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Posty: 488
Dołączył(a): 28.03.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 09:07 

Meczycie mnie w grze a tam mi sie nie chce gadac wiec pisze tutaj. Calis prosil zeby podac mu miejsca do quaddowania po 34 lvl.


How & Where to Quad: Levels 34-45 - By Bicrius of Luclin
Greetings!! I am Bicrius, aka "Bic" of Luclin. I am a wizard fanatic and a veteran quad kiter. I spend most of my time questing and goofing off, and only level when I need to... and every wizard knows that the best way to level is through quad kiting. Believe it or not, YOU are one of the best soloing classes in the game because of the wonders of quad kiting. So, with out further delay, I'd like to give my quad kiting advice to other wizards out there who don't know the wonders of quad kiting. This is what I did all the way from 34 through 45:

Necessary spells:
- Bonds of Force
- Circle of Force (researched ae)

Necessary buffs:
- Sow or jboot effect
- Steel skin
- Your best sheilding spell

Helpful extra:
- Staff of temperal flux

Best zone to quad in:
- Eastern Wastes

Quad kiting description:
- In Eastern Wastes, when you're coming down off the bridge from IC, turn right and follow the coast until you hit a tree that's sitting alone on the ledge, a little way past the Coldain Missionary post (loc not available at the monent). That tree is a safespot if you sit at it's base, not mobs should wander close enough to aggro onto you.

- 1. Bind yourself at the tree's base
- 2. Self buff with your best shield and LeatherSkin/SteelSkin
- 3. Spells to have loaded: Harvest, Circle of force, Bonds of Force, Root, Tishan's Clash, you're biggest dd for your level, a smaller dd (inferno shock or frost shock), and a gate to your favorite banking zone... I use Gfay Gate.
- 5. What to pull: You'll be pulling walruses, Ulthork Hunters, and Ulthork Warriors. A note on the Ulthork Warriors- unless you're 39+ you may have trouble finishing them off after the quad, but try it first. If you're 39+ don't bother pulling walruses because you won't get exp from them. If your back is to the ocean and you're at the base of the tree, the Ulthorks and Walruses spawn and wander in a range from directly along the coast to your right to about straight ahead of you in that 90 degree range.
- 6. How to pull (without staff of temperal flux): Run up to get the Ulthork/walrus's attention, the second it aggroes on you MOVE IT and get another to aggro you until you have 4 of them following you. Run toward the Coldain Missionary Outpost... once you're somewhere between the tree and the outpost turn around and wait for your mobs to catch up to you... don't get too far ahead or you'll lose them. Once they're within casting distance, run around them in a large circle and round them up so that they're all close together. You may have to hit F9 a few times so you can get a good angle to see what you're doing... Once you've got them rounded up into ball, run along the coast toward the Missionary Outpost and past it... the coast has no mobs near it, it's safe. Once you've run far enough that you think you can get off Bonds of Force, stop and cast it. If some resist, run ahead and try again, then re-round them up and re-Bonds of Force them. Once you have them snared and following you, run ahead along the coast and cast Circle of Force on them. Repeat Circle of Force until they're all dead. Keep in mind how long since you snared, incase you have to re-snare. Bonds of Force only lasts roughly a minute and a half. If all hell breaks lose and you run out of mana, either gate or run along the coast to the bridge and zone.
- 6. Pulling WITH a staff of temperal flux: Use the same as is stated above, but cast your SoTF on the run to aggro them, and use it as a gadge for casting distance for when you're going to cast Bonds of Force or Circle of Force.

Use root, tishan's clash, and your nukes when necessary for finishing them off at the end. Once you get the hang of this be creative, there are other safe places to pull, and that quad kiting skill will come in handy time and time again...

Good luck wizards of Norrath!! This worked wonders for me, I sold and gave away tons of Velium weapons, Ulthork armor, Walrus tusks, Ulthork tusks, etc... and actually made money doing this. PLUS Ulthorks can drop up to about 5pp each, so killing 4 of them at a time can be quite lucrative.

A final note on Ulthork Tusks- It's wise NOT to sell your Ulthork tusks. They're used for a quest in Cobalt Scar. If you hand 4 of them in at a time to the Otter chief there, he will give you rare gems and Velious quest armor gems... so you'd actually be losing out BIG TIME if you were selling the Ulthork tusks for 30-50pp each rather than doing this quest.

Any questions or other help? Come to Luclin and look me up... the name is Bicrius, my main alt is Dabic.

And if you don't believe it can be done, this is from when I was only 37...


Minimum Level: 34
Maximum Level: 42
Zone Name: Dawnshroud Peaks
Camp Area/LOC: Sanctus Seru zone line
Mob List (HP): Zelniaks (moose), shrooms, lightcrawlers
Availability (1->10): 7
Loot Ranking (1->10): 1
Diff.Ranking (1->10): 5
Faction Affected: None
Other Notes/Tips/Warnings:

Good place to learn to quad. The small zelniaks just north of the sseru zone line are easy and non social. You can spread out to the middle of the zone as you approach 40.

