Jest tego trochę.
- Selecting a slot will restrict the items displayed in the gear list to only those that may be equipped in that slot.
- Mousing over an item will display that item's icon, statistics, and other information.
- The number of items players and retainers may have in their inventory will be increased by twenty.
- It will be possible to create new chat log tabs with unique filter settings from the Chat Filters screen. Tab display will be locked regardless of whether the log is active or inactive.
- Chat filter options will be added for synthesis- and gathering-related messages.
- Pressing Ctrl+R will open a /tell prompt addressed to the last player from whom a /tell was received.
Zmiany w retainerach:
- Simply selecting an item will move that item to a retainer's inventory.
- It will become possible to easily exchange gil with retainers from the new Currency tab.