrażenie, że te zmiany idą w kierunku "zróbmy to tak jak było w ff11" :)

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 17:38 
Omg :<

FFXIV PC Release Wrzesien 30 (CE 22 Wrzesnia), wersja PS3 Marzec 2011...
Info o collectors edition, abonamencie, kosztach za dodatkowe postacie (ku**a znowu... i to jeszcze drozej jak w 11) i retainerow...


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 17:45 
kurde - ale njus - ciekawe co teraz z ff11...

no i czy ktoś wie czy na id z PC można będzie później grać na PS3 też? (zamiennie).

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 17:46 

MUSTHAVE!!! :lol:


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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 17:48 
Huckster napisał(a):
kurde - ale njus - ciekawe co teraz z ff11...

no i czy ktoś wie czy na id z PC można będzie później grać na PS3 też? (zamiennie).

Tez mnie to pytanie ciekawilo, nawet pisalem, zeby sie zapytali na Japan Expo, ale ktos mi odpisal, ze juz jakis czas temu podali infor, ze bedzie mozna.

Preordery podobno sie pojawia na dniach.

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Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 17:59 
Mule będzie po 1€ więc spoko.

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 18:13 


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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 19:38 
Onion Helm z C-E


I gugle


I reszta:



Posty: 96
Dołączył(a): 8.07.2008
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 20:05 
SE sobie leci w kulki z wersją ps3 :wtf: .... Jak by wyszła miesiąc albo dwa później to ok ale nie pół roku. Fajnie ,że będzie można grać na ID z pc szkoda , że trzeba będzie kupić wersja na dysku BD która będzie po 200zł+.

Co do wersji kolekcjonerskiej to jest świetnie jak na EU. Ciekawe jak wygląda US :)

Tylko dwie rzeczy są nieskończone: wszechświat i ludzka głupota. Co do tej pierwszej są jednak pewne wątpliwości.....


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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 20:17 
SE chyba sie wystraszylo premier darmowego LOTRO i GW2 (tez bez abonamentu).

Z tym placeniem za alty to przegiecie w XI (przez to najdrozsze mmo na rynku), szkoda ze nie odpuscili tego skoku na kase w XIV....


Posty: 1115
Dołączył(a): 27.07.2005
PostNapisane: 30 cze 2010, 21:04 
Z drugiej strony...
Gra ma być łatwiejsza? to by ściągnęło trollki. Jak będzie taki abonament, to przynajmniej jakieś sito się zrobi >>'

Wersja kolekcjonerska jest miodna.

Ciekawe ile będzie mainów, nim gra będzie w 100% (mniej lub bardziej) sprawna. to info dość niespodziewane.

Kicie <3


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