The non social nature of the zelniak tends to make finishing a quad annoying.


Minimum Level: 34
Maximum Level: 42
Zone Name: The Overthere
Camp Area/LOC: West and South sides
Mob List (HP): Sarnaks, Succulant, Cockatrice
Availability (1->10): 6 - depends on pull groups
Loot Ranking (1->10): 3
Diff.Ranking (1->10): 6 - Rhinos/Cats/SoW'd Sarnaks
Faction Affected: Sarnaks
Other Notes/Tips/Warnings

This is a GREAT zone to learn to quad in. The mobs are
plentiful and the spawn times high. The easiest thing
to quad are Sarnaks; start with berzerkers and move up to

Sarnaks - Social; if there's more than 1 they'll chase you forever If there's
only one and it's snared it'll freeze.

Succulants - Non-social; if they're close and low and snared they'll stand still.
These will wander off if you leave a certain radius so keep them close when you're
finishing a quad. Get them all low and the same time and they'll all freeze in
a group giving you an easy finish.

Cockatrice - See Succulants

The main dangers here are the adds. Rhinos and cats are SoW speed. If
you pick one up, dart up a hill/rock and Shadow Step then gate or root it
fast and zone out. There's a ton of wandering mobs as well, so keep your
eyes open.

You can quad along the southern hillside with few wanderers between the FM
zoneline (ledge) and the SE corner. Another great line is along the gorge
running N/S since it's almost devoid of wanderers.

I've found that grabbing a mob then running ahead, invising up and then looking
for more worked great. It kept down the adds until I chose to break invis and the
tagged mobs continued to follow. Only Sarnaks will add on their friends, so it
greatly minimizes your risk while tagging mobs.


Minimum Level: 34
Maximum Level: 42 - 43
Zone Name: Iceclad
Camp Area/LOC: by the Eastern Wastes dragon bridge
Mob List (HP): Dire Wolves, Snow Dervishes
Availability (1->10): 9 (only "competed" for quads once)
Loot Ranking (1->10): 1
Diff.Ranking (1->10): 2 (easy quadding, only real problem is pulling if you've got bad giant faction)
Faction Affected: None
Other Notes/Tips/Warnings: I learned to quad here, and made it my home from 35 to 42. The southwestern side of the EW Bridge island is fairly flat and free of trees, which lets you learn how to wrap pretty well. Just don't get spoiled on the vast, wide-open spaces! There are some nice ice floes way down south you can sit and med on (and practice your fishing, too.) Just don't annoy any turtles you see spinning around down there.

You may have difficulty with your first few pulls if you've already tarnished your giant faction; roaming Frost Giant Scouts will force you to weave and bob as you try to snag that fourth Dire Wolf. Jboots or some form of sow a must. Just remember that safety is just over that bridge!

Beware of the Dire Wolf Stalker, a higher-level wolf than the others which can throw off your quad, and a pack of Kromrif tracking wolves (who appear by the bridge when someone's doing the 8th shawl quest) which will be very very red to you.

Tyle udalo mi sie znalezc ( nie wysilajac sie zbytnio :razz: ). Ludzie pisza jeszcze o drakkel wolfach ( 34 - 39 ) i kodiakach ( 39 - 44 ) w The Great Divide.

Aenimek ty 34 masz dobic grupujac sie w High Hold Keep - to rozkaz :smile:

Hmm co jeszcze, Calis jak nie chcesz drukowac map z to wez kartke i przerysuj odrecznie gdzie sa najwazniejsze punkty, zone`y, loc jak umiesz sie nimi poslugiwac.

Oka to tyle :smile:

- Nukh Elthar
- Warlock on Tarew Marr
- Member of Britannic Lore

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Carnal dnia 2002-12-13 09:09 ]</font>


Posty: 1090
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2001
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 09:19 
off topic

Zostałeś Memberem ???? To moze zaglosuj na mnie co ?? :grin:

Sage Kordian Taciturn
on the Tarew Marr


Posty: 906
Dołączył(a): 21.10.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 09:31 
Meczycie?:> Posiadajac doswiadczenie mozesz od czasu do czasu podzielic sie nim :razz:
W quadowaniu upierdliwe jest tylko ciagle gate'owanie sie do nexusa po sow (nie mowiac o kei bez ktorego pewnie da sie przezyc) Podobno sa jakie butki z sow, da sie je jakos w miare latwo zdobyc?
Dark Elven Wizard

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Calis dnia 2002-12-13 09:50 ]</font>

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Posty: 3420
Dołączył(a): 1.02.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 09:44 
heh on raczej nie ma wielkiego pojecia o quadowaniu za to napewno wie duzo o reverse kitingu...

