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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 29 wrz 2010, 15:11 

Q. I have read that there are changes planned to improve the market system, but is there any more specific information available regarding these changes and the direction the market system will take?

A. We have continued to receive copious amounts of feedback regarding changes that players would like to see made to the market system. As a result, we are planning a number of revisions and additions to the system, the first of which are scheduled to be implemented in the next one to two weeks.

Specifically, market wards will be organized according to specific item types, making it easier to consolidate similar items in the same area. Further, if an item sold within a ward corresponds to that wards’ item type, the tax incurred will be reduced. Items not of that ward’s category may still be sold, but the tax imposed will remain the same as it has up until now.

We will be closely monitoring the trends and developments of the market system following the implementation of these revisions and new features, and will continue to make further adjustments and alterations to improve player usability and convenience. For example, we are currently looking into options that will provide players with precise information as to which items are located in which market areas, or the ability to seek out specific items without the need for speaking to retainers, and more.

Also, we are now taking steps to increase the number of retainers that a character is able to simultaneously employ.


Q. What is the deal with the anima regeneration rate?

A. During the Open Beta, anima was recovered at the rate of one point every six hours (Earth time). Since service began last week for owners of the collector’s edition, however, that rate has been adjusted to one point every four hours.


Q. What kind of effects does eating have on my character?

A. Eating food serves to temporarily increase certain stats, such as physical and magic attack power, or attributes, such as strength and dexterity. Also, there are foods and dishes suited more to the palates of certain races than others, resulting in more powerful effects. ... n-updates/


Ostatnio edytowano 1 paź 2010, 13:31 przez Keii, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 29 wrz 2010, 21:37 
Nie no zajebiscie:

- Lista itemow dostepna w danym wardzie
- ulepszenie przegladania retainerow
- 1 anima regen = 1godzina real time (w koncu)

"Why is it people who can't take advice
always insist on giving it ?" - J. B.

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 29 wrz 2010, 21:43 
Bodziu napisał(a):
- 1 anima regen = 1godzina real time (w koncu)

that rate has been adjusted to one point every four hours.

Chyba tu też są "Earth hours".



Posty: 1623
Dołączył(a): 11.10.2006
PostNapisane: 29 wrz 2010, 21:49 
Tak, ale cały dzień można teraz zbierać na wypad w jedną stronę;)

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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 29 wrz 2010, 22:05 
Taa - zle przeczytalem, chyba tak bardzo bym chcial aby bylo co godzine, niestety:
1 anima = 4 godziny :/ Osobiscie uwazam ze to i tak za slabo.

"Why is it people who can't take advice
always insist on giving it ?" - J. B.

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 1 paź 2010, 13:32 
Nowy wywiad:
Q. I haven't been having much success crafting items. What am I doing wrong?
A. The colored, glowing graphics provides players with a large hint toward a successful synthesis. When the glow is white, the synthesis is at its most stable, and the chances of success are high. When the glow takes on a color, however, the chances of success are low. Players seeking simple completion of their synthesis rather than high-quality results should attempt to use the Wait command when the indicator is colored to restore the stability of the synthesis before finishing it.

Q. Is there a trick to synthesizing high-quality items?
A. Though synthesis actions carried out while the colored circle graphic is red suffer a reduced rate of success, they often serve to increase the quality of the synthesis. In addition, the successful execution of consecutive actions also serves to increase quality. Ultimately, the higher the quality of the synthesis process, the more likely it is to yield a high-quality result.

Q. What do the values attached to synthesis materials, such as +1, signify?
A. These values represent bonuses applied to the durability and quality of a synthesis when it is first begun. Unlike increases to quality made during the crafting process, this initial bonus has no bearing on the degree of difficulty of the synthesis. Such bonus materials therefore increase a player's chances at synthesizing high-quality items, without increasing the difficulty of the synthesis.

Q. I am able to choose between using my main hand or off hand tool when beginning a synthesis. What is the difference?
A. Main hand and off hand tools have varying characteristics which manifest themselves in different ways when a high-quality result is achieved while synthesizing. There are many possible outcomes. For instance, a successful synthesis with a main hand tool may result in a +1 or +2 item, while the result obtained with an off hand tool may be a higher yield of regular quality items.

Q. I don't have enough of the crystals I need for synthesis. Is there a way to get more of the certain crystal type I need?
A. Other than looting fresh corpses, crystals can also be obtained through gathering. Further, for Disciples of the Land, allotting elemental bonus points to a certain element will result in a greater likelihood of procuring crystals of that type. Location is another factor to consider, as some places will yield more of certain crystal types than others.

Zminiłem nazwę tematu, bo takie Q&A będą chyba pojawiały się dość często.


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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 1 paź 2010, 14:32 
SE wyjasnia/daje hinty! swiat sie konczy!

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