Ja widze, ze nieco więcej polecili

•Bigg's Widescreen mod: Lets you run Planescape at whatever resolution you desire. Warning: If you have existing save files, this will invalidate them, but it does offer an option to update save files to be compatible. Back them up, just in case.
•Ghostdog's UI mod: Turns out, when you run a low-res 2D game at high resolution, the font becomes tiny and unreadable! While the UI as a whole is going to be small and hard to see, with Ghostdog's mod, you can choose to scale the text size up 20% - 120% larger than its normal size. At 1440p, I chose 80%, and the font is readable, but still fairly small.
•Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack: Bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes.
•Qwinn's Unfinished Business patch: Adds content that was cut from the original release.
•Qwinn's PS:T Tweak Pack: some tweaks that make the game a bit more user-friendly with tons of options, like stacking items, making stats easier to understand, adding quicksave, and more. Some options, like disabling battle music or adding rest anywhere, will significantly alter the game experience.
Swoja droga... Divinity, Wiesiek 3, Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity... tylko mieć czas by sobie posiadowe zrobić, chyba urlopy bym musial brac, bo tak to jakos usiasc nie mogę ;]