ja ci tez nie wiele pomoge bo dru zaczyna quadding w zasadzie na 49 bo dopiero wtedy dostaje pbaoe za 499 (o ile mnie pamiec nie myli) i dopiero wtedy jest to cos warte.
Ja na do 50 spokojnie sobie w grupie radzilem.

no i dwa ja nie jestem wiz, macie jednak troche inne spelle, niech Tux wam pomoze...

a sam quadingu uczlem sie w ten sposob ze pullowalem singla i bilem go tym moim pbaoe i patrzylem ile mi many zostnie...
jak zostawalo na gate to medowalem i dawaj 4 a potem to juz z groki.

zasada jest taka ze quadujesz moby z danej rasy (Te same) bo zazwyczaj maja to same tempo marszu. i bijesz wszystko na co pozwala ci twoj manapool.jak to sprawdzic juz pisalem.

ja ci moge podac gdzie sie udac 49+ bo znalalzme naprawde kilka rewelacyjnych miejsc.

"Ja się nie znam, ale chętnie się wypowiem" - Stanisław Tym


Posty: 488
Dołączył(a): 28.03.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 11:25 
Calis, Telu ma racje. Nie mam zbyt duzego doswiadczenia w quaddowaniu ( guess why ? :razz: )

Kordi glosowanie to najmniejszy pikus. To jest tak ze po zgloszeniu sie ladujesz na forum rekrutacyjnym. Poszczegolni czlonkowie wypowiadaja sie na twoj temamt.

Ja zostalem przyjety po 4 raidach. Tzn. to bylo tak ze dostalem invite w czasie Plane of Air raid i po 2h wystapilem z gildii. Uli mial racje ze Ed ( oficer ) to debil. Koles ma podobno 30 lat ale chyba mial przeszczep mozgu bo zachowuje sie jak znerwicowany 10 latek. ( pisze z capsem, fluga itp. ) Wkurwil mnie go to sflugalem i wyszedlem. Przez nastepna godzine zostalem zaspamowany messegami zebym wrocil a tego mlotka na /ignore trzymal. Tak zrobilem i jestem zadowolony :smile:

A co do glosowania to ciagle czekam na login / pass do forum. Cos ten ich webmaster rzadko maila sprawdza :razz:

Lich Nukh
Britannic Lore

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 13:17 
moze niech tuxik sie wypowie :smile:
nuki kiedys oferowales pomoc w zdobyciu
jjbots aktualne? lol:)

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 13:22 
gzie to znalazles nuki?


Posty: 906
Dołączył(a): 21.10.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 13:33 
Pewnie na forum dla wizziow. Jboots? To ja tez jestem chetny:)


Posty: 1090
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2001
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 13:40 
heheheh a ja bede miał SOW'a prywatnego :razz: chociarz akurat Jboots bym sobie chętnie zrobił :grin: orientuje się ktoś ile to kosztuje ?? :grin:

Sage Kordian Taciturn
on the Tarew Marr

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 14:43 
4k kordi


Posty: 488
Dołączył(a): 28.03.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 14:53 
W topicu linki jest ten adres ale niech wam bedzie:

A co jbootow jak uda wam sie dorwac AC to moge pomoc w zabiciu ( sam probowalem na 51 ale po lacznie 15h spedzonych na campowaniu postanowilem zrobic run3 :razz: )

A co do sowa to kupujcie butle z sowem ( 80 - 90 pp za 10 sztuk )

- Nukh Elthar
- Warlock on Tarew Marr
- Member of Britannic Lore

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Carnal dnia 2002-12-13 14:55 ]</font>


Posty: 1090
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2001
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 15:15 
cholera to muszę dorobic jakieś 1,5 K i sobie kupie :grin:

Sage Kordian Taciturn
on the Tarew Marr

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 15:18 
jesli o butch mowa looknijcie


Posty: 488
Dołączył(a): 28.03.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 16:06 
Animke szkoda tylko ze to nie sa "sekrety" :smile: O tym wie prawie kazdy - idz do sro i zobacz te sterty trupow.

Lich Nukh
Britannic Lore

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2002, 19:10 
dzisiaj tam latalem z 2 godziny ale ogladalem giganty red nadal dalmnie ale nie bylo nikogo


Posty: 61
Dołączył(a): 25.01.2002
PostNapisane: 23 gru 2002, 17:57 
Mam 37 alchemy w shamie , wiec nie ma potrzeby kupowac sow potionow na bazarku za 80-90, koszt skladnikow (na 37 skill fizzle sa jeszcze dosc czeste mimo ze trivial) to okolo 40-50pp za 10 charges potion

Ile taki sow trwa to juz inna bajka :razz:

Jak ktos chce to po 50pp z gory za butle i w jakims miescie gdzie jest vendor z ziolami. (SH, FP, Halas(:P) )